Saturday, June 4, 2022

Sunday, June 4 1922. Fred and Ida Goldstein's Marriage.

Today In Wyoming's History: June 41922  Legendary Wyoming oilman and philanthropist Fred Goldstein married Ida Goldberg in Denver.  Goldstein is an example of how a lack of education was not a bar to success in his era.  He only attended school through grade 8 before going to work in American Pipe & Supply, his father's company, in Denver.  This would lead to a career which would make him enormously financially successful and which would also have a dramatic impact on Casper, where he ultimately relocated to direct the company's activities there.

As a slight addition, Goldstein's visage is captured in the Casper Wyoming gateway statute, "Man Made Energy", which depicts a collection of burly oilfield roughnecks working on the floor of an old style rotary rig.  The faces are those of local oilmen.  The monument's always been a bit controversial, and it's likely that Goldstein wouldn't have really approved.

Also, for those curious about a Sunday marriage, Goldstein was Jewish, so the wedding would not have been the Saturday one that most American weddings are.

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