Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Denmark boosts Greenland's defenses.

Greenland's defenses are being boosted, something that Denmark claims is coincidental, but which comes hard on the heels of soon to be octogenarian president elect Donald Trump making sounds about the United States "needing" it, which is complete baloney and likely further evidence of his inability to contain his mental wonderings in the face of the onset, most likely, of dementia.

$1.5B in U.S. Dollars are to be spent, a major amount.

Expenditures will include two extra dog sled teams, two more inspection ships, two more long-range drones, two extra dog sled teams, funding for more staffing at Artic Command in Nuuk, and upgrades to airports.

Danish Defence Minister Troels Lund Poulsen claimed the timing of the announcement is an "irony of fate" and was something that needed to be done for a long time.

On Greenland, it's worth noting that the US has a base there, Pituffik Space Base, which was an Air Force base before the Trump dribble the Space Farce was created.  Anyhow, the base, controlled by the absurdly named Space Base Delta 1, is there, but could just as easily be taken over by an adult nation, such as Canada, Denmark itself, or Norway.  Denmark and Greenland really ought to serve notice to the US that the US can move out on inauguration day.

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