Thursday, January 20, 2022

Friday, January 20, 1922. Things automotive.

The New York Times published a cartoon regarding the rising phenomenon of auto fatalities.  Auto fatalities were particularly severe in the early history of automobiles as all the drivers were new drivers and the vehicles were not anywhere near being "safe" by modern standards, nostalgia about older cars notwithstanding.

Lithuania abolished titles of nobility, and the death penalty.

At first, it was widely assumed that the post World War One states would follow the historical European pattern and all become constitutional monarchies, which some in fact did.  Not all, however, followed this path, with Finland, the Baltic States, and Poland providing such examples.

Pope Benedict XV was reported to be gravely ill.

Harry Burt applied for a patent on the process for the Good Humor Bar, as well as on the item itself.

Good Humor sales truck.

Early on, the ice cream product was widely distributed directly through "sales cars".

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