Monday, June 1, 2015

Visiting the battlefield

 "Last Stand Hill", Little Big Horn.

You can't understand a battlefield, really, unless you've visited it. You certainly can't as a writer, anyhow.

Now that's a dispiritiing thing for a writer to admit, but it's quite true.  You just can't.  Yet some try to do it.
 Fetterman Fight battleground.

Relatively recently work took me on a trip which put me within easy driving range of a very famous Civil War battlefield.  I'd read about it many times before, but I'd never seen it.  Quite a shock to actually see the field, it wasn't really what I'd expected, even after having read the books, seen it depicted in film, and having reviewed the maps many times.  Seeing, I realized what a desperate confusing affair it was, and what the overall conditions must have been like.

Likewise, there's several Indian Wars battlefields I'm quite familiar with, and several of those are repeatedly written about, not always very intelligently.  The prime example of that would be the Battle of the Little Big Horn, which is oddly subject to a lot of discussion about "why did this happen?".  Well, visit the battlefield and what happened is pretty obvious.

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