Sunday, September 2, 2018

Labor Day, 1918.

This was Labor Day for 1918.

In at least Casper and Cheyenne parades were held, something we don't see locally for Labor Day at all anymore. The Casper parade had been the subject of some controversy earlier in the week when bar men had indicated that they would not participate given the sentiments in favor of prohibition, which seems like sort of a self defeating act.  Emphasizing that, the Anti Saloon League indicated that they'd take the place of the owners of dram shops in the parade.

Finding more out about the local parades that year is actually pretty difficult.  The war news dominated to near exclusion the front pages of the papers. Additionally, the Wyoming State Fair was just about to commence and it was a huge deal at the time.  So what happened, overall, we don't know.

Labor Day here now sees no real community events.  For years the Democratic Party held a large rally/picnic in a central downtown park (perhaps it still does) for what they then called Jefferson Jackson Day, but the party isn't keen on claiming Andrew Jackson as one of their own anymore and it feels somewhat queasy about Thomas Jefferson for that matter, given the details of his 18th Century Southern planter domestic life.  If they are holding such a party this year, I haven't seen anything published about it to date so maybe it doesn't even occur.

Is the day observed where you reside?

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