Saturday, November 18, 2017

Lex Anteinternet: MUGABE FALLS! ZIMBABWEAN ARMY STAGES COUP. Or maybe it sort of kind of does.

Lex Anteinternet: MUGABE FALLS! ZIMBABWEAN ARMY STAGES COUP: The Zimbabwean Army deposed Robert Mugabe, a horrible human being and one of the worst leaders in Sub Saharan Africa. Mugabe epitomize...
Like a scene out of Monty Python.

Oh, I was always hoping for too much. Zimbabwe is barely a real country to start with, and with no real democratic history or even a history of a national government to look back up.  It's not like, say Romania, which prior to its long Marxist nightmare was a series of governments, not all of which were very admirable by any means, but they were real anyhow.

Or maybe that's a bad example. . . or a good one in this context in that it would serve as a bad example.  One of those Romanian governments was pretty fascistic.  And during World War Two Romania went berserk in regards to its Jewish population.  Not very admirable, to say the least.

But, whatever the case may be, when the Communist fell in Romania, they fell.  Not like what we have going on in Zimbabwe where the Marxist geriatric is hanging on refusing to leave like the Black Knight in Monty Python while the Army refuses to push him.  And I probably shouldn't have supposed they would. Today's Zimbabwean army is really the heir to one of the two communist guerilla armies of the Bush War period, not a real national army, in spite of the attempt to make it one, that we might wish for.  The army pushing out Mugabe would be asking for too much, even though they're attempting to do so.  They're according him way too much respect.

Which isn't to say that I want more blood spilled in an already bloody land. But I'd be for trying Mugabe for his crimes against his nation.   He richly deserve the judgment in fact that history will ultimately give him.

But instead his hold on his nation lingers on even in a deposed state, as his cold "comrades" negotiate for him to gracefully leave.

A trip on Air Koryo anyone?

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