Friday, November 15, 2019

November 15, 1919. Near Beer.

Norman Rockwell's portrayal of rural children playing graced the November 17, 1919, cover of the Country Gentleman.

On this day in 1919, Budweiser announced what it was going to do with its brew now that Prohibition was coming on.

Beyond light beer, as it were.

Currently there's actually a growing selection on non alcoholic beers on the market, at least a couple of which are of such good quality that they rival their alcoholic fellows.  Heiniken and St. Pauli Girl, for example, are both as good as their regular product.  There's a prejudice against them, but for people who like the taste of beer but don't necessarily want the alcohol in them, they're a growing viable choice.

Actress Ruth Gordon was photographed on this day sporting one of the affectation's of her time, a monocle.

Monocles are frankly bizarre, but they were a popular mid 20th Century affectation.  Originally designed to be sort of a handy reading glass for people who didn't otherwise need glasses, by this period they were being worn in this fashion.  In reality, if you need corrective lenses, this option is just silly. Wear glasses.

Gordon was an established actress by this date.  She'd been acting since 1915 and would continue to act until 1987.  While a serious actress, many may remember her for her late role in Any Which Way But Loose.  This photograph was taken prior to her undergoing a radical treatment for bow leggedness, which she had her entire life, which was to break the legs and reset them. That was done in December 1920.

Gordon's long career is unusual and so is the fact that she survived what could have been a scandal.  Her first husband, actor Gregory Kelly, died of heart disease at age 36 and two years later she became pregnant by way of an affair with producer Jed Harris.  She lived with Harris and their son for several years out of wedlock, which was amazingly kept secret and when revealed did not operate to destroy her career.  The relationship ultimately failed and she married Garson Kanin, a fellow actor, who was 18 years her junior. They remained married until her death in 1985.

On this day, the Doctor in Gasoline Alley came around to pretty much the same decision I have.

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