Thursday, October 13, 2022

Friday, October 13, 1922. Release of the last German POW held by the French from World War One.

France released the last German Prisoner of War that it had been holding from the Great War.

I wish I had more details on this, such as who he was, and what became of him.

France also founded the Colony of Niger on this day.  France controlled the territory used to form the colony long before this, but had not organized it into a political entity until this date.

Niger would remain loyal to Vichy until its collapse during the Second World War.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a tragic portion of the planet.

I spent time in Burkina Faso in 2018 and found refugia of wildlife still very much intact in the country's southeast. Within a year, the situation was utterly blighted by terrorism of one stripe or another. If anything, the conditions have deteriorated nationwide even more precipitously, to the verge of total anarchy. For one who had come to love a country, it has been like seeing a candle guttering out.

Sheridan, WY