Monday, February 17, 2020

Giving up on the print edition

When the local paper moved to a location 150 miles away for printing, I knew that there's be delivery disruptions. . .


The paper insisted they'd be rare.  But that was optomistic.

This winter has proven me quite correct.  There's been a lot of days when the paper simply didn't make it here.

And if it didn't make it here, I can only imagine what it must be like in areas to the north of here.  After all, there's more or less a straight shot between the city of publication and the city, ours, whose name appears on their masthead.

And its become very expensive.

As a subscriber, I'm entitled to use their on line version, but I haven't liked it. Or I thought I didn't.

But then I learned just the other day, from a friend who only subscribes to the on line version and reads it on an Ipad, that in actually a setting allowed it to appear larger.

Well, that version gets here reliably, electronically, every day.

And its cheaper.

So, with some reluctance, I'm going to go with that next time my subscription comes up.

Which frankly seems to me to make the paper less viable long term.  But with the expense, and frequent road closures, well. . .

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