Sunday, October 13, 2019

Blog Mirror: OLOBEDIENCE, and thoughts on sacrifice.

Catholic Stuff You Should Know ran this episode back in August:


The topic is the departure of Father Michael O'Laughlin, then of Holy Protection Byzantine Catholic Church in Denver, for a new parish in California, to which he'd been assigned by his Bishop.

The discussion is the radical nature of obedience which Priests are heir to, and quite frankly, while in the modern world they seem not to realize it, to which Catholics in general are also heir to.  In the podcast, and in our minds in general, Priests are necessarily the topic of this to a greater degree, as they give up so much for their vocations.

But then, in pondering it, it struck me.  This may be a real difference between those who retain fealty to their faiths in general and the modern secular world, and it may moreover be a marked difference between the world today and the way the world once was, not all that long ago.  And in that, as scriptures note, we gained in what we lost, in former days, and in the modern world, through our secular concepts of gain, we're massively losing a lot.


*That's not a typo, it's sort of pun.  Father O'Laughlin is called "Olo" by his companions.

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