Monday, December 11, 2023

Saturday, December 11, 1943. Dawn of the drones.

Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, head of OKW, ordered that V1 rocket attacks commence on London on January 15, 1944, a remarkable order in that the V1 was not yet in production.

The "buzz bomb" was a jet engined drone in modern terms and frankly a fairly brilliant, if imprecise, and therefore immoral, weapon.

In Italy, the US 5th Army offensive was grinding down ineffectively.

Sylvester and Tweety appeared in a new release:

The meaning of some things has changed over time.

Sinatra on Armed Forces Radio Network in 1944.

Frank Sinatra was classified as 4F in the draft ("Registrant not acceptable for military service") due to his perforated eardrum. Army records, however, reveal that Sinatra was actually rejected as "not acceptable material from a psychiatric viewpoint" due this emotional instability, but this was kept private in that more gentle era as to not cause him public distress.

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