Friday, November 13, 2020

The Casualty of the Dress Code and COVID 19

I participated in a deposition by Zoom the other day.

I've been doing a lot of those since March.  And during that time I've watched the lawyer dress code, which was suffering in the first instance, decline and simply fade away.  I'm not sure that it'll ever actually come back.

When I was first practicing law, if you went to a deposition, you wore a tie, assuming that you were male.  Usually a coat of some kind, like a sports coat, as well. Over the last decade that's really been dropping off.  I found that I was often the only one dressed in that fashion.

Now, however, I'm seeing for the first time lawyers wearing t-shirts on Zoom depos.  I guess if you aren't leaving your house due to COVID 19. . . well, why dress up?  

It's really been remarkable.

And I'm not sure, really, in a good way.

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