Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Mid Week At Work: How to Retire in Your 30s With $1 Million in the Bank

How to Retire in Your 30s With $1 Million in the Bank

Which is exactly what the individuals who are the subject of this article did.

It's interesting how  this article reads. There's a subtle "what a bunch of slackers" tone to it. But there's a lot to consider here.

And it interestingly comes at the same time that there's been some press on how Baby Boomers of the Woodstock Generation were converted into the Reagan Republicans of the late 70s and the 1980s.  That same generation now routinely complains about Millenials who don't have the same fanatic level of devotion to work.

There may be some real changes going on.  This article is interesting, but they're basically spending down their principal by eating their interest, once the impact of inflation is considered.  That may very well not work out long term.

But I hope that it does.

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