Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday Morning Scene: The Cafeteria.


An interesting article:

President Biden as a Scandal to the Faith

Given the political tone that is sometimes expressed here, people would be entitled to believe that I'm a real Biden fan.

I am not.

I am, rather, horrified by Donald Trump.

As an observant Catholic, I do not think I can vote for Biden in good conscience for the reason pointed out here.  Indeed, it might even be sinful in my situation, something which is aided by the fact that I live in a region that's so ignorantly supportive of Trump and Trumpism, that the state is going to vote for Trump no matter what.  Therefore, I have absolute license to vote for a third party, and will likely vote for the candidates from the American Solidarity Party.

At the same time, I'd note, those Evangelicals and American Protestant (and Catholic) Christians who repeatedly cite Donald Trump as some sort of Christian prophet recalling the Old Testament Jewish Prophets are being stunningly blind to his horrific personal conduct.  I can't think of a single real Jewish or Christian saintly or prophetic figure who lived the life of Donald Trump. Even his wealth alone would risk the camel ejecting him trying to go through the eye of the needle, but his conduct towars women and people in general. . . well it speaks for itself

And hence the real danger to people of faith, and indeed to people's mortal souls.  Biden and Trump are reflections in the mirror.  Americans don't want things hard, they want them easy.  That means they dislike the things they don't personally engage in and excuse the things they do, whatever those may be for various individuals. On the left, and frankly on the right, that's sex with absolute license, the only difference being at what stage a person is entitled to murder your offspring.  On the left, which accuses the right of being sex obsessed, it's license to be sex obsessed in every conceivable fashion.  On the right its become turning a blind eye to a lot as well, just of a largely more conventional nature.

Today thousands of American Christians will claim to observe the Lord's Day in some fashion.  A lot of them will not be striving to enter the narrow gate, but rather they'll be assuming they can drive a double wide trailer of personal license through a really wide one.

Our current leaders are partial examples of why we believe that.

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