Wednesday, October 4, 2017

I don't post political links on Facebook. . . 

except, perhaps, on very rare occasion and limited, as far as I can recall, to attending the public lands rallies last summer.   And I suppose I "like" some pages that are on that topic. So I guess I do.

But it's not a constant stream.

Originally Facebook, I guess, was to allow certain distant people to follow each other.  At some point, and that some point was no doubt quite early on, that changed to where people started posting their political and social views often through links.

I'll do that here, to be sure, but then this is a different type of forum.  I don't do that, except as noted, on Facebook.  But it's gotten so bad on Facebook in some instances that I can identify who has posted the link simply by looking at the item linked in.  This may show, I suspect, how shallow American discourse on some topics has really become.  Or maybe it shows how shallow it always was, but it wasn't so obvious.

I have some friends who are radically Republican.  I mean radically.  And they're pro Trump to the he can do no wrong level.  Others, conversely, hate him.  I have one liberal friend who is obviously a massively unhappy person who is radically left wing, radically opposed to the Republicans and radically opposed to Christianity.  Indeed, while I know I shouldn't, I can't help but think of her a bit in the context of the tragedy that just occurred in which its' now been repeated that the shooter "didn't have any interest in any of that stuff".  And they wonder why he was a killer?  At least in my experience, people who are opposed, and that's what it seems they really are, opposed, to an afterlife are bitter to the point of at least suggested violence in about half the cases.

Some of my friends post their religious views constantly as well.  I'm less critical of that, as that's a deeper part of a person's personality, but here too I can tell who they are (as would make sense) simply by the post.  If a post is going after Pope Francis, it's one person.  If its a link to a Mark Shea column, it's another.  If its sort of generic Protestant, well that's another.  And if its Mormon, I know right away who it is.

Well, I guess that's all okay, or at least the latter part is.  But the former, where people flood Facebook with the "100% Red Blooded Trump For Life" site, or the "Good Timing Karl Marx Communism Ain't Dead. . . It's Just Resting Its Eyes" site, well. . . folks ought to reconsider that a bit.  Or at least ponder things a bit more deeply on occasion.

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