Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Let's grossly overreact.

I used to like Robert Reich, the economist, but after following him for a while on Twitter, that's less and less the case every day.

For one thing, Mr. Reich draws some economic conclusions that are extremely strained.  He blames inflation nearly 100% on high corporate profits.  Whatever you think of high corporate profits, that thesis is demonstrable BS.

Additionally, Mr. Reich is so hardcore left wing that there's no left wing position he doesn't agree with adamantly.  Anyone who agrees 100% with the left or right isn't really giving much analysis to anything.

And then there's stuff like this.

Robert Reich
In 1951, I was cast as Baby Jesus in my school's Christmas show. As a 5-year-old boy from Jewish family, I felt lost and vulnerable. Today, after SCOTUS' ruling in favor of the football coach who led his players in prayer, I feel it all over again.
When I was Baby Jesus
Listen now (3 min) | Today's Supreme Court's decision

I read that opinion, and what the case dealt with is the coach praying on the field after games by himself.  Not leading his players in prayer during games.  I didn't give it a really in depth read, I'll confess, as I just wanted to see the holding, but basically it dealt with an individual's right to pray wherever he wanted, not with a teacher or coach leading anyone in prayer.

Whatever Reich experienced in 1951 isn't the issue here.

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