Monday, October 3, 2011

No, that doesn't sound nifty to me.

Two nights ago my son answered the phone, and it was a solicitor from a hotel outfit. Somewhere during business travel I stayed at one of their hotels, and I must have enrolled in their program to get some pricing advantage.

Of course, it was some sort of time sales sales pitch.  I listened through the babble about going to Hawaii, when suddenly that deal disappeared, and the offer was for Orlando Florida.

Now, here I should note that I'm no doubt a tele solicitors worst nightmare.  I usually won't even listen to the pitch, and I'm such a contrarian that the conventional arguments they have are completely lost on my.  For example:

Q.  Now sir, how much would you  normally pay to go to Orlando?

A.  Um, I don't know. . .

Q. Well sir, when was the last time you were there?

A.  Um, five years ago.

Q.  Well, it's changed a lot, would you like to go back?

A.  No.

Q.  Um, why not.

A.  Why would I?

Q.  Well, there's a lot to do, what did you do last time?

A.  Worked.

Q. Well, it's time to go to play. . .you'd like to do that, right!

A.  No.

Q.  Why not.

A.  There's nothing there I want to do.

Q. Well, certainly you'd like to go to the local amusement facilities. . .

A.  No I wouldn't.

Q.  Well your family would, right, don't you think your family deserves that?

A.  They deserve a vacation, that's for sure, but that's not anything I'm interested in taking them to.

Ultimately I hung up.

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