Saturday, December 16, 2023

Thursday, December 16, 1943. The murder of Elfriede Scholz.

Elfriede Scholz, sister of novelist Erich Maria Remarque, was beheaded for "undermining the war effort" by refusing to renounce her brother.

Her brother was a refugee in the United States due to his anti-war and anti-Nazi views.  She was an outspoken anti-Nazi in her own right.

The Stars and Stripes, December 16, 1943:

Note that the Sergeant is carrying, in Mauldin's depiction, a M1903 Springfield.

The cartoon was a comedic depiction of conditions in Italy.

She also notes that the RAF lost 29 returning Lancaster bombers in landings in fog on this day, the worst RAF accident loss of the war.

The U-73 was sunk by the U.S. Navy off of Oran, Algeria.

Crash of FM1, Bu# 46789, on flight deck of USS Manila Bay, December 16, 1943.

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