Sunday, September 17, 2023

Friday, September 17, 1943. Breaking out.

The 5th Army, after having struggled to retain a beachhead at Salerno, began to advance out of it.

Some members of the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) rebelled in Villefranche-de-Rouergue. The rebellion failed as most of its members did not join the uprising and it was subsequently put down, resulting in the deaths of 150 rebels and the capture and eventual execution of the revolt's leaders.

In Yugoslavia, A British liaison team arrived to meet with Tito.

German Army General Walther von Seydlitz-Kurzbach, a prisoner of the Soviets, and head of the Bund Deutscher Offiziere, the League of German Officers, that was formed from German officer POWsproposed a German unit within the Red Army to include over 30,000 men.  The proposal was never taken seriously, and in fact was wildly optimistic.  The Soviets mostly used the offer for propaganda purposes.

Changing sides after his capture at Stalingrad, Seydlitz-Kurzbach was nonetheless tried by the Soviets for war crimes in 1950, having already naturally been tried in abstentia by the Germans during the war.  He was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment, but in 1955 he was released to West Germany, where he was a pariah to his former colleagues.  The Bundeswehr refused to restore his rank for retirement and also refused to grant him a pension.  He died in 1976 at age 87.

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