Sunday, May 26, 2024

Friday, May 26, 1944. Striking out for the airbases.

It was my father's 15th birthday.

Because everyone who would know is now dead, I'm not entirely sure of the timeline, so his birthday may have been observed in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, or Casper, Wyoming.   I think Casper is more likely.

A major Japanese offensive was launched in China against American airbases in the southeast of the country.  Around 620,000 Japanese troops were involved in the action.

The British 10th Corps captured Roccasecca; the Canadian 1st Corps captured San Giovanni and reached the Liri River; the US 2nd Corps reached Priverno.

The U-541 stopped the Portuguese liner Serpa Pinto, which was carrying Jewish refugees to Canada.  387 passengers were removed from the boat, but nine hours later allowed back on board, all but two spending that time in lifeboats.  Three died in the event, including a 16-month-old baby.

German submariners have been glorified in the West, but in reality they were often ardent Nazis.

While establishing it with certainty has not been done, William H. Calbreath, age 93, died. The coal dealer was reputedly the model for the Cream of Wheat cook that was its marketing logo for many years.

Sarah Sundin has a lot of interesting things about today in World War Two on her blog, including the advance on Rome and staging for D-Day: Today in World War II History—May 26, 1944

Last prior edition:

Thursday, May 25, 1944. Japanese victory at Henan, Operation Rösselsprung in Yugoslavia, Breakthrough at Anzio.

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