Monday, April 6, 2020

April 6, 1920. Contests.

"At Walter Reed Hospital today the American Forestry Assn planted a memorial tree for the American Legion Post 21. Photo shows Mrs Walter Reed widow of the famous Physician for whom the hospital is named planting the tree which is the first of its kind to be enrolled on the honor roll".  April 6, 1920.

An event that started off as a deluded monarchist plot against the Germans Socialist democracy ended up brining, on this day, a French occupation of portions of the Ruhr while, as the same time, the Reichswehr was fighting in some Ruhr cities.

Anyone should have been able to see that a monarchist coup would bring a Communist revolution, but the plotters hadn't.  Now, not only had they brought regions of Germany back into civil war, they'd brought on a treaty entitled invasion of Germany's most industrial region.

On the same day, the Soviets agreed to the creation of a Far Eastern Republic, a rump state on the Russian Pacific Coast that was seen as a buffer state, with no real independence, between the Soviet Union and Japan, and hence a means of bringing to an end the ongoing strife with the Japanese who remained in the region as part of what had been the Allied mission to Russia.

The republic would last about two years before being absorbed into the Soviet Union.

In the American primary elections, Herbert Hoover, who had announced as a Republican candidate for the Presidency, took fourth place in the GOP contest in Michigan but first place in the Democratic contest there.  Hiram Johnson of California took the state for the GOP.  Johnson had been Theodore Roosevelt's Progressive Party Vice Presidential running mate.

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