Monday, February 7, 2022

Satiurday, February 7, 1942. No more new cars.


Today In Wyoming's History: February 7: 1942  1942   The federal government ordered passenger car production stopped and converted to wartime purposes.
This has been mentioned here before, but the official order went down on this day.

This happened in the middle of a styling change, with newer model cars becoming increasingly streamlined.  The trend would pick up again right after the war.   Cars were, for a lack of a better way to put it, becoming more modern.

The US established the War Shipping Administration.

It's interesting that a lot of these acts occurred on weekends, showing that at this point the U.S. Government was basically working seven days a week.

As it was a Saturday, the Saturday magazines were out.  On the Saturday Evening Post Rockwell's Willie Gillis appeared, getting the attention of two young women while also trying to enjoy a plate of non Army food.

The Philadelphia Courier, in response to a letter to the editor by a black man wondering if he should bother to fight for the United States given racial prejudice in the country, launched the Double V Campaign, a campaign for victory abroad and racial justice at home.

The Afrika Korps halted its counteroffensive in Libya today due to logistical reasons, having retaken nearly all the ground that had been gained by the British in 1941 in a fraction of the time that it had taken them to do it.

Vidkun Quisling, the German installed dictator of Norway, abolished the Norwegian constitution.

A Soviet offensive to relieve Leningrad stalls out.

The FBI, aided by local sheriffs, raided "Japanese owned" farms in the Palos Verdes area for contraband and found none.

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