Friday, October 6, 2023

Wednesday, October 6, 1943. The last Japanese naval victory and the second Posen speech.

Himmler reprised his prior day by giving the second of his Posen speeches, in which he stated:

The question will be asked: 'What about women and children?' I did not consider myself entitled to exterminate the men, to kill them or have them killed, and then allow their children to grow up to revenge themselves on our own sons and grandsons. The painful decision had to be taken, to remove this people from the face of the earth...

The Battle of Vella Lavella commenced, in which six U.S. Navy destroyers intercepted nine Imperial Japanese destroyers sent to evacuate troops from New Georgia.  Regarded as the last Japanese naval victory of World War Two, each side lost two vessels but the Japanese were able to complete the withdrawal of troops.

USS Selfridge after the battle and USS O'Bannon.  The O'Bannon was damaged in a collision during the action.  They were both repaired and put back ino action.

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