Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A room full of toddlers.

The Canadian Speaker of the House of Commons praised a person in the audience, a Ukrainian, for fighting the Russians.

It turned out that the Ukrainian had fought the Russians in World War Two in a unit allied with the SS, which is horrible, and they were horrible.

The Speaker, however, was likely unaware of that, and said it out of inexcusable ignorance.

He's now resigning.

Marjorie Taylor Greene remains in the House of Representatives after having once said that Californian forest fires might be due to Jewish Space Lasers.  She also once compared something to the "gazpacho", apparently meaning the Gestapo.

The only recently divorced Lauren Boebert of Colorado was just videoed allowing a date to grope a boob in public.  This after cheerfully revealing her son's impregnation of a teenage girlfriend.

A certain Senator Menéndez won't resign, even after being allegedly involved in a pretty shocking monetary scandal.

Donald Trump, a serial polygamist, is under multiple indictments and still running for the Oval Office.

Canada must feel like it's trapped in a North American room full of toddlers.

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