Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Ten Years?

Lex Anteinternet: Lex Anteinternet?: The Consolidated Royalty Building, where I work, back when it was new. What the heck is this blog about? The intent of this blog i...
Maybe even a little longer, as this blog was at first a highly inactive blog while I had a couple of others.  Indeed, I've wiped out versions of this blog at least twice, or rather other blogs that represent what this one became.

But it's likely ten, as this one was formed very early on, and indeed may have been the first one formed. At that time, as noted above, it was to aid in the writing of a novel.  The novel is still unfinished, and risks never being finished, even though I still intend to.  In the meantime, due to another one of my blogs, I did write and complete a book on Wyoming's history.

This month I'll also enter my 29th year of practicing law, and in fact my association with where I work goes back thirty years in the form of my first legal job, which morphed into my permanent legal job about a year later. In the interval my second legal job, the only other one I've ever had, in the minor form of being employed to write a paper with a professor that was published in a law journal, occurred. So in that sense, this month commences my 30th year in the profession I currently occupy, or I should say one of the two professions I currently occupy. It is of course the profession that I shall occupy until retirement, should I live so long, assuming I retire, which few lawyers that I know do.  Prior dreams of entering the judiciary are now slaves to the passage of time, where they'll accordingly remain dreams unfulfilled.  A path not taken not because of a choice not to do so, but because fate burned the bridge before I could cross it, that in fact being the fate of the majority of people who contemplate that career, and therefore being a fate that cannot be lamented.

The lack of progress on the book can probably be lamented, however, at least by me.  It may have to wait until the aforementioned retirement.  At least I'm not making much progress on it, other than in my mind, where I write almost everything that I write long before I commit it to the visible form.  So perhaps in that sense, there is progress.

Certainly this blog has made it much improved.  I know a lot more about the era its set in than I did before. And it's been fascinating indeed.

I've enjoyed this blog.  I hope have as well, and are continuing to.

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