Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday Farming: Women Farmers Band Together To Vent, Seek Support And Exchange Ideas

Women Farmers Band Together To Vent, Seek Support And Exchange Ideas 

Interesting article.

Almost as interesting is the collection of mean snarky comments that follow.

As an observation, it's also interesting to note that the comments on what would generally be regarded as erudite news sources, including the better known major newspapers, are every bit as nasty, egocentric and snarky as on any other source.  Go to the New York Times, for example, and you'll find a collection of self assured snots commenting on news articles as if they possess all the knowledge on the planet.  Same, on occasion, with NPR comments.

It's deflating.  The "liberal" end of the upper echelon readers of American media likes to imagine the conservative mass sources as being silly howling cartoons, but their comments aren't much different.  A person has to presume that most of the thoughtful readers on both ends of the spectrum simply do not comment.

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