Thursday, December 26, 2024

We should worry.



Dementia is a loss of brain function that occurs with certain diseases. It affects one or more brain functions such as memory, thinking, language, judgment, or behavior. Dementia may also be referred to as major neurocognitive disorder.

Penn Medicine 

Something truly isn't right here.


David said...

Have you seen the current president?

Pat, Marcus & Alexis said...

Yes, but I'd submit that replacing one octogenarian suffering from dementia with a near octogenarian who seems to be developing it is not really a sound decision. Unfortunately the myth of a binary choice in American politics operated to put two bad choices before the voters, with the parties only agreeing on the idea that no matter what voters did, they must not look at any other options. If nothing else, this past election has demonstrated a desperate need for electoral reform so that some sounder choices can be made.