Saturday, September 26, 2020

The unwelcome guests. . .

For some reason, the Democratic party is uniquely plagued by people who just won't go away.

Now, for this to make sense, it's not just like the Minnesota Long Goodbye.  No, these are more like people who showed up an hour into a private party, noted that they weren't invited, and loudly declare that you must have forgotten not to invite them.  How could you not, they're they life of the party?

After looking over, and complaining about, the cheese tray, the pick up four or five bottles of beer from the iced sink of beer, proclaim them all pedestrian, and then open your refrigerator to look for the bottles of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Romanée-Conti Grand Cru they're sure you have as a good host.  You don't, so they settle for opening the bottle of pedestrian Chianti you were saving for a Sunday Italian dinner, opening it without asking.  After that, they spend the rest of the evening loudly dominating the conversation on topics that nobody else wants to talk about, until all the guests go home and they fall asleep on the couch after spilling garlic cheese dip all over their clothes. . . and the couch.

Hillary Clinton is one such person.

She's showing up on all the news shows.  The Biden/Harris campaign must cringe every time she does.

And she's starting a podcast. . . just the focus on a Democrat that Biden and Harris really need.

Not only that, but wherever Hillary goes, Monica Lewinsky isn't far behind.  Lewinsky's moment in the sun came for being involved in an icky tryst with Bill Clinton.  But that's over.  We don't bother Bill about that anymore, and we don't want to hear from Monica about it either.  Indeed, following the wake of the times, she's' gone from dimwit paramour to abused victim of the patriarchy in her presentation, when in reality the whole thing was two people of dubious personal morality meeting up in the wrong place and time.  At least it's not as bad as the stuff Kennedy was up to.

Hillary.  Go home.  

Monica, don't get out of your car.

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