Showing posts with label Best Posts of the Week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best Posts of the Week. Show all posts

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Best Posts of the Week of February 18, 2024.

The best posts of the week of February 18, 2024.

Friday, February 18, 1944. Operation Jericho and Operation Hailstorm

Major Gale "Buck" Cleven

Bloody 287

I've traveled it countless times myself, that stretch of highway between Laramie and Ft. Collins.

It's not a great road.

Yesterday, three UW swimmers were killed in a single-vehicle crash on U.S. 287 in northern Colorado.  Two more were injured.  They were 18, 19, and 21.

In September of 2001, eight members of UW’s cross-country team were killed in a two-vehicle collision south of Laramie on U.S. 287 near Tie Siding.

In September 2010, UW football player Ruben Narcisse, 19, of Miami, Florida, was killed on U.S. 287 six miles south of the Wyoming state line after the driver of the vehicle he was a passenger in fell asleep. That one, I guess, you can't blame on the road.

Seems like something should be done.


Governor Gordon Issues Statement Following Fatal Car Accident Involving University of Wyoming Swimmers

CHEYENNE, Wyo. –   Governor Mark Gordon has issued the following statement after learning of a single-vehicle car accident that claimed the lives of three members of the University of Wyoming swim team on Thursday on U.S. 287 in northern Colorado.

“I am heartbroken to learn of the tragic deaths of three University of Wyoming student athletes in a motor vehicle accident on US 287 in Colorado. Jennie and I join the entire university community and all of Wyoming in mourning this loss, and we ask you to keep their families, friends and loved ones close to your hearts during this difficult time.”

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Best Posts of the Week of February 11, 2024.

The best post of the week of February 11, 2024.

The Vietnamese lunar new year was noted.

The legislature went into a budget session and promptly disposed of a lot of populist bills.

It was a week in which Ukraine, now cutoff from ongoing aid due to "Republicans" in the House holding up aid to a democratic state, under orders of their Putinophile Donald Trump, lost a city, while the "stable genius with a really good brain" claimed New York would be abandoned in the wake of his civil conviction for fraud. It might, or might not, be looked back as the week that put an end to the Trumps as a business entity, and maybe even his campaign for office.

We took a look at illegal immigrants, and who they are.

A Russian opposition leader died in a gulag, one of many opponents of Putin to go to early deaths.

We took a look at a Chinese American pilot.

And we wondered Thai American Senator Tammy Duckworth isn't replacing Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket.

Illegal Immigration. Part I. Who are they?

Why isn't anyone suggesting that Tammy Duckworth replace Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket?

I'm not endorsing Duckworth, and I'm sure she has left of center opinions that I have problems with, but there's no earthly way that a guy with contempt for veterans and whose views toward women appears rather, well whatever, could handle a smart, female combat veteran, like Tammy Duckworth.

Fifty-five years old, lost her legs in combat, Asian American, PhD, and a mother.  She's the anti-Elise Stefanik.

Trump and his supporters couldn't handle her, and Trump would insult every single veteran, Asian American and woman in the country within 12 hours.


Last Prior Edition:

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Best Posts of the Week of Feburary 4, 2024

The best posts of the week of February 4, 2024.

There was an absurd amount of posts thsi week, but then, in some ways, it was an absurd week.

Blog Mirror: 1924 Menus for Meatless Meals

Sort of a trip down memory lane on this one, given as I can recall this event:

Churches of the West: Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, Casper Wyoming

I continue to be baffled by how Americans can seriously be getting ready to reelect this guy to office:

Age was a theme this week, both on the blog, and in the news.  I think this, in a way, is part of that:

How many of us feel:

Immigration has been much in the news, as it looked like both sides were ready to quit using the topic as a political football and actually do something, only to have the GOP take orders from Trump to preserve it as an issue.

Whether that turns out to be a fumble or not, only time will tell.

Tucker Carlson, a "news" figure whose popularity baffles me, went to Russia to interview Putin, whom Trump loves, and therefore his acolytes likewise love.  Carlson should just stay there. Maybe Putin can get him a job in the Russian army.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Best Posts of the Week of January 21, 2024

The best posts of January 21, 2024.

On being blisteringly dense and contra-natural

Pretty Nose. 1851-1952.

She fought at Little Big Horn.

Nimitz Beach, O'ahu Hawaii.

Nimitz Beach, O'ahu Hawaii.