Sunday, April 25, 2021

April 25, 1921. Famous visitors

Elsa Einstein, Albert Einstein, and President Harding.  Elsa and Albert Einstein were fairly newly married at this time, having been married in 1919 following Albert's divorce from his first wife.  They were not only related by marriage, but by blood, as their mothers were sisters and their father's first cousins, a circumstances that would have prohibited their marriage in most, if not all, US states.

On this day in 1921, Albert Einstein and his wife Elsa visited President Harding.  Einstein was suddenly famous following the fairly recent eclipse which went to support his general theory of relativity.

The Japanese government voted against a resolution to allow women to participate in political parties.

Communist in Fiume staged a coup after losing an election there.

The Allied Reparations Commission demanded that Germany pay 1,000,000 Marks in gold to France by April 30.

Nebraska prohibited anyone who was not a U.S. citizen or resident alien from owning property in the state.

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