Thursday, June 20, 2024

Tuesday, June 20, 1944. End of the Battle of the Philippine Sea.

The Imperial Japanese aircraft carrier Hiyō sunk after fuel vapors ignited from previous damage caused by USS Belleau Wood's aircraft. 

Japanese losses stood at three aircraft carriers, two oilers and about 600 aircraft.

1st Lt. Donald E. Mittelstaedt of Missoula, Montana, is officer in charge of a combat assignment photo unit, of the 161st Signal Photo Co., on New Britain.

British Minister of Production Oliver Lyttelton created a controversy in his address to the American Chamber of Commerce in London when he went off script and stated:

Japan was provoked into attacking the Americans at Pearl Harbor. It is a travesty on history to ever say that America was forced into the war. Everyone knows where American sympathies were. It is incorrect to say that America was ever truly neutral even before America came into the war on an all-out fighting basis.

Secretary of State Cordell Hull immediately condemned the speech.

The weather remained bad in the English

Pvt. William L. Hatcher, of Scranton, SC, amuses a little French orphan by letting him wear his garrison cap. 20 June, 1944.

Channel, creating havoc for Allied shipping.

American lines slowly advanced, with the Germans seemingly withdrawing to join the Cherbourg defensive lines.  The 7th American Corps entered the city.  US forces found a partially constructed V-2 launching site near Sottevast.

A V-2 rocket, in a test flight, entered outer space and then returned, being the first man made object to enter space.

The Pope addressed the British 8th Army.



Tuesday, 20 June 1944

It is a real joy for Us to welcome you all here within the very home of the common Father of Christendom. God has willed that We should be the Vicar of Christ on earth at a period of human history, when the world is filled as never before with weeping and suffering and distress unmeasured; and you know very well how Our paternal heart has at times been almost overwhelmed by the sorrows of Our children. You are of those children, and We have prayed for you. Your presence naturally recalls to Our mind the very pleasant days We once had the privilege of passing in the great capital of the British Empire; but it also summons up other memories, memories of those heroes of the Faith, St. Edward and St. Thomas a Becket, St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, who shed a supreme and unfading glory on your country. To their protection We commend you all. You know only too well the dangers and uncertainties of life in war. One thing make certain: keep always and everywhere close to God. This grace We beg for you through the intercession of those loyal, saintly sons of Mother Church and of your loved England, while with Our heart's affection We bless you and all your dear ones at home.

The Red Army captured Vilpuri.

The Lithuanian Security Police murdered 37 mostly Polish residents of Glitiškės.

TWA Flight 277 en route from Newfoundland to Washington, D.C. crashed in Maine, killing all seven on board.

Last prior edition:

June 19, 1944. The Battle of the Philippine Sea, day one. The Marianas Turkey Shoot.

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