Sunday, December 8, 2019

December 8, 1919. Wars averted and freezing in the dark.

The protocol the Germans were asked to accept due to their failure to fully comply with the provisions of the Versailles Treaty was modified, including taking out a use of force provision.

Resumed war, or quasi war, or at least military occupation of/with German, was thereby averted.

Meanwhile, President Wilson told Senator Fall to pound sand over a resolution that would have required the United States to sever diplomatic relations with Mexico over the recent Jenkins affair.

It's really debatable if such a resolution was constitutional.  Congress doesn't set diplomatic policy, the President does, and Congress' ability to do a thing like that would have been questionable at best.

And the coal shortage was so bad that it looked like Laramie was going to freeze in the dark on New Year's Eve.

And it'd be a dry New Years at that.

It was in fact already happening, with the restrictions that had been put in place.  And Laramie's notoriously cold weather was already present.

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