Friday, January 17, 2020

January 17, 1920. And then the entire nation was dry forever. . .

or so it seemed.

The Wyoming State Tribune, which was united with the rest of the press in seeing Prohibition as a great advance, counselled that eternal vigilance would be necessary to keep the nation dry.

An article in Colliers already used the term "moonshine" in connection with bootleg liquor, and featured this illustration with a young boy confronting "Revenues".


Sheryl said...

I always enjoy seeing the actual front pages of hundred-year-old newspapers. It's interesting how the stories were somewhat positive about prohibition as it kicked in. I also enjoyed reading some of the other stories - including the one about "Influenza Cases Not Alarming." This would have been about the year since the epidemic started.

Pat, Marcus & Alexis said...

Yes, looking back the papers were big boosters of Prohibition. They likely don't recall that history.