Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sunday, May 17, 1914. Trouble on Wrangel.

Outdoor Mass, Washington D.C., May 17, 1914.

Geologist George Malloch of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, stranded on Wrangel Island, died from nephritis after eating bad pemmican. Bjarne Mamen was stricken with the same disease and was too ill to bury him. 

This would not be addressed for several days, as Cpt. Robert Bartlett had ordered the men to spread their camps out to increase their hunting odds while stranded.

Albania recognized tiny Northern Epirus as a self-governing region under the Principality of Albania.

Meanwhile, rebels surrounded Shijak, Albania.

The Canadian Northern Railway acquired the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway.

Last prior edition:

Saturday, May 16, 1914. Álvaro Obregón's takes Tepic.

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