Showing posts with label Albania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Albania. Show all posts

Monday, November 8, 2021

Tuesday November 8, 1921. Dignatary.

Crow Chief Plenty Coups, (b circa 1908), a Crow leaders since 1876 when he was 28 years old, was back East in order to serve as the Native American representative at the upcoming dedication of the Tomb of the Unknowns.

The US Austrian peace treaty came into effect, officially ending the state of war between the US and Austria.  On the same day, Yugoslavian troops advanced into Albanian territory.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

April 20, 1941. Reversals in the Balkans.


Jubilant crowed in Skopje caring portraits of Bulgarian Tsar Boris III and Adolph Hitler.  Macedonia had a significant Bulgarian minority and Bulgarian troops occupied much of it during the war.  Given this, the region was at first sympathetic to the Axis in the form of Bulgaria.  Tsar Boris was a popular figure in Bulgaria who did not live to see the war completed.  He participated in the repression of his country's Jewish population but he would not agree to deportation to the death camps, nor would he agree to participate in the war against the Soviet Union.  He died in 1943 shortly after meeting with Hitler and some have suspected he was poisoned.

Things were not going well for the Allies in the Balkans.  

On this day Albania surrendered to Italy, something that was perhaps inevitable but which is remarkable not for occurring, but for how long Albania was able to manage to avoid that result.  It had held out with Greek support until the German intervention in the war reversed Greek and Albanian fortunes in the region.  Also on this day the Greek III Army Corps surrendered to the Germans.

The British did conduct a successful commando raid at Bardia, behind German lines in North Africa, causing the Germans to have to detail troops to their rear.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

January 10, 1941. War Materials.

The Germans ordered the registration of all Jews in the Netherlands take place on this day in 1941.

In the United States, the Lend Lease Act passed Congress.

The bill was premised on the thesis that the United States had, or could build, war materials that it could then loan to the Allied powers. This was a big step towards war and that was appreciated at the time.  Lending a person a gun in a fight is pretty close to being in the fight yourself.  The act acknowledged that the Allies, and at that time particularly the British, were struggling to keep themselves supplied with weapons in their fight against the Germans and Italians, but of course the act would soon apply to the USSR as well.

Related to the problems of supply, the Royal Navy launched Operation Excess in the Mediterranean.  The effort was a supply effort for forces on Malta and Greece. The Royal Navy encountered the Luftwaffe for the first time in the operation.

HMS Illustrious.

During the operation the HMS Illustrious was damaged by a Ju87, Stuka dive bomber, attack.  We tend not to think of the Stuka engaging ships in World War Two, but this gives us an early instance of that occurring.   The Illustrious was defended by Fairey Fulmars, a combination fighter and reconnaissance aircraft, which did engage the Stukas during their second run, but largely unsuccessfully.

Fulmars on the Illustrious.

The Fulmar itself was frankly not a great plane, but it reflected the state of Royal Navy aviation at the time.  The Royal Navy had a lot of ships, with some of them being very modern, and some not, but their aviation was not as advanced either technologically or conceptually as the United States' or Japan's at the time.

In spite of the successful Luftwaffe attack the convoy run was successful and no British ships were lost. The Italians, however, lost the Vega, a torpedo ship, which was destroyed in a surface engagement.  Of her 128 crewmembers, only 6 survived.

More on this can be read about here:

10 January 1941: Luftwaffe Swoops on Convoy – Illustrious an Inferno

The British effort reflected the fact that fighting was going on in Greece and Malta was threatened.  This is important, however, in that the Italians were getting beat by the Greeks, a fact that was altering Germany's tactical thinking.  On this day Greek forces took Kilsura Pass in Albania.  Albania had been invaded by Italy in April, 1939, for reasons that would only make sense to fascist Italy.  Now Greece was advancing into Albania.

Greek troops at Kilsura Pass.

More on the events of World War Two on this day can be read here:

And here:

And in the United States, preparation for the coming war continued.

Hanger under construction on this day at Alaska's Ft Wainright.  B17 in the foreground.

On the same day, Arsenic and Old Lace premiered on Broadway.

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact Invade Czechoslovakia. August 20, 1968.

Czechs with their flag walking past a burning Warsaw Pact tank. 

On this day in 1968 the Warsaw Pact nations invaded Czechoslovakia.

The action commenced very late in the day, at 11:00 p.m. to be precise, and featured an armored invasion by forces from the Soviet Union, Poland, East Germany, Bulgaria and Hungary.  The total combined Warsaw Pact forces totaled 500,000 troops, the same number of men that the United States committed to Vietnam at the height of the Vietnam War.  It was not a small operation.

The Czechs had not prepared for the invasion and the government quickly called on its citizenry to not resist, a call that wasn't fully headed.  In part the Czechs were of the view that resistance was futile, which explains a lack of preparation, but they had also assumed that they would not be invaded by fellow Communist countries, a naive assumption.  Having said that, Romania, Yugoslavia an Albania refused to participate.  Indeed, the invasion was denounced by Romania on the day it occurred and Albania reacted by withdrawing from the Warsaw Pact.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thursday, September 10, 1914. Germans on the retreat.

The German Army retreated from Verdun to the Aisne.

French soldiers resting at Marne, which was ongoing on this date a century ago.  Note their antiquated uniform colors.   This is an original color photograph, not colorized.

British cavalry reached the city of Leuven, Belgium.

Rebel forces captured Durrës, capital of Albania.

Last edition:

Wednesday, September 9, 1914. Germany loses World War One.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Thursday, September 3, 1914. Pope Benedict XV starts his reign.

Giacomo della Chiesa became Pope Benedict XV, the 258th Pope.

His papacy would be short, ending upon his death in 1922.  He had to endure the disaster of the First World War and its aftermath, including the Anglo Irish War and Irish Civil War.

Prince William of Albania left he country after a mere six months on the throne.  He was a Prussian by birth and was really a remnant of an earlier era, a Lutheran monarch in the Balkans making no sense whatsoever.   Having said that, he refused to throw Albania into the Great War as an Austro Hungarian vassal.

He returned to Germany and served in the German Army during World War One under a pseudonym, as his reign had not officially terminated.  That termination came in 1925, but when Albania was reestablished as as monarch in 1928, the former Prime Minister becoming its Islamic King, he attempted to be declared the king, which had been his title inside of Albania.

He'd been a pre war Imperial German officer, so that made sense, but oddly he relocated after the Great War to Romania, where he died in 1945.

The Russians exploited Austro Hungarian gaps at the Battle of Rawa.

French composer Lucien Denis Gabriel Albéric Magnard died defending his property from the Germans.  His actions made him a hero in France, but the actions truly would have made him a francs-tireurs.

Sioux County, North Dakota was established.

Last edition:

Friday, September 2, 1914. Staging for Tsingtao.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Sunday, July 26, 1914. Running guns.

The United Kingdom's offer to mediate the point of pride crisis between Austro Hungaria, Germany, Serbia and Russia was rejected by Germany and Russia.

Mary Spring Rice and Molly Childers aboard the Childeres yacht Asgard during the deluded Howth gun-running

Erskine Childers and Molly Childers landed over 1,000 firearm's into Ireland from Childer's yacht.  The event resulted in gunfire and bayonet prods upon Irish Volunteers.

The rifles were obsolete G71s.  Had they been deployed in combat, they would have been hopelessly obsolete.

The Albanian Assembly of Delvino was dissolved.

And so Europe hurtled towards war.  Continental Europe over a point of pride and who Seriba should be aligned to. Great Britain on who Ulster should be loyal to.

The Catholic The Cathedral of the Incarnation in Nashville, Tennessee was opened to the public.

Philippe Thys won the 12th /Tour de France.

Last edition:

Saturday, July 25, 1914. Austro Hungaria mobilizes.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Sunday, July 12, 1914. Mehmedbašić arrested.

Muhamed Mehmedbašić, whom is generally forgotten, was apprehended for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.  He was one of the principal planner of the killing plot.  A Muslim, he lived a complicated life supporting Serbian independence. 

Mehmedbašić in 1943.

He escaped from prison two days later in circumstances that remain suspicious, remained involved, perhaps, in various movements, and was killed by the Ustaše in 1943, showing perhaps that he remained a significant figure in some ways.

Albanian rebels captured Berat.

Shots were fired at the homes of striking miners in Hartford, Arkansas, causing them to riot thereafter.

Last edition:

Saturday, July 11, 1914. Babe Ruth premiers, as does the USS Nevada.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sunday, May 17, 1914. Trouble on Wrangel.

Outdoor Mass, Washington D.C., May 17, 1914.

Geologist George Malloch of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, stranded on Wrangel Island, died from nephritis after eating bad pemmican. Bjarne Mamen was stricken with the same disease and was too ill to bury him. 

This would not be addressed for several days, as Cpt. Robert Bartlett had ordered the men to spread their camps out to increase their hunting odds while stranded.

Albania recognized tiny Northern Epirus as a self-governing region under the Principality of Albania.

Meanwhile, rebels surrounded Shijak, Albania.

The Canadian Northern Railway acquired the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway.

Last prior edition:

Saturday, May 16, 1914. Álvaro Obregón's takes Tepic.