Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Sunday, May 21, 1944. The West Loch Disaster.


The West Loch Disaster, caused by a mortar round detonating on LST-353 in Pearl Harbor, resulted in 163 men being killed and six LST's sinking.

LST 480 today.  Photo by Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Jessica O. Blackwell.

Negative assemblers T/5 William Robertson, 19121160, Sig C, of Los Angeles, Ca., and T/5 Robert Christensen, 17069147, Sig C, of Ogden, Iowa, preparing developed negatives for printing.

The U453 was sunk in the Ionian Sea by the Royal Navy.

Last prior edition:

Saturday, May 20, 1944. Dismantling a V-2

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