Sunday, June 26, 2022

What the Gun Debate and the Abortion Debate really have in common. . .

 is overwrought extreme examples being presented as the norm.

If you listen to abortion proponents, every single abortion in the United States is an example of a 13-year-old who is the victim of incest and who will die for certain if the pregnancy progresses.

If you listen to the gun debate, the Battle of Stalingrad is about to bust out in your neighborhood.

Neither of these are even ballpark close to true.

Most abortions in this country are post conception birth control infanticides.  And that's because for the most part responsibility has flown out the window with the Sexual Revolution, which at the end of the day was mostly about men being able to have sex without consequences.  That altered women back to chattel status, which they bought into, and still are, feeling they have to put out upon demand, as its natural and weird, they believe, not to, and there are no consequences.

You've never seen a pregnant centerfold now, have you. And those girls on the cover of Cosmo. . . stick thin.

And in spite of a recent, probably pandemic induced uptick in crime, this is the least violent era, and most crime free era, in American history. 

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