Sunday, October 16, 2022

Friday, October 16, 1942. Reaching out towards Vichy.

The Allies agree on Operation Flagpole, the clandestine meeting of Allied officers with Vichy officers in North Africa in order to attempt to explore their cooperation in advance of Operation Torch.  The meeting would take place a few days later and secure the cooperation of significant elements of the Vichy forces.  The principal Allied delegee was Mark Clark, and the principal Vichy one, Charles Mast.

Charles Mast.

This showed the degree to which it was already known that officers in the French military had think loyalty to Vichy, which was the legal government of the country, and were ready, depending upon the circumstances, to switch sides, even while the French had been fairly consistently fighting the British in one location or another in Africa since the fall of France.

The Allies also started to form a commission to investigate war crimes.

A cyclone hit the Bay of Bengal, causing very heavy damage, and setting the region up for famine the following year.

Mighty Mouse debuted in The Mouse of Tomorrow.

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