Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Contempt for the Constituton and Democracy.

Those now filing lawsuits, or indicating that they'll ignore the Dobbs ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, or simply being vulgar in their criticism of the Supreme Court due to it, are part and parcel with the Trumpites declaring the election was stolen.

There's no difference.

Both groups show a contempt for the Constitution and strongly anti-democratic views when their own pet causes fail.

Indeed, I've maintained that the trip to January 6, 2021, started with the Supreme Court handing down Roe v. Wade and Obergefel made it inevitable.   In both instances, the court acted extra judicially and showed contempt for the Constitution itself.  The American political left, post Roe, came to believe it could force the United States to become what it wanted it to become, and where the people would not go on their own, and were amazingly successful in doing so. That contempt for democracy spawned an antidemocratic reaction that felt it was entitled to view the left as enemies of the Republic, as they wished to be anti-republican.

And here we are, now living in a much liberalized nation that the political left forced us to become, but with two warring camps that both have contempt for the rule of law, the Constitution, and democracy.

Make no mistake, every screaming protester, every vapid entertainer, every politician, and every pundit decrying Dobbs, which simply returns the issue to the states, and actually isn't a really conservative opinion at all, confirms to those on the hard right that they're engaged in a true struggle outside of the courts and voting booth, as clearly their left wing opponents, for all their expressed concern for the rule of law and democracy, don't really mean it.

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