Sunday, June 30, 2024

Monday, June 30, 1924. Teapot Grand Jury comes in.

The chips were falling in the Teapot Dome Scandal.

President Álvaro Obregón of Mexico announced that Mexico was suspending further payments to the International Committee of Bankers on Mexico (ICBM), abrogating the De la Huerta–Lamont Treaty of 1922.

Calvin Coolidge Jr, age 16, played a tennis match at hte White House in which he wore shoes, but no socks, causing him to have a toe blister.

Now, that wouldn't matter.

Then, as events will show, it did.

Dutch Jewish poet Jacob Israël de Haan was assassinated in Jerusalem by the Avraham Tehomi who was acting upon  orders from the Haganah.  Israël de Haan was opposed to Zionism and had friendly contacts with Arab leaders.

Last edition:

Saturday, June 28, 1924. Retrograde.

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