Sunday, August 14, 2022

The 2022 Election Part X. The start of the Primary Election

Early primary voting in Wyoming has commenced.

The big race, but certainly not the only one, is the Republican race for the U.S. House of Representatives.  In that context, it's hard to get over this spectacle here.

June 30, 2022

Wyoming Republican House Debate:

A fairly well done synopsis of things:

That race, as viewers can see, pits incumbent Liz Cheney against challengers Anthony Bouchard, Robyn Balinskey, Denton Knapp and Harriet Hageman.  Having said that, it's well known that the race is really between Hageman and Cheney.

The Democratic race features Lynette Gray Bull against Meghan R. Jensen and Steve Helling. Gray Bull was the Democratic candidate last time and almost certainly will be again.

Casey Hardison is running as a doomed independent.

Here's the other races.

  • Governor's Race.

Republicans for the Governor's Office.

Mark Gordon:  Gordon is the incumbent.  He's going to get the nomination, and he's going to win the General Election.

Harold Bjork.  Who Bjork isn't really clear, but he's started a Facebook and internet campaign for Governor.

Brent Bien:  A challenger from the right.

Bien in this race, like Knapp is the Congressional race, is a retired military officer.  Knapp was in the Army and retired as a colonel, Bien was a Marine Corps aviator.

I have nothing against the military at all, but I'm really baffled by the concept that people who were in government service so long that they could retire from it know anything about how regular businesses operate.  I note that as Knapp and Bien both are basically in the position of having known the government as their primary employer while coming in and claiming that they're going to reign in the government.

Rex Rammell:  Rammell is a perennial and unelectable candidate who ran last time and will again.  His views can be characterized as being on the fringe right/libertarian side.  His signs have a more fossil fuel theme to them, which raises the question of how the State of Wyoming could conceivably do anything more than it current is to promote fossil fuels.

Democrats for the Governor's Office.

Rex Wilde: Wilde previously ran for the Senate as a Democrat and has no chance.

Theresa Livingston:  Livingston previously ran for the State Senate and stands no chance.

  • Secretary of State

Republicans for Secretary of State.

Dan Dockstader.  He's a longstanding member of the Legislature who stands a good chance due to that service.

Tara Nethercott:  Also a member of the Legislature.  Nethercott has not been in the legislature long, but she was the subject of misogynistic attacks last session, which she weathered well. She also stands a good chance.

Chuck Gray:  Also a member of the legislature who has been frequently in the news due to his far right populist positions.  Gray clearly has his sights set on higher office and probably views this as a stepping stone.  His earlier attempt to replace Cheney drew little support.

Mark Armstrong:  Former candidate for the U.S. Senate.  His run for Senate drew very little support, and his run for Secretary of State will fail.

Democrats for Secretary of State

Pathetically, none.

State Auditor

Kriti Racines. She's the incumbent and the only one running.  She's effectively won the race at this point, absent something bizarre occurring.

  • Superintendent of Public Instruction
Republicans for Superintendent of Public Instruction.

This race is also newsworthy as the incumbent, Brian Schroeder, is generally regarded as the least bad of the three names that were submitted to Governor Gordon when the prior occupant stood down.

Brian Schroeder. Schroeder is the presumptive nominee.

Megan Degenfelder.  She has an education background but who has been working in the petroleum industry, announced for Superintendent of Public Education.

She was once employed as the department's Chief Policy Officer.

Thomas Kelly:  Kelly was one of the three finalists who was not chosen for this office by Governor Gordon.

Jennifer Zerba:  Zerba announced late. She's from Casper and is an education professional, which is all I know about her.

Robert J. White.  White is from Rock Springs, which is all I know about him.

Democrats for Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Sergio Maldonado:  Maldonado is a longtime figure in Fremont County politics and is, I believe, also an enrolled member of one of the Wind River tribes.

July 7, 2022

In a major shakeup in the Secretary of State race, Dan Dockstader has dropped out and endorsed Tara Nethercott.

Nethercott received a warm endorsement from Dockstader.  She's the only one of the three candidates who isn't maintaining the 2020 election was stolen.

Dockstader indicated he had been in contact with Nethercott before dropping out, and to some extent his decision has the appearance of a very sober analysis of the seriousness of this race, and the risk that their two campaigns would give the race to Gray. Armstrong is such an outsider that he has no real chance.  

Dockstander is a long serving politician and is President of the Senate.  Nethercott is a lawyer, like the current occupant of the position, Buchanan.  The office itself deals with a lot of day to day business matters, but it also deals with elections, and across the United States, Secretary of State positions have been targeted by Trump loyalist who claim the election was stolen. There's a real fear that this move is intentional and part of an effort to nullify elections in the future.  Gray, who is a Wharten School of Business graduate, like Trump, but who has had a career in radio since graduating that institution, working in a family owned radio station, has participated in the stolen election myth by becoming involved in the Arizona circus over the same thing, something that has nothing to do with Wyoming at all.  Given all of this, the race is now taking on an outsized importance.

July 11, 2022

Congressman Cheney's new advertisement puts in sharp focus the Constitutional issue that has become the center of her campaign.

July 16, 2022

Poll results show Hageman with a commanding lead over Cheney. Well-placed rumor mill information holds the same thing.

July 23, 2022

Rex Rammell, who has no chance whatsoever of being elected Governor, announced that Dr. Taylor Haynes, a previously failed gubernatorial candidate, shall act as his senior advisor if he's elected, which he won't be.

July 24, 2022

A poll found Governor Gordon to be tied with the Governor of Vermont for most popular governor in the United States.

July 27, 2022

Texas Senator Ted Cruz endorsed Harriet Hageman.

In his endorsement, he referred to her as "Constitution loving", which is ironic in that the Wyoming election, as Cruz well knows, is principally over whether Donald Trump should have been given a second minority vote Presidency via coup, based on the lie that he won the election, and facilitated by urging the Vice President to exceed his authority.  Cruz, who barely hung on to his seat in his last election, has embraced Trump heavily as well, and is probably contemplating another run for the Oval Office himself should Trump not do so.

Candidate for Secretary of State Chuck Grey is taking a similar approach to that election and is sponsoring a viewing of the discredited 2,000 Mules in Douglas.

All of which gets into a couple of recent posts regarding this election that we posted the other day.

July 28, 2022

PBS will broadcast a debate of the gubernatorial candidates tonight, at 7:00 p.m.  The debate is being hosted by Casper College.

July 28, 2022

I forgot it was on, and haven't viewed it yet, but this race is basically over already.  Gordon will win.

The highlight of the news on the debate was gadfly candidate Rex Rammell's claim that Brent Bien, recently retired Marine Corps officer, should drop out of the race as Rammell apparently thinks he doesn't qualify as a resident. Bien maintains that he maintained his Wyoming residency the entire time he was in the Marine Corps, which he would be legally entitled to do. That resulted in a Rammell spokesman stating:

It’s rich that Rex Rammell talks about being a westerner. Brent was born and raised in Wyoming and served his country honorably. While Brent was serving our country and protecting freedom, Rex Rammell was poaching elk and carpetbagging his way into Wyoming. He made it clear tonight that he has disdain for our military and service to the country.

I don't support Bien, but I am glad to see somebody take a shot at Rammell's past, which I don't fully recall.  Rammell came here from Idaho.  He later told the Trib that he's concerned that he and Bien are going to split the vote, which need not be a concern of his as he has no chance of winning whatsoever.  Neither does Bien.


Since I posted this morning, I listened to and viewed the debate while doing my regular morning routine.  For the most part, I found it really unremarkable, as their positions are all much more aligned than not.  A big difference was that for many questions two challenging Gordon acknowledged a problem as a problem, without offering any solutions, and Gordon tended to note what he had done, which was often sponsoring a group to study it.  Nobody was really willing to deal with any existential problems that will impact the state no matter what, although Gordon did a better job of creeping up on answer those questions.

Rammell did a good job of not appearing too far off in the stratosphere until the end, when he dove off on his arresting Federal officers promises, which is downright goofy and illegal.  He also tried to camouflage that he's not originally from Wyoming which lead, at the end, to his attack on Bien whom he claims, wrongfully, to be in eligible to run as he was out of the state in the Marine Corps. Attacking a veteran for his service is really foolish, to say the least.

Rammell also lashed himself to Taylor Haynes, who is originally not from here either, which was odd.  So you have two figures who are not from here attacking somebody who is, but who served in the Marine Corps.  For that matter, he attacked Gordon for being born in New York, which is truly basically an accident of birth as Gordon is a Wyomingite.

No matter anyhow, Gordon has already won  this race.

August 3, 2022

Former Wyoming Secretary of State has filed charges with the Federal Government against Chuck Gray allegeing that loans that Gray reported as self funding were not the same.  This pertains to his run for House of Representatives, which he abandoned when it drew little support and which Harriet Hageman effectively put an end to.

The charges are revealing as they deal with Gray's reported income, which is blisteringly low.  This points towards family money, of course, but as very little is publicly known about Gray's personal life, including such matters, they give a rare view of the same.

Of course, this tends to be the case with nearly all Wyoming candidates.  Assumptions are widely made, but realities are rarely known.

Thomas Kelly dropped out of the Superintendant of Education race in support of Brian Schroeder.

Kelly had been one of the three finalist for hte position which resultedin the choice of Schroeder, with Schroeder widely regarded as the least extreme of the three candidates forwarded to the Governor's office for selection of the position.

August 4, 2022

In an election event in Casper on August 3, Harriet Hageman called the 2020 Presidential election "rigged".  Anthony Bouchard said it was stolen.

Hageman has avoided making such a statement up until now, having previously stated she didn't know who won the election.  The fact that she would now do so, in spite of being ahead in the polls, is interesting in that it might tend to indicate that she feels she needs to draw closer to die hard Trumpites.  It has been noted in recent weeks that Democrats are clearly joining the GOP to vote against her and GOP membership is climbing, in part due to that, but possibly also in part due to independents who are joining for the same reason.  This might be part of a calculation to draw whatever votes are going to Bouchard away from him and to also encourage the Trump diehards to come to the polls.

Her statement does have a distinction with Bouchards as she's left an out to claim systemic rigging, i.e., allowing for widespread mail-in voting during COVID, etc., rather than outright fraud.  I've noticed in recent weeks some Republicans who want to remain loyal to Trump have been using this as an out as they know there wasn't theft, but can convince themselves that the measure to allow voting during COVID were somehow improper. This is the angle that Victor David Hanson took early on, claiming that Americans had always gone to the polls in person on election day, something that hasn't been true in many places for years.  Some of these individuals hold that there's something existentially wrong with not having in person voting on a single day.

Interestingly, that ignores the fact that older Republicans had long participated in mail-in voting and Trump's own efforts to discourage it probably took away from his overall vote tally.  The real overall question is, in the 21st Century, if the evolution of technology and patterns of living make a system of requiring everyone to go to a polling station on a single day obsolete.

 August 5, 2022

Former perennial Idaho candidate Rex Rammell, and now perennial Wyoming canidate, has announced that he's going to sue the Secretary of State for failing to take up his charges that Bien does not meet the legal residence requirements.

Neither Rammell or Bien are going to win, so this is just a bizarre sideshow, but it's helping make Rammell, who has some really extreme ideas, look pretty bad.

In Arizona, Trumpite candidates won the GOP primary contest for the Governor and Secretary of State position.

August 6, 2022

Donald Trump endorsed Chuck Gray for Secretary of State, Brian Schroeder for Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Curt Meier for Treasurer.

It's a surprise that Trump has gone down into the Wyoming political weeds this deep at all.  Having said that, given that he has, Gray, who is campaigning on the imperiled election fable and who is a fellow Wharton graduate, isn't a surprise.  Indeed, at one time there was some thought that Trump might endorse Gray for Congress.

Schroeder is more of a surprise, but he is from the far right.

Meier is the incumbent Treasurer, so this is a real surprise.  He doesn't need Trump's endorsement, and the fact that it was made will undoubtedly cause a few to vote against him.

A debate among the Democratic candidates took place last night, which I only learned of today.

I haven't viewed this yet, but apparently candidate Steve Helling nearly universally took Republican positions during the debate, which makes his candidacy odd to say the least, giving it the appearance of one by a Republican who didn't feel he could compete in the GOP primary.

August 7, 2022

WyoFile, the Trib reports, has revealed that a host of Wyoming candidates and political figures took PPP money in spite of their generally anti Federal Government positions. This includes Frank Eathorne, Robin Belinskey, Rex Rammell and Anthong Bouchard or their businesses.  There were more, but these were the ones for statewide offices that were notable due to their positions.

Harriet Hageman was not among them, but the WyoFile went deeper and noted that members of her family had.  A spokesman reacted accusing WyoFile of "journalistic malpractice". 

PPP money was in the form of loans, but generally they were loans that were subject to be forgiven and were more often than not.

August 8, 2022

Cynthia Lummis endorsed Hageman, Nethercott and Dergenfelder in an article in the Cowboy State Daily.  The stated basis of her endorsement is that all three were "home grown".  

Her relationship with Cheney is undoubtedly strained since January 6, but it appears to at least a degree it stretches back further than that.  Cheney may have been contemplating running for Senate again, when Enzi stepped down, but Lummis' announcement for that office frustrated that.

It's also interesting in that Lummis didn't go full Trump in her announcement and didn't come out backing the far right candidates save for Hageman.

August 9, 2022

The volume of mailings, and now Facebook and Twitter ads, in this election is at the truly oppressive level.

Aug 9, cont.

There was a recent Secretary of State candidate's debate, which I only learned about after the fact via the net.  I have not watched it. The YouTube video of it is below.

August 11, 2022

The Trib ran an article on this date on campaign donations and the various candidates.

Perhaps the most remarkable figures were for Secretary of State, where Chuch Gray has raised $528,000 to Nethercott's $333,000.  Of that, $500,000 of Gray's money was donated by his father and $10,000 from himself, meaning he's really raised $18,000.  Nethercott loaned her campaign $95,000.

August 12, 2022

A new poll puts Cheney 29 points behind Hageman.

The Atlantic published an article on Cheney calling her "The Republican From The State of Reality", referring to her positions in regard to the insurrection.

August 14, 2022

The Trib declined to endorse a candidate for the House GOP race in its final edition prior to the election.  Frankly, I'm stunned.

And disappointed.  On a major race such as this, I'd have thought that the state's largest newspaper would wish to do so.  Perhaps it felt that attacks on the Press by Trump would only aid Hageman.

Hageman ran a long op ed in the paper, which was also surprising. The op ed disclaimed that the race is about the insurrection but rather takes the position that since the insurrection Cheney has been so diverted by her efforts to keep Donald Trump from regaining power she's been ignoring the state. That is, quite frankly, baloney, and would presume that Cheney could single-handedly stop measures coming through a Democratic controlled House.  

Hageman of course knows this, and should the House remain Democratic, of which there's a growing possibility, she'll be less effective than Cheney in the same category as she'll have been elected as a January 11 fableist. 

The same edition has an article about Wyoming needing to elect candidates who don't live in a fantasy world. This is, quite frankly, a problem that's been growing in the state for some time, but which is particularly pronounced now.

Lenhart: Republicans must not nominate fantasy world candidates

It also republished its on line op eds from yesterday, all of which we already linked in, but will do so here again.

Blog Mirror: O'Toole: Alex, Harriet and really big fibs


O'Toole: Alex, Harriet and really big fibs

Blog Mirror: Larsen: Tara Nethercott an insider? Yes -- thank heavens


Larsen: Tara Nethercott an insider? Yes -- thank heavens

Blog Mirror: Arha: Discontent doesn't make Trump right


Arha: Discontent doesn't make Trump right

In one of the constant stream of internet (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) rants on this topic, a highly right wing friend of mine who has been posting anti Cheney stuff for quite some time, drew a reply from another Republican friend of mine who termed Hageman a "stalking horse", without naming her by name.

I hadn't quite thought of Hageman in exactly those terms before, but that title is pretty applicable, it seems to me.

Indeed, Hagaeman herself has a difficult time describing, even in her Trib essay, exactly how she's different from Cheney in her views, other than being a repetitious voice of Trumpites regarding Cheney. 

A stalking horse, of course, is simply a vehicle for somebody else.  Hagaeman's motivations in this race are really a mystery to me to some degree, quite frankly, as I at one time vaguely knew her.  She was once a Cheney fan and supporter, and it's pretty hard not to agree with Cheney that this is an example of "tragic opportunism".

In regard to that, it's interesting to note in her essay she accuses Cheney of having Presidential ambitions.  Well, who in Congress doesn't?  But does it make sense for a former friend of Cheney's to come out swinging at her in this fashion and complain that she has ambitions for higher office?

As I've mentioned before, when I vaguely knew Hageman years ago, indeed decades ago, I mostly did because I was friends with some of her circle of friends, and those individuals were left leaning.  It's not as if you can't have friends outside of your own political views, but my assumption was that she must be left leaning as well.  At least one of those friends of hers was in the paper just the other day supporting one of the abortion plaintiffs in Teton County and has had a very left-wing legal career, something she could afford to have due to her personal circumstances.  

Maybe Hageman was always far right and just kept it to herself, or maybe I just didn't know her well enough to know what they were.  She was quiet back in those days, or at least my perception of her at the time was such.  Her father was a very far right wing legislature from Wyoming's wheat belt, which ought to cause concern to Wyomingites who live outside of it in and of itself.

I'm sure that Hageman doesn't think of herself as a stalking horse, but then live stalking horses just think of themselves as horses, I'm sure.

"Elk don't know how many legs horses got".

I fear that a lot of Wyoming voters are not more well-informed that elk are in regard to stalking horses.  Many don't seem to be.

Last Prior Edition:

The 2022 Election Part IX. And they're officially out of the gate.

Recent related threads:

Friday, August 14, 1942. Eisenhower named to command Torch.

While there are different dates for this that seem to be given, and this is just one of them, it seems that on this date Dwight Eisenhower, career U.S. Army officer who had been a Colonel prior to the built up for World War Two, and who had never been in combat, was chosen to lead Operation Torch, the planned fall 1942 amphibious landings by Anglo-American troops in North Africa.

Maj. Gen. Eisenhower, at that time, in 1942.

That this was being planned shows the degree to which, in planning, the tide of the war was turning, in spite of the evidence on the ground.

On the ground, British commandos conducted a nighttime raid on anti-aircraft and radar sites at Pointe de Saire, France.  The raiders crossed the channel in a British motor torpedo boat and did not sustain any losses.

The Ohio, mentioned yesterday, and the day before, doesn't sink, is reboarded and taken back under tow.  Further attacks break the towline, but they're repaired, and the towing keeps on, lashed to warships near her.

British freighter MV Brisbane Star, part of Pedestal as well, makes it to Malta at 4:15 P.M. in spite of being heavily damaged.

The Australians retreat from Deniki in New Guinea.   The Japanese land 3,000 additional troops.

From Sarah Sundin's blog:

Today in World War II History—August 14, 1942: Two P-38 Lightnings of the US 1st Fighter Group shoot down a German Fw 200 Condor bomber off Iceland—the first US claim against the Luftwaffe

Monday, August 14, 1922. The Shipping Board.

In London, a conference between Weimar Germany and the United Kingdom about adjusting the German reparations, which was horrifying the French, broke off without results.

The IRA took Dundalk.   Following the fall of Cork, the IRA's campaign had reverted to a guerilla campaign.

A packed lunch and later dinner for 48 people at Loch Marie hotel in Scotland inflected the diners with botulism from canned duck paste.  Eight would ultimately die from the disease.  All of those who died had sandwiches made from the duck paste.

It's stories like this that have always freaked me out about home canning.

Hebrew, Arabic, and English were designated as the official languages in Palestine.

President Harding's Shipping Board was headed to a conference, giving us a glimpse into regular men's ware of the period.

It was summer, and therefore warm, which explains the straw boater hat.  Nonetheless, this fellow was otherwise wearing a three piece suit.

Note the watch chain.

Another three piece suit, but this fellow has an early version of a fedora that he's carrying.  Note the watch chain yet again.

Also, this fellow has rimless glasses, but they're the old style with the bridge that rested on the nose.  I.e, no nose pieces.

Dressed for traveling, and with a suit that's a bit rumply, this fellow has opted for a wool newsboy cap, something I wear in the winter myself, but not in the summer.  Also a three piece suit and he also has a watch chain.

We'll throw in this Army aviator whose photo was taken the same day for an unrelated reason.

Lt. Paul Wilkins in the uniform of that period.

The Semi Centennial Geyser erupted in Yellowstone.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Best Posts of the Week of August 7, 2022.

The best posts of the week of August 7, 2022.

Lex Anteinternet: The Candidates and Office Holders, how much are we entitled to know. Eye Planks.

The Idle Rich and Noblesse obligee.

Territorial seal of Wyoming, depicting rich people from other areas moving in to control the state's politics. . . oh, wait. . . it mostly depicts work.

And I'm gonna tell you workers,

'fore you cash in your checks 

They say "America First," 

but they mean "America Next!"

Woody Guthrie, Lindbergh.

This was originally going to be a post in the election thread, as it comes up in that context.

Here's how.

Recently former Wyoming Secretary of State Max Maxfield filed an election complaint against Chuck Gray which in essence stated that Mr. Gray only reports $11,000 in income per year, but loaned his abandoned campaign against Liz Cheney over $200,000.  The math, Mr. Maxfield maintains, doesn't add up for a guy whose only been in the state for a decade and who must be in his early 30s.  In other words, how can a guy with no visible means of support earning money at the poverty level loan himself that kind of dough.

Well, the answer is pretty obvious.  Gray has external funding sources.

In the recent debate with his opponent Tara Nethercott he accused her of being behind the Maxfield effort, for which there is no evidence at all.  Nethercott surely didn't start it, but she has made use of it, noting that his connection with work is pretty thin.  Gray has attempted to defend himself by accusing Nethercott of being a "lawyer/politician".

That's ironic for Gray, as he's also a politician. They both have been in the legislature the same length of time.  Moreover, while I can't find it now, while Gray was at Wharton he gave an interview to some sort of school journal in which he said his ambition was to become a lawyer.  So his disdain of lawyers apparently comes more recently.

Gray said in the debate that he had inherited the money that he loaned to his campaign, which in some ways, although he probably doesn't realize it, makes this story worse.  As does this:

August 11, 2022

The Trib ran an article on this date on campaign donations and the various candidates.

Perhaps the most remarkable figures where for Secretary of State, where Chuch Gray has raised $528,000 to Nethercott's $333,000.  Of that, $500,000 of Gray's money was donated by his father and $10,000 from himself, meaning he's really raised $18,000.  Nethercott loaned her campaign $95,000.

Gray has seemingly been able to get by in the state for a decade with a light attraction to what most people would regard as substantial work, assuming that his role at his family's radio station isn't accounted for in some other fashion that's allowable under the IRS code but which isn't regarded as income.  I have no idea.  That may be the case.  At any rate, however, most people's parents aren't in a situation to give them $500,000 in their early 30s in order to mount a bid for office.

Which raises a number of topics.

The first is, in regard to Gray, does this matter?

I'd think so.

What a person does with their own money is their own business, to an extent. But when it comes to spending money in order to obtain a public office, that's everyone's business.  One of Gray's recent television advertisements complains that Nethercott voted for a bill to raise the Secretary of State's wages to $125,000, for instance.

This would suggest that Gray thinks $125,000 for that office is a lot, but it's not.  The median income for Wyoming is $33,000, which is very low, so for a lot of people that would be a lot, but Nethercott will probably be taking a pay cut if she wins.  Gray will be getting a big pay raise, but apparently his situation is such that this doesn't really matter.

Of course, it's a four-year position, which also means that Nethercott will have to work the better part of a year to pay back the load to herself.  Gray won't have to, but the $500,000 investment on the part of his father?  Well, I guess that's also like spending your inheritance.  That somebody is willing to spend a half million dollars to obtain a job that will take several years in pay in order to recoup the loss raises, yet again, more questions.

All of which gets to this.

Very few people are in the category of "idle rich". Even most of the rich aren't in the category of idle rich, where they have so much surplus cash they really don't have to do anything.

If a person is in that category, what they do with their cash is their own business, as long as they are honest about it, and their employment of their resources doesn't work to the detriment of other people.

And that's the problem with what Gray is doing.

Wyoming has experienced an influx of money in recent years, with there being some really spectacular examples.  Susan Gore, who has funded far right political movements, is one such example.  She's not from here, but more than that, she's not of here either.  Her efforts are funding attempts to make the state into something it's never been, under the banner of "liberty".  Gray is part of that same effort.  

Gore is one example, but Gray's quite another.  The resources presumably are nowhere equal, but the thought of a young man seemingly employing his efforts at doing little else other than to try to advance in politics in a state he has virtually no connection with is, well, disturbing.  I can't really imagine it myself.  That is, if I had surplus money, I don't think I'd go, let's say, to Alaska and try to influence their politics.

But that's what Gray has being doing from day one here, and that's what people like Susan Gore and Foster Friess have been attempting as well.  To make it worse, the Wyoming they're trying to recreate is an imaginary one that they don't really know.  The state they moved to isn't the one they think it was, and what they're attempting to make it into isn't where most of us would have wanted to go.

At one time, having vast idle wealth in the country bound a person to obligation.  We only recently mentioned the two Roosevelts who were elected President in this blog, as they were rich men. They were both examples of this, however.

But they were also examples of noblesse oblige, the sense that "being nobility obligates".

This was particularly true in the case of Theodore Roosevelt.  His father was wealthy, but he'd also been dedicated to the cause of poor newsboys, something that was a real problem in his era.  Theodore Roosevelt senior also made it plain to Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. that their wealth would enable the younger man to choose a career of his liking that didn't have to pay well, but he'd have to choose one.  Originally, the later President had intended to be a scientist, and indeed was published and well regarded in natural history.

Indeed, while Theodore Roosevelt, following his father's death, turned to the then disreputable career of politician in years as tender as that of Gray's, he never really quit working.  He wrote, he published, he studied, and he ranched.  His finances were not always great by any means as he's overspend in his endeavors, but his capacity for work was literally manic.

Wealthy New Yorker Theodore Roosevelt, who resigned from his position as Assistant Secretary of the Navy to serve at great hazard in the Spanish American War.  We don't see too many wealthy Americans doing this sort of service anymore.

I know less about his cousin Franklin, but Franklin always admired Theodore.  He came to the nation's attention first as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, something Theodore Roosevelt had also been.  So he entered public service. . . as a type of bureaucrat. . . .  before he was a politician.

And other examples abound.  Winston Churchill, who was from a wealthy family (although he always overspent his resources, as did his mother) served as a British Army cavalryman in his early years, with that being his intended career in an era in which those born into British wealth were not expected to "work" but to go into public service in the military or the clergy, or perhaps engage in agriculture.  He took a break from that to act as a correspondent, and then later served in the Army again in the early part of World War One before entering politics.  T. E. Lawrence, from the same class, and burdened with the same cultural expectation not to "work", was first an archeologist before entering the British Army during the Great War.

John F. Kennedy in World War Two.

Turning back to our own shores, I'll be frank that I'm not a fan of the Kennedy family, including John F. Kennedy. But the President of the early 1960s had served, and heroically, in the U.S. Navy during the Second World War. That's definitely work.

Yet another interesting example would be George S. Patton, whose family was very wealthy.  Patton had a career as a soldier, quite obviously, as that was something people in his class did.

Patton in World War One.

We don't seem to see things like this much anymore.

Gray, according to what little we know of him, went right from Wharton to a Wyoming radio station.  A really blistering article in WyoFile notes his career and that he was reported as an executive at the station.  That article goes on to note that the radio entity in Wyoming seems to facially be out of compliance with registration requirements   The article is so extensive that about all you can do is quote from it, rather than try to summarize it, as it notes:

He has listed Mount Rushmore Broadcasting, Inc. as his sole employment — initially working as a program director, then later as an operations manager — on each of his requisite elected official financial disclosure forms.  

According to records from the secretary of state’s office — and later confirmed by a department spokesperson — Mount Rushmore Broadcasting was administratively dissolved by the state almost two decades ago for failing to file annual reports and pay its license fees to Wyoming. Gray’s father, Jan Charles Gray, is president of the Delaware-based entity, according to state records. The entity uses a registered agent in its Wyoming filings, but 2016 documents from the Federal Communications Commission indicate that the elder Gray is also owner of the corporation. 

Like all out-of-state entities, it was required to obtain a certificate of authority from the secretary of state’s office before transacting business in the state. It did so in 1993, according to state records, but failed to file requisite annual reports and pay yearly fees based on its assets located and employed in Wyoming. Mount Rushmore entered into a 24-month period during which it could have paid a reinstatement fee, as well as what was already owed. But the company did not comply within the two-year window, after which Wyoming statute does not allow entities to be brought back into good standing. 

Monique Meese with the Wyoming Secretary of State’s office confirmed that Mount Rushmore Broadcasting, Inc. was administratively dissolved on June 10, 2003 and thereby lost the ability to be reinstated. At press time, the entity was not under review by the office, Meese said, because no written complaints had been submitted. 

On his most recent state elected officials financial disclosure form dated Jan. 28, 2022, Gray listed operations manager of Mount Rushmore Broadcasting as his employment. According to his campaign website, he began his career there in 2013 “as a radio executive and hosted a conservative radio show,” until 2019.

During a July candidate forum in Casper, Gray said he became a permanent resident of Wyoming in 2012. He spent his childhood summers here with his father after his parents divorced, he said. 

Prior to going to work for his father, Gray graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with bachelor’s of science and bachelor’s of arts degrees, according to his lawmaker bio

When WyoFile approached Gray to clarify his professional experience immediately following the forum in Casper, he declined to answer questions, but said he would respond to written questions over email. WyoFile sent several written questions to the lawmaker, including a request for more details regarding his duties as an employee of Mount Rushmore Broadcasting and how his academic and professional resumes qualified him for the position. Gray responded with a statement about ballot drop boxes and ballot harvesting — he feels both are threats to election integrity — but no further information on his background. WyoFile sent a subsequent email asking about his employer conducting business in Wyoming without a certificate of authority. The lawmaker did not respond. 

Mount Rushmore Broadcasting is currently the licensee for two AM stations and five FM stations in Wyoming, according to Federal Communications Commission records. Most of those stations are in Casper, and all but one of those can currently be heard on the air.

In 2016, three years after Gray claims to have begun working there, Mount Rushmore entered into a consent decree with the FCC for failing to maintain a full-time management and staff presence at the main studio of two of its stations during regular business hours, among other things. One term of the settlement was a $25,000 civil penalty, which was less than the originally proposed penalty. Mount Rushmore Broadcasting submitted a sworn statement along with several years of tax returns indicating an inability to pay all forfeitures, according to the consent decree. The original amount was just under $160,000, according to the FCC. Part of the agreement required Mount Rushmore Broadcasting to pay the remainder of the originally proposed penalties if the FCC found it misled the commission regarding its financial status. The commission declined to say whether that occurred. 

In 2015, Mount Rushmore Broadcasting paid almost $5,000 in back wages to former employees, after the U.S. Department of Labor sued the entity for not properly paying its workers. 

Between April 2020 and March 2021, it received more than $28,000 in federal dollars through the Paycheck Protection Program in order to retain two jobs. Gray, a vocal opponent of federal subsidies, voted during the 2022 Legislative session against a bill authorizing the state to spend other pandemic relief funds. He declined to answer questions on the matter when WyoFile contacted him for previous reporting.

I'd note that there could be explanations for why it is seemingly out of compliance with filing requirements in Wyoming, and indeed for all of this, but it does raise questions.

Maybe the bigger question, however, is this.  Does simply graduating from school really mean that you are now qualified to legislate and govern?

I guess the voters can and will decide that. But quite frankly, those who were not born wealthy, and have had to work, have rounder experiences than those who simply benefitted from the circumstances of their births.  Those born wealthy, however, who have educated themselves in school and out in the world have different qualifications yet, and are often quite admirable.

The Roosevelts, we'd note, were champions of the poor.  Theodore Roosevelt wouldn't even be qualified to walk into a county Republican Party meeting today, in spite of still being admired as a Republican President.  John F. Kennedy, for all his faults, was concerned with the same class as well.  Churchill had to be restrained from directly entering into combat a couple of times during World War Two.

Noblesse Oblige.

Thursday, August 13, 1942. Pedastal hit, Montgomery takes command, Japan enacts laws against what they had committed, Stalin writes a memo, Bambi opens in the United States.

The Pedestal convoy was hit again by German and Italian torpedo boats.  They sank four freighters and damaged the HMS Manchester.

Torpedo hitting the Ohio.

The oil tanker Ohio, manned for the trip by a British crew, was attacked by aircraft and finally immobilized and then abandoned, but with fuel tanks intact.  She did not sink.

It's of note here that much of what we're told about World War Two naval action really isn't applicable to the war in the Mediterranean, and as we saw from the Battle of Savo Island earlier, it isn't to the early war in the Pacific either.  It's often claimed that torpedo boats were worthless in World War Two, but as late as 1942 they certainly were not.  Indeed, this is just once of several instances in the first half of the war of torpedo boats performing successfully just as they were meant to, making surface raids at high speed against larger war ship and coming out on top.  Additionally, air cover clearly wasn't adequate or wasn't cutting it for convoy escort in the Mediterranean.  This convoy had an aircraft carrier with it, but it was itself one of the first vessels to be sunk.

On this day, the Italian Navy, still a major force in the Mediterranean, had to recall, however, a major task force that was attempting to intercept Pedestal due to a lack of German air cover, and British submarine action.

The excellent, but unfortunately discontinued, blog World War II Day-By-Day also notes this naval action on this day:

Caribbean. U-600 and U-658 attack as 2 USA-South America convoys pass the strait between Cuba and Haiti. At 5.07 AM, U-658 sinks Dutch SS Medea in convoy WAT 13 (5 killed, 23 rescued by convoy escorts). At 9.48 AM, U-600 sinks Latvian SS Everelza (23 killed, 14 rescued by convoy escorts) and American passenger/cargo ship SS Delmundo (8 killed including 3 passengers, 50 survivors including 5 passengers picked up by British destroyer HMS Churchill) in convoy TAW 12.

At 7.50 AM in the Gulf of Mexico 25 miles off the coast of Louisiana, U-171 stops US tanker SS R.M. Parker Jr. with 2 torpedoes and finishes her off with the deck gun (all 37 crew and 7 gunners rescued 8 hours later by US Coast Guard auxiliary craft USS Pioneer).

South Atlantic. At 7.40 AM 400 miles Southwest of Freetown, Sierra Leone, U-752 sinks American SS Cripple Creek carrying 7500 tons of war supplies from USA to British 8th Army in Egypt (1 killed, 38 crew and 13 gunners in 3 lifeboats rescued after 4 days by British armed trawler HMS St. Winstan). 1400 miles West of Freetown, Italian submarine Reginaldo Giuliani sinks American SS California with the deck gun and torpedoes (1 killed, 35 survivors)

Bernard Law Montgomery took over the British 8th Army in the wake of the death of Gen. Gott.

Montgomery in August 1942.  He had a love of irregular uniform items, and ins this case is wearing an Australian slouch hat, although that item was popular with British officers.

Montgomery, one of the most controversial senior commanders of the Second World War, had been considered for the post prior to Gott being appointed, but had lost out to Gott. With Gott's death, he was the natural choice. He was of Scots ancestry and from what might be regarded as a sort of Scottish variant of the Anglo-Irish community. While born in England, his father was a Church of Ireland minister who would ultimately be sent to Tasmania, where Montgomery grew up.  While his father Henry had inherited the family estate in Ulster, there was not sufficient money to support the family until his father took the position in Tasmania.

His father was a dutiful clergyman and spent much of his time on the road in the rural areas of what remained a British colony at the time.  While he was gone, his mother, only in her twenties, constantly beat and then ignored the children.  This treatment made Bernard something of a bully in his youth and caused lasting animosity between him and his mother, whose funeral he did not attend in 1949.

The family returned to England in 1897.  Bernard joined the Army in 1908.  By all accounts he had a difficult personality, but in spite of American claims to the contrary, he was a brilliant tactician with a great appreciation of how to use troops who were inadequately equipped with thin resources.

The Germans took Elista on the Eastern Front.

The Australians retreated at Deniki on New Guinea, and the Japanese landed troops at Buna.

The Japanese, acting with rich hypocrisy, passed the Enemy Airman's Act.  It stated:

Article I: This law shall apply to all enemy airmen who raid the Japanese homeland, Manchukuo, and the Japanese zones of military operations, and who come within the areas under the jurisdiction of the China Expeditionary Force.
Article II: Any individual who commits any or all of the following shall be subject to military punishment:
Section 1. The bombing, strafing, and otherwise attacking of civilians with the objective of cowing, intimidating, killing or maiming them.
Section 2. The bombing, strafing or otherwise attacking of private properties, whatsoever, with the objectives of destroying or damaging same.
Section 3. The bombing, strafing or otherwise attacking of objectives, other than those of military nature, except in those cases where such an act is unavoidable.
Section 4. In addition to those acts covered in the preceding three sections, all other acts violating the provisions of International Law governing warfare.
Article III: Military punishment shall be the death penalty [or] life imprisonment, or a term of imprisonment for not less than ten years.

The hypocrisy was that Japan had used air assets extensively against Chinese civilian populations by this point in the war.  Using air assets against civilians is in fact a crime, but in this case, the Japanese were familiar with that crime by having done it.  Not only this, the murder, rape and enslavement of civilian populations was a common practice by Japanese ground forces.

Seemingly oblivious to the fact that 1) the British had arrested the German advances in North Africa but were nowhere near reversing them; 2) the Japanese were still advancing in the South Pacific and the recent U.S. offensive in the Solomons was now imperiled by a lack of progress on Guadalcanal and the Japanese Navy driving the U.S. Navy from that island's coast; 3) British efforts to contest for the Mediterranean were hardly an unqualified success; and 4) tens of ships were going down in the Atlantic every day, Joseph Stalin wrote a memo protesting the Allied decision not to land in France in 1942.

What Stalin seemingly was missing is that while he was losing the war inside of Russia at that moment, all the evidence was that the Allies were still losing it in the Pacific and barely hanging on in North Africa.  A landing in France was simply impossible.

Bambi opened in the United States.

Aerial view (altitude 3,000 ft.) looking northwest at the start of construction of Dry Dock No. 4. East terminus of Palou Avenue, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA.

Sunday, August 12, 1922. The news.

Quite the news day, really.

The Herald started off with the harrowing news of trains marooned in the Southwest, due to ongoing labor problems.


We're reminded by the page below that there was once an elected position of "County Surveyor". This has obviously gone by the wayside, which raises the question of what other elective offices are really obsolete as elective offices today.

Rules were changing for football.

And airplane rides were for the offering.

I'd forgotten there was once a town called "Teapot".

The Herald wanted to keep the Union Pacific brand off of the range.  

Recently, of course, the state had an opportunity to buy the checkerboard from the UP's successor in interest and blew it.

A Colorado newspaper was happy with something Governor Carey had done, but what it was, I really don't know.

A restaurant was holding a contest for a name.

Charles Winter was running for office.  His son, who lived to nearly be 100, worked in my office building nearly up to that very age.

The train situation, we'd note, wasn't only in the Herald.

Different approaches by neighbors

Idaho's law banning abortions in most instances made it already to their Supreme Court, which refused to block it.

This in marked contrast to Wyoming, where the issue is down at the District Court level and has been blocked by an injunction issued by the District Court judge. The issue will make its way up to the Supreme Court, so the question is why it simply hasn't been certified.

Blog Mirror: O'Toole: Alex, Harriet and really big fibs


O'Toole: Alex, Harriet and really big fibs

Blog Mirror: Larsen: Tara Nethercott an insider? Yes -- thank heavens


Larsen: Tara Nethercott an insider? Yes -- thank heavens

Blog Mirror: Arha: Discontent doesn't make Trump right


Arha: Discontent doesn't make Trump right

Friday, August 12, 2022

Wyoming Catholic Cowboys - raw and real: Cucumbers

Wyoming Catholic Cowboys - raw and real: Cucumbers: One of the best homilies I have given is probably my cucumber homily. Since then I receive a plethora of cucumbers each year from mid July t...

Mystery Lake Fish Stocking

Wednesday, August 12, 1942 The Second Moscow Conference commences.

The Second Moscow Conference opened on this day in 1942.  Averrell Harriman attended for the United States.  Churchill was there in person for the United Kingdom and, of course, Joseph Stalin was there, where he would have been anyway, for the USSR.

At least from an external view, the war was really not going well at this time for the Allies.  The Soviets were being pushed back inside their own borders every day, and it would have been rational to conclude that the latest big city to be entered, Stalingrad, would fall within days.  British Commonwealth forces had been pushed back to El Alamein, where they had however arrested the German advance.  The Japanese were advancing in New Guinea, and while the US had landed Marines on Guadalcanal, the Japanese Navy had driven the U.S. Navy from its coast.

Stalin's trip to the USSR would be regarded an ordeal by modern travelers.  He met with Stalin at 7:00 p.m. that night, having just arrived from Tehran, and informed Stalin immediately that there would not be a second front in 1942, although he then went on to inform Stalin about developing plans for Operation Torch, the landings in North Africa, which by any rational measure was a boosting of an existing second front.

Churchill promised landings in France in 1943.

On this day the Germans took Slavyansk and, in Operation Pedestal, the British ships Cairo and Foresight were sunk and the tanker Ohio badly damaged. The Ohio had to be taken under tow.  The convoy was constantly under attack from the air and sea by German and Italian forces.  

The Germans, however, transferred forces from Case Blue to the siege at Leningrad, which weakened the offensive which was already running into trouble.  Erich von Manstein was dispatched with those forces to Leningrad.

Actor Phillips Holmes died in a midair collision while serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force.  Actor and future aircrewman Clark Gable joined the U.S. Army as a private.  He was 41 years old.

Saturday, August 12, 1922.


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Tuesday, August 11, 1942. Inventive Actress, Distressed Convoy, No Vino.

This is a particularly interesting day for entries on Sarah Sundin's blog.

First, she notes:
Today in World War II History—August 11, 1942: Actress Hedy Lamarr and musician George Antheil receive a patent for a frequency-hopping system to prevent interception and jamming of radio communications.
This is, I'd note, a big deal.

Sundin goes on to note that the technology did not go on to be used in World War Two, but it is in cellular phones.

Lamarr, born Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler, was an Austrian by birth.  Her father was Jewish and from Lviv, in what is now Ukraine, and her mother had been born Jewish and converted to Catholicism, and was from Budapest.  Her film career commenced in Czechoslovakia where she received notoriety for the film Ecstasy, which featured a plot involving a neglected young wife.  The film included brief nude scenes, which the 18-year-old Lamarr may have been genuinely tricked into through the use of high power lenses, as they clearly embarrassed her.  The film became a sort of blue hit in Europe, but was not allowed to be shown in the United States or Germany.

Ultimately married six times, she fled to Paris to escape her first husband in 1937.  He was a wealthy Austrian ammunition manufacturer whom she had married when she was 18, and before Ecstasy was released.  Highly controlling, the marriage fell apart for that reason.  Her American discovery, so to speak, came in London when she ran into Louis B. Mayer, who put her under contract.

Inventive by nature, the frequency hopping design noted above was designed to prevent the detection of torpedoes.  It was adopted ultimately by the Navy, but not until the 1960s.

Larmarr had a notable American career in film during Hollywood's Golden Age.  That career went into a steep decline in the 1950s which effectively ended it.  She began to descend into reclusiveness, with her final marriage, to her divorce lawyer, ending in 1965.  She became estranged from one of her children when he was only 12.  In her final years she was nearly a complete reclusive, but did reach out by telephone, spending up to six hours a day talking to other people in that fashion.  She was 85 when she died in 2000, and her ashes were spread in an Austrian forest according to her wishes.

Her unusual stage name became an odd comedic trope in Mel Brook's film Blazing Saddles, with one of the characters being named "Headley Lamar" and therefore needing to constantly correct the pronunciation of his name.

The stricken HMS Eagle.

Sundin also notes that the HMS Eagle went down in the Mediterranean.  The Eagle was an aircraft carrier and part of the convoy that we noted yesterday that was headed to attempt to relieve Malta's material shortages.  She took only four minutes to sink after being hit by four torpedoes fired from the U-73.

The Japanese dispatched a large naval task force from Tokyo to Truk Lagoon, where they are tasked with escorting troops and supplies to Guadalcanal.

The Soviets began desperately evacuating the port of Novorossisk on the Black Sea in advance of oncoming German forces.

Sundin also notes in her blog that the U.S. War Production Board ordered that the entire American grape wine crop for the year be diverted into raisins for the military.

This recalls actions by the U.S. Government to prohibit brewing and distilling during World War One in order to divert the use of cereals for food, rather than alcohol.

Venerdì, 11 Agosto, 1922. Violenza

Ground was broken on Chicago's Soldier Field.

A Communist member of Italy's Chamber of Deputies declared that a recent general strike had failed as the proletariat was not sufficiently armed. This provoked a Fascists reaction during which fascist Francesco Giunta, who was armed, pulled out a revolver.  The session was suspended.

Umberto "the Ghost" Valenti, age 30, originally from Sicily, was shot and killed in a New York café under orders of the Genovese crime family.  Valenti, who was a hit man for the D'Aquila crime family, had killed a member of the Morello crime family removing the Camorra as a contender for the illegal liquor trade, but also meaning that competing Mafia crime families were now vying for that role.

Giuseppe Morello.  Probably completely unrelated, but while I was at the University of Wyoming, I twice had calculus classes taught by a graduate student with the last name Morello.  He was an excellent teacher.

This was part of a mob war with interesting aspects.  The Genovese family was part of the legendary "five families" of the New York mafia, but the Morello family was part of the Camorra.  Guiseepe Morello, the unfortunate victim of Valenti, was only recently out of prison at the time of his mob execution and the war turned to control of the former Comorrista's liquor business.  Valenti's murder, ordered by Giuseppe "Joe" Masseria, who had personally lured Valenti into the place of execution, settled the matter with the Genovese's coming out the victors.

Giuseppe "Joe" Masseria.  Masseria died in a hit ordered by Lucky Luciano in 1931.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Mid Week at Work. Plastering a house.

"Mixing plaster for house, Chamisal, New Mexico. Occasionally a man helps with the hard work of mixing plaster but the women never allow the men to help with the actual plastering of the house."  1940.

Monday, August 10, 1942. Churchill takes lunch in Iran.

Today in World War II History—August 10, 1942: Germans cross the Don River and enter outskirts of Stalingrad. Kaiser Richmond Field Hospital opens for employees of Kaiser Shipyard in Richmond, CA.
From Sarah Sundin's blog.  The Germans also took Maikop unopposed due to a Brandenburger Commando unit posing as NKVD troops, who ordered the Red Army unit there to retreat.

Meanwhile, the Battle of the Atlantic was raging, with U-boats taking impressive tolls daily.

In that context, on a day full of shipping losses, a heavily escorted British convoy of thirteen freighters including the American oil tanker SS Ohio passed through the Straits of Gibraltar headed towards Malta.  The Germans and Italians deploy submarines to intercept.

Winston Churchill, on his way to Moscow, stopped in Iran and had lunch with the Shah.

Thursday, August 10, 1922. Cork taken and burned.

The Irish army, having made seaborne landings the day prior, took Cork, although the withdrawing IRA set it on fire first.  The city had been burned during the Anglo-Irish War two years prior.

One of my great-grandmother's was from Cork, although she would have left the city, at age three, well before this time period.

On the same day, IRA men Joseph O'Sullivan and Reginald Dunne were executed in London for the June 22 assassination of Sir Henry Wilson.

The Sammarinese Fascist Party was founded by Giuliano Gozi.  It would rule San Marino for twenty years, falling during the end of the Second World War, during which San Marino was a neutral tiny power.

In Memoriam: Darryl Hunt

Darryl Hunt, the second bassist for the legendary Celtic folk/punk band the Pogues, has died at age 72.

The hard living Pogues' original bassist was Cait O'Roirdon.  Hunt came on board with her departure in 1986.  Perhaps ironically, O'Roirdon had been a vocalist in Hunt's jazz band Pride of the Cross.

Hunt was English and born in London, and played in a variety of genras.  He's credited with the late Pogues hit Love You Till The End.

Today In Wyoming's History: Wyoming Public Radio's Bob Beck to Retire.

Today In Wyoming's History: Wyoming Public Radio's Bob Beck to Retire.

Wyoming Public Radio's Bob Beck to Retire.

Bob "Butter Bob" Beck of Wyoming Public Radio, a giant in Wyoming radio, will be retiring in October and moving to Syracuse, New York with his fiancé.  He's been at the University of Wyoming based radio station since 1988.

He has covered Wyoming via radio longer than any other broadcaster.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Sunday, August 9, 1942. The murder of Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein).

Popularly known by her birth name, Edith Stein, Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, died on this day in Auschwitz along with her sister, Rosa.  Both were Carmelite nuns.

Stein as a doctoral student.

Born into an observant Jewish family in Poland, she was a convert to Catholicism, as was her sister, in her adult years, converting from agnosticism.  She was extremely highly educated, having pursued a doctoral degree, and converted following her reading of the works of St. Teresa of Ávila during summer holidays.  She was of course sent to Auschwitz due to her Jewish heritage.  She was fifty years old at the time.

Today saw the Leningrad premiere of Shostakovich's Symphony No. 7.

Mentioned yesterday, today saw the US cruisers Astoria, Quincy and Vincennes, and the Australian cruiser Canberra, go down in the Battle of Savo Island.  The American destroyer Jarvis was sunk off of Guadalcanal.  Admiral Turner withdraws the Naval task force, with most of the heavy equipment and food for the ground expedition still on board his ships.

The Japanese retook the Kokoda airfield from the Australians.

The Germans took Krasnodar and the oil producing center of Maykop. The Soviets had destroyed the oil facilities before they evacuated.

British police arrested Gandhi and fifty fell members of the Indian National Congress.

The movie Bambi, taken from Felix Salten's book, which was translated from the German by Whitaker Chambers, was released in London.

I've never seen it, nor do I care to.

Monday, August 8, 2022

In Memoriam

David McCullough died yesterday at age 89.

A recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which he received from President George W. Bush in 2006, McCullough was a 1955 graduate of Yale, where he received a Bachelors degree in English literature.  He went on to work for Sports Illustrated, but was fascinated with the Johnstown Flood and worked on a book on it in his spare time.  That led him on to a career as a historian.

A master storyteller, he was sometimes criticized for not being an academic historian.  Nonetheless, his works are highly regarded.  Of his thirteen books, I've read three, all of which were excellent.  Also possessed of a calm, reassuring voice, he narrated a number of documentaries and even one feature movie, the same being Seabiscuit.