Thursday, January 2, 2020

Did you work January 1?

Laborer working a press, January 1, 1920.

Yesterday was a Wednesday, but I didn't post a Mid Week At Work item because it was a holiday.

But I did go out to see if I could find a parts store open so that I could buy oil to change the oil in my truck, as it was overdue.  I found that all the chain stores were open, so I spent my day doing that.

When I say I spent my day, I mean it.  I haven't changed my own oil for awhile so I couldn't find a tool I needed and had to go to the store twice.  And it was a cold day and the 3500 won't fit all the way into the garage, so it was a project.  I bought a fuel filter too, but I'd forgotten that getting to the 3500's fuel filter is nearly impossible, so I didn't change that, even though I have the water in the fuel system light on.  Chances are a I have a loose connection.

Anyhow, so I spent the day doing something that I thought would take me just half a day, which was a disappointment, but probably not as much of one for people who worked a full day.

Did you work?

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