Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sunday, June 25, 1944. The Battle of Tali–Ihantala commences.

The Battle of Tali–Ihantala, the largest battle ever fought by Nordic nations, commenced between Finland and the Soviet Union.

The battle followed a continued series of contacts between Finland and the USSR about Finland leaving the war.  On June 21 the Finish government asked for peace conditions.  The reply came on June 23 which demanded a signed statement from Finland that it was ready to surrender as a precondition for talks. The Finns rejected this.  The day prior to that, German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop demanded that Finland would promise that it would continue to fight as a precondition for ongoing military support, which Finland gave.  The Soviet offensive commenced today, even as recent events had shown that Finnish resistance to Red Army attacks was strengthening.

"Combat engineers kneel in prayer at a Sunday mass conducted by Chaplain (1st Lt.) Paul J. McGovern, Boston, Mass., former pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Danvers, Mass. The first American cemetery to be constructed in France is in the center background." 

U.S. and Royal Navy ships bombarded shore fortifications at Cherbourg.

Operation Martlet, the initial stage of Operation Epsom, a British operation to take Caen, commenced.  60,000 Canadian and British troops  were involved in the assault against the 12th SS Panzer Hitlerjugend Division.

As a matter of pure trivia, the German Tiger tank in the movie Kelly's Heroes bears the insignia of the 12th SS Panzer Division.

The Battle of Osuchy began in Poland between German forces and the Polish resistance.

The U-269 was sunk off of Torquay by the HMS Bickerton.

Last prior edition:

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