Saturday, September 12, 2020

September 12, 1920. A Restoration

Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church at the point of its reunification, Dimitrije Pavlović 

On this date in 1920, the Serbian Orthodox Church was reunified after a long period of separation due to its members being in various empires.  The aftermath of World War One changed that situation.  The church is the second oldest Slavic Orthodox Church, second only in that status to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.  The church today has over 8,000,000 members, mostly in Serbia, and is one of the Eastern Orthodox Churches in communion with Constantinople.

Residents of Cheyenne were disappointed by the failure of the mail plane to arrive, which was front page news.  The headline seemed to blame the failure on an errant pilot, but it was engine trouble in Utah that caused the delay.

Movie goers on this date were apparently up for a massive serving of turgid.

The Restless Sex follows the story of a young adventurous woman who is in love with her step brother, whom she grew up with, and whom she's been in love with since her youth, until he travels afar, and she's pursued by another.

Plot spoiler.

The step brother wins.

Hmmmm. . . . 

Movie goes who may have been pondering the "ick" quality of Restless also had the option of seeing Homespun Folks, also released on this date.

In that one a young lawyer makes good by getting the position of district attorney only to be accused of murder.


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