Saturday, January 4, 2020

A note on yesterday's camel image

Yesterday, we published this:

Lex Anteinternet: January 3, 1920. A Roaring Start:

January 3, 1920. A Roaring Start

1920 was certainly off to a "roaring" start.

The image was cross posted on Reddit's 100 Years Ago subreddit, where I learned that the camel, which was baffling me, is the symbol of the Prohibition Party.

I had no idea.

The party still exists.

It's an interesting party and slightly reminds me of the American Solidarity Party in that it takes positions from the left and the right.  It's "liberal" on its environmental positions, for example, and "conservative" on social issues.  It still runs a presidential candidate for every Presidential election, but since 1976, it's received less than 10,000 votes per year.  It peaked in the 1904 Election when it received 260,000 votes.

It's nominees for the 2020 Presidential Election were determined in a telephone conference, which shows how small it is.  Phil Collins of Nevada and Billie Joe Parker of Georgia are their Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates.

Camels, it should be noted, are never thirsty in the popular imagination.

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