Thursday, October 18, 2018

Traveling for Boots

Main Street, Casper Wyoming.

When I was a boy here, which is now a very long time ago, there were at least two downtown stores that sold boots for outdoorsmen.  There may have been more, but I know that there were at least two.

One of them was a shoe store that carried the Red Wing brand, among other offerings.  Around the time I was a senior in high school, by which time my feet had quit growing, I bought, or rather my father bought for me, a pair or Red Wing logging boots.  They were my first real pair of really good purpose built outdoor boots, replacing the cheaper Red Wing type boots I wore as a kid, and a pair of very well worn Corcoran paratrooper boots I'd acquired from the Civil Air Patrol while I was in junior high.

For those who don't know, logging boots and boots in that family, are the best rough country boot around. They're fantastic.  Far better than the synthetic "boots" so many wear today.  And the Red Wing loggers were typical.  I wasn't the only one who had a pair, another one of my friends did. The boots lasted for years and years, being on endless hunting trips in all kinds of terrain around Wyoming, serving me as a geology student in the field, where they went up and down ridges in New Mexico and Colorado, and even being my footgear (they had steel toes) when I worked on a drilling rig one summer.  I don't know when they finally gave up the ghost, but it would have been probably around ten years ago, at which time they'd have had decades of use.

Before they died (and I'd acquired various other more narrow purpose boots in the meantime), I lucked into two pairs of Hathorn boots, a brand built by Whites.  One pair is their Farmer and Rancher boot, and the other their Smokejumper boot.  They were being carried by Big R, a farm and ranch store here locally, and they were their demonstrator models that were in my small foot size.  They were half off in price.

For those who don't know, everything built by Whites is fantastic.  They're the Mercedes Benz of outdoors boots.  These two pair are the most comfortable shoes I own and I'd wear them every day but for the fact you really can't in my daily job.

My son is now at the age where his feet aren't going to get any bigger. So it was time for some outdoor boots.  Easy task?  

Not so much.

My what a change in local offerings.  We looked everywhere.  The old shoe store downtown has been closed for years.  The other place I know that had boots closed in the 1970s, I think, and the couple of other places that used to have hunting boots locally are gone as well.  One store downtown that used to carry Whites no longer does, and the store that replaced Big R doesn't either.

In their place are various places that advertise boots. But they are overwhelmingly the type of boots, cheap boots in my view, that are aimed at men working in the oilfield. They aren't good outdoorsmen's boots and aren't worth having in my view.  A couple of sporting goods stores offer the modern composite type boot which is nothing better than a light hiker.  And two offer Danners, which are legendary, but Danner's boots offered here locally are invariably insulated, which isn't something that's universally a good thing for outdoorsmen.  Light hikers are fine for trails, but they're not a serious boot either, which serious outdoorsmen usually learn at their expense.  We could find, literally, nothing.

Now, in fairness, before I go on, a Red Wing store just opened here.  I didn't bother to go there.  We probably should have, but this point we determined to go the one place nearby. . . 120 miles distant, that we knew had Whites and Hathorns.  A store in Sheridan.

It's a great little locally owned store.  It has a fantastic selection of boots of all types.  It carried Hathorns and Whites in stock, and in more than one variety.  We were in luck.

But what an odd odd development.

In 1981, when I was young, you could get logging boots.  And I suspect that if I'd gone next door to where I'd gotten those, I could have gotten smoke jumpers.  I know that I could have gotten smoke jumpers or great packers in that latter store as recently as the 90s anyhow, and maybe more recently than that.

Not now.  Now, everything for a person's foot, shoe wise, is either going to be an oilfield boot of dubious utility for anything else, or a light hiker.

It probably makes sense that the store in Sheridan has a better offering, even if it's in a smaller town. The oilfield isn't a big deal in Sheridan and the mountains are.  It's a tourist town too, with some of those tourist being people headed out in the game fields and the fishing streams.  So there's likely a ready set market.

But you would think things would be different in Casper.  They should be, really.

Countdown on the Great War. October 18, 1918. Lille taken, Czechoslovakia declares its independence, more lives lost at sea and more lives lost in Russia.

British troops entering Lille, Belgium.   A photo strongly recalling similar photographs from World War Two.

1.  The British entered Lille, Belgium and  the Allies otherwise took Thourout, Ostend and Douai.

2. Czechoslovakia declared independence.

3.  The Reds executed approximately 100 Imperial Russian officers in Pyatigorsk.

4.  The British cargo ships Hunsdon and RFA Industry were sunk in the Irish sea by German submarines.  The Icelandic trawler Njordur was sunk by a submarine in the Atlantic.  The French battleship Voltaire was hit by a torpedo fired by a German submarine but was only damaged.  The Austro Hungarian passenger ship Linz hit a mine and sunk with large loss of life.  

The British submarine HMS E3 was sunk in the North Sea by a German submarine.  The submarine, which had been attempting to maneuver against German surface ships when spotted by the German submarine, put off survivors but the U-boat did not pick them up at first fearing a second British submarine.  When it returned, they had all been lost.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

October 17, 1968. Jackie Kennedy and Steve McQueen in the news.

1.  The Press Secretary for Jacqueline Kennedy, the widow of John F. Kennedy, announced her engagement to Aristotle Onassis.

The announcement would prove to be controversial.  Kennedy was to be married the next week and came less than one week after Mrs. Kennedy had been granted Secret Service protection.  The marriage would result in the end of that protection, but not of the controversy.

Onassis was one of the richest men in the world and had been a long time friend of Mrs. Kennedy's. The marriage brought an element of security to her, which was lacking in part to the violence of the times, but the extremely wealth Onassis was a controversial figure.  Jackie Kennedy was his second marriage, his first being to Athina Lavanos when he was 40 and she was 17 years old.  The couple's marriage had started out as a very happy one but had declined and ended in divorce which meant that questions were raised about the legitimacy of his later marriage to Kennedy from a Catholic prospective in an era when there was much less public tolerance of such things than there is now, particularly given the enormous attachment of American Catholics to John F. Kennedy (his own departures from morality were not publicly known and were shielded by the press at the time).  Onassis, additionally, ended a relationship with Maria Calles in order to marry Kennedy.

Jackie Kennedy Onassis would outlive her second husband who died of natural causes in 1975.  Calles was reportedly devastated by his death and never recovered from it.

The degree to which Jackie Kennedy Onassis was followed by Americans, particularly American women, is hard to imagine at the present time.  She had a degree of following which is really only analogous to members of the British royal family and her treatment was quite similar.

2,  The Steve McQueen film Bullitt, with its legendary car chase film, was released.

Sears and K Mart, locally, exit the stage.

The news hit yesterday that the Sears Holding Company, which owns Sears and K Mart, is closing the two local outlets.  Sears had declared bankruptcy.

To anyone paying attention, this is no surprise whatsoever.  Neither brand seemed to get over the financial flu that they picked up a couple of decades ago.  I haven't been in our local KMart for years, indeed since my son was small and I went there as they carried certain toys he liked.  I've been in Sears a couple of times in the last year but each time was really disappointing.

Indeed, it was pretty clear to me that Sears was in trouble when I bought a Craftsman lawn mower about ten or fifteen years ago and hated it.  The brand name had been legendary.  It was a complete disappointment and was rapidly replaced.

I don't know how Sears Holding allowed these stores to fall into this state.  I'm sure that competing with more aggressive Walmart had something to do with it, and adjusting to the Internet including Amazon, or failing to do so, even more.  But what a change.

I'm not going to get too romantic about it.  It wasn't as if I was a huge KMart fan.  I rarely went there in recent years.  And Sears had declined to the point where a trip through the Sears was universally disappointing.  The latter didn't carry nearly the number of things it seemed to have once carried.

But both stores were real institutions when I was young.  KMart was about the only department store of that type around locally.  And Sears had a downtown store that, while we didn't go into it frequently, was sort of a big deal.  It carried, I recall, everything, even firearms, and had its own automotive garage.

A person can debate what happened to these companies, but in the end they don't seem to have been able to get ahead of the new economy.  While they do go back a ways, the Sears company dates back to 1886, they weren't ancient institutions and reflected instead the American economy that came up during the 20th Century.  They started to decline, really, in the late 20th Century as Walmart, which was born in their image and that of similar brands, but much more aggressive, came up and then the Internet really started to polish them off.

But we don't really know where this is all headed really.  Sears and KMart were once giants.  Is this unique to them?  Well in some ways, certainly.  In others, not so much.  The new economy, whatever it will be, hasn't ceased developing to where we can know.

Mid Week At Work: Charlie Blackmon's Secret Fishing Spot | Rock Your Routine | UCHealth

Countdown on the Great War: October 17, 1918. The Allied Advance Continues, so does the U-Boat War, and Bishop McGovern comes out for Prohibition.

1.  The Allies took Thourout, Ostend, Lille and Douai, Belgium.

At this point the Allied advance was becoming relentless.  As a result, it actually becomes somewhat harder to track.  It was no longer the case, usually, that we saw big set piece battles so much as the wear began to resemble the late stages of World War Two with constant advancement.

2.  The British launched a major attack on the Selle and captured Le Cateau.

3.  The Americans completely cleared the Germans from the Argonne Forest and the French reached the Aisne.

4.  The British cargo ship Bonvilston was sunk in the Irish Sea by a U-boat.

5.  The American cargo ship Lucia was sunk in the Atlantic with the loss of four hands.

Funeral for American soldiers who died at sea, victims of the U-Boat war, in Scotland.

6.  Gas ban on Sundays were called off, Bishop McGovern backs prohibition.

The Spanish Flu didn't make the cover of the Wyoming State Tribune on October 17, 1918, but the looking reality of Prohibition did.

Bishop McGovern, the Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Cheyenne, came out for it.

In the folklore of Prohibition you usually hear that opposition to it was strongest in the Irish and German communities, which is quite true. By the same token, however, the drinking culture of both ethnicities meant that the problems associated with drinking were reflected back in them.  Hence, its not really surprising that Bishop McGovern would come out supporting Prohibition, even though that was undoubtedly not universally a popular opinion among all of his flock.

Bishops had to worry less about public opinion then as opposed to now and of course even now they aren't subject to a voting recall or anything. The Bishop had some leeway therefore in expressing his opinion, but it was a bold one to take, which is now doubt why he ended up on the cover of the paper on that day.

Bishop Patrick McGovern was a Nebraskan by origin and had been an orphan.  He was in ill health much of his life which makes his incredibly long tenure as Bishop amazing.  He served  nearly the entire first year of his appointment in the hospital for a stomach aliment and was hospitalized for ten weeks in 1940.  He was appointed in 1912 and served until his death in 1951.  His diocese was enormous and his tasks quite daunting.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

October 16, 1968. The Black Power Salute and the Ratification of the Soviet Occupation of Czechoslovakia.

1.  On this day in 1968, African American Olympians Tommie Smith and John Carlos gave the infamous Black Power Salute in their medal ceremony. They were later stripped of their medals.

Their action at the Mexico City Olympics remain extremely controversial, making the entire "taking the knee" drama in football appear quite minor in comparison. An act in support of civil rights for black Americans, it also came at a time during which the United States was at war in Vietnam and the clenched fist was associated with the extreme left.  It also came in a location, Mexico City, which had only recently seen violence committed by the government against students.

2.  Czech Prime Minister Oldrich Cernik, against his real wishes, signed a treaty with the USSR recognizing the Soviets right of occupation of his country.

    Countdown on the Great War, October 16, 1918. British advance everywhere, Dumas struck by lightening, the Kaiser abdicates?, Flu advances.

    The front as to Belgium and part of France, October 16, 1918.

    1.  The British crossed the Lys.

    2.  The British occupied Homs, Lebanon.

    3.  The Allies took Durres, Albania.

    4.  German submarines sunk the cargo ships Pentwyn and War Council while the British sunk the German submarine UB 90.  The American SS Dumaru, nearly new wooden steamship, was struck by lightening off of Guam and her cargo of munitions caught fire.  Her crew evacuated two two lifeboats and a raft, with the five passengers of the raft being rescued several days later.  One lifeboat drifted to the Philippines over a course of three weeks. The other badly provisioned lifeboat had to resort to cannibalism of the dead in order for the survivors to live.

    SS Dumaru

    5.  Wild rumors of the Kaiser abdicating and Germany capitulating were starting to circulate.

    6.  The Flu Epidemic was undeniable.

    The Cheyenne State Leader was correct in this assessment of the Spanish Flu.

    Hmmm, do these two newspapers seem rather similar?  Must have been a morning and evening edition of the same newspaper.  Both were reporting that the Flu Epidemic had become just that in the state.

    Monday, October 15, 2018

    Today In Wyoming's History: October 14, 1943. Material shortages in World War Two and the Hunting Camp.

    Deer season opens in much of Wyoming today, and apparently has for awhile, which brings us to this interesting item from 1943.

    Today In Wyoming's History: October 14:

    October 14

    1943  Hunters were asked to donate animal skins to the war effort.  Attribution: Wyoming State Historical Society.

    A Wisconsin deer camp in 1943.  I couldn't find a Wyoming example and this one was available for use. The rifle on the wall appears to be a nice Mauser with a set trigger, perhaps a rebuild of a World War One prize rifle.  Photograph courtesy of the Wisconsin Department of Fish and Game, which retains all rights to the same.

    If this seems like an unusual request, we have to keep in mind that the leather requirements for the service during World War Two were quite high, and moreover various uniform items used different types of leather.  Cowhide was the most common leather in use, of course, but elk hide was specifically required for mounted service boots, which were used by cavalrymen, horse artillerymen and other mounted soldiers.  While its common to believe that mounted soldiers did not exist in the U.S. Army during the Second World War, this is in fact incorrect and only horse artillery was actually phased out during the war.  Mounted service boots continued to be made for service use as late as the late 1940s.

    As noted in the entry above, leather was a serious war material during World War Two.  Indeed, I could have gone into more detail than I did.  As noted, cowhide was to be found in regular Army combat boots, service shoes (an ankle high boot) and shoes, but also in such things as tanker's helmets.  Horsehide formed the original leather for the famous A2 flight jacket, but apparently due to shortages that was changed to goat hide fairly early on. Those who received the early A2 jackets were lucky as horse hide is incredibly tough, although the goat hide jackets were loved by those who were issued them.  Most of those soldier were airmen, but not all of them were, as they were also a semi dress item for paratroopers, showing in part how many were made.

    Sheepskin was the material for an early series of high altitude flight jackets mistakenly remembered today as "bomber jackets".  Like A2s, they were general issue for pilots in Europe until mid war when a synthetic flight jacket began to replace it.  They remain a popular item today, as does the A2, on the civilian market.

    So I can see where deer and elk hides would have been in demand.

    What's a little more puzzling, actually, in this photograph, is the presence of the young men in the photo. We tend to think of every available man of service age being in the service during World War Two, and as the war went on those eligible for conscription definitely increased as service standards decreased, strained by the war as they were.  But here we see at least a couple of men of service age in the photo.  Of course any number of explanations could explain what we're seeing. They could have been service men on leave, or who had been discharged for wounds.  Or ineligible due to health.  Or in war vital jobs where they were exempt from conscription, or otherwise so exempt.  

    Hunting in World War Two, I recall my father telling me (who was in his early to mid teens at the time) was made a bit difficult because of cartridge shortages.  Of course, reloading already existed so some may have had prewar stocks of supplies.  Otherwise, shells were hard to get.  Gasoline to get to the game fields was as well, which might have increased the need to have a camp like these folks (who obviously had one before the war, however, as we can see the years that they've occupied it written on the wall).

    Of course meat and other foods were also rationed during the war, which would have made a camp like this all the more attractive for other reasons as well.

    Lots to ponder and consider in this one.

    Countdown on the Great War, October 15, 1918.

    1.  The British took Roulers.

    2.  The HMS Cymric, a Q-ship, mistook the submarine HMS J6 as a U-boat and shelled it, killing fifteen of the J6's crew.

    On the same day the French sailing vessel Bretagagne and the Greek vessels Evangelistria, Georgios and Maria, were sunk.  The British coastal motor boat HM CMB-71A was lost.

    Sunday, October 14, 2018

    Countdown on the Great War. October 14, 1918. Saying no to the Boche, Sinkings in the Atlantic, Americans resume the offensive in the Meuse Argonne and the British in Flanders.

    Camp Funston, Kansas, which some believe if the locus of the origin of the Spanish Flu.

    1.  The Battle of Courtrai commences in which the Groupe d'Armees des Flanders, made up of twelve Belgian, ten British and six French divisions under the command of King Albert I of Belgian attacked German forces in the hopes of continuing the Allied advance as far as possible before the oncoming winter made further advances impossible.  It was still anticiapted at the time that the war would drag into 1919.

    British forces found, to their expectation, that the Germans offered much reduced resistance and they had achived all of their objectives, reaching the Scheldt, by the 22nd.

    The Germans were basically collapsing while still offering resistance.  The nearness to a complete German disaster was not apparent, but it was coming.

    2. The U.S. resumes the offensive in the Meuse Argonne with assaults near Montfaucon.

    Senencourt (Muese) France. "Kamerad," a figure by the soldiers in the yard of the American Red Cross Canteen at Senencourt. The Red Cross girls are, from left to right: Miss Louise Adams of 10 Arlington Place, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Miss Alice Birdall, of 310 Third Ave. Reselle Ave., N.J.; and Miss Gertrude Nichols, #849 West Galen Street, Butte, Montana; Capt. Beverly Rautoul of #17 Winter Street, Salem, Mass., and Private Geo. St. Clair Preston, both of the American Red Cross Evacuation Hospital #8, are on the extreme left

    3.  The air wing of the United States Marine Corps engaged in its first all Marine air action by bombing Pitthem, Belgium.  Marines Ralph Talbot and gunner Robert Guy Robinson won the Medal of Honor for heroism associated with holding off German air attacks on their Airco bomber when they became separated and had to return to attempt to return to their base alone.

    Airco DH4, which was used in the tactical role.

    4.  The provisional government for Czechoslovakia formed.

    5.  The U-139 attacked the Portoguese steamer Sao Miguel and its escort the Portuguese Navy trawler NRP Augusto de Castilho on the Action of 14 October 1918.  The trawler was lightly armed and while it fought for several hours, it was actually outgunned by the submarine and surrendered to it, and was thereafter scuttled by the German submariners.  The engagement is regarded as the only high seas naval battle of the Great War to take place in the North Atlantic.

    On the same day, German submarines sank the Bayard, a French fishing vessel, the Stifinder, a Norwegian barque, which was scuttled due an engagement with the U-152 and the British passenger ship Dundalk, with the loss of 21 lives.  The German minsweeper SMS M22 was sunk by mines.


    Sunday Morning Scene: Churches of the East: Churches of the West: Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity, Toronto Canada

    Churches of the East: Churches of the West: Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity, Toronto Ontario.

    Churches of the West: Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity, Toronto Ontario.

    This is the Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity in Toronto, Ontario.  It was built in 1847, and is located in what is now the very downtown heart of Toronto.

    I admit I'm pushing the geographic  nature of this blog with this one (not for the first time), as Toronto wouldn't normally be considered "the west", but perhaps its not quite as far-fetched as it might seem. While Toronto is a huge major North American city today, all Canadian cities in this region and further west were, at one time, part of the Canadian frontier, a frontier that lasted longer in some respects than the frontier in the United States did, even though the history of the Canadian West and the American West are part and parcel of each other.  This is an Anglican church,. and at one time Toronto was a very English town.

    Best Post of the Week of October 7, 2018.

    Best post of the week of October 7, 2018.

    Countdown on the Great War. October 8, 1918: Sgt. Alvin York and the Battle of Hill 223. The Second Battle of Cambrai. A Scout Gets Through. The Desert Mounted Corps Takes Beirut. The Spanish Flu Closes Everything.

    Saturday, October 13, 2018

    Countdown on the Great War. The British take Tripoli, the Germans decimate a Greek shipping column, Poles maneuver for independence.

    1.  British occupy Tripol without resistance.

    2.  The German U-boat U-23 sunk nine Greek vessels in a single day.  An Egyptian vessel in the Mediterranean was sunk on the same day by an unknown German submarine.

    3.  Poles in Austrian Galatia declare the Republic of Zakopane.  Zakpane is a resort city in southern Poland that was at that time part of the Austrian Empire. The goal of the act was to push for a unified post war Poland.

    A Hundred Years Ago: Season with Intelligence

    Also from A Hundred Years Ago, liking salt and pepper, something I'm afraid I probably don't always do.  Indeed, I've been rebuked more than once for salting and peppering food before I taste it.

    Season with Intelligence

    Blog Mirror. A Hundred Years Ago: Army Food Procurement: 1918 and 2018

    From the always interesting blog, A Hundred Years Ago:

    A Hundred Years Ago: Army Food Procurement: 1918 and 2018

    The Muzzle Loaders - Our Wyoming

    Blog Mirror: A Farewell to Sobriety, Part Two: Drinking During World War II

    Oh my.

    In Montana, bear country can be anywhere in the western half of the state and sometimes beyond.

    FWP Header

    Pheasant hunters should be prepared to encounter bears

    In Montana, bear country can be anywhere in the western half of the state and sometimes beyond. In recent years, grizzly bears have shown up in prairie habitats east of the Rocky Mountain Front.
    For years, elk and deer hunters in western Montana have taken to the woods prepared for a grizzly bear encounter by carrying bear spray, following food storage guidelines and by keeping a watchful eye out for bear sign.
    However, with an expanding grizzly bear population into the prairie and agricultural lands in central Montana, bird hunters must now follow suit.
    Autumn is the time of year when bears move off seasonal sources of food, such as berries and chokecherries, and start looking for other things to eat. This annual search for food and calories is called hyperphagia, and it’s what bears do in preparation for a long winter’s hibernation.
    As bears become more common in prairie creek bottoms and brush rows, encounters with bird hunters become more frequent as well.
    Bird hunters should understand they could be in close proximity to bears even if they’re miles away from the Rocky Mountain Front. Hunters should be particularly careful near thick patches of brush and even more so in those thickets along canals and creeks. Grizzlies have even been known to bed in tall grass or cattails but prefer very thick shrubs. Keep a watchful eye on hunting dogs as they may stir-up a grizzly sleeping in its day bed.
    If you encounter a grizzly bear while hunting, do NOT run or yell. Running and yelling may provoke an attack. Instead, if you encounter a grizzly bear, speak calmly and back away slowly while preparing whatever form of defense you have. Leave the area immediately.
    Most grizzly bear attacks occur during surprise encounters where the grizzly becomes startled and attacks out of self-defense. Avoiding a surprise encounter is the best way to prevent a grizzly bear attack.
    Pheasant season starts Oct. 6 and hunters in grizzly bear country should be prepared for an encounter by carrying bear spray and being ready to use it, hunting with a partner, and by always letting someone know where you’ll be. Additionally, just like in the mountains, hunters should look for bear sign and avoid areas where the sign is fresh. If possible, make plenty of noise in areas where visibility is limited, even in areas where you wouldn’t expect bears.
    Grizzly bears are currently listed on the Endangered Species List in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem, which includes the Rocky Mountain Front and points further east. Though the population in the NCDE has reached recovery goals, the federal delisting process for the population is just getting underway.
    With the federal protections in place, FWP coordinates all bear management activities with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 
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    Friday, October 12, 2018

    Countdown on the Great War: The Flu Marches On, The German Navy Quits the Air but not the Sea, The British start Demobilizing in the Desert. October 12, 1918.

    Women marching in a Liberty Loan Campaign.

    1. General Pershing relieves himself as commander of the 1st Army and turns command of it over to Gen. Hunter Liggett. This occurred as the 2nd Army had been formed on October 10 and Pershing was the overall commander of the AEF, which had now grown to two armies.

    Scene at advanced first aid station of the 325th Inf. Wounded arriving on stretchers, while in the background a German munitions dump is burning at Marcq. American Red Cross north of Fleville, Ardennes, France

    2.  The Imperial German Navy flew its last airship mission of World War One.  The German navy commanded the Zepplin fleet that had been used to bomb targets in Great Britain.

    3.  The Imperial German Navy remained active in the Atlantic, however and damaged the USAT Amphion and sank the Norwegian cargo ship Laila and the Italian ship Tripoli II.  The Swedish ship Ohio collided with another ship in a British escorted convoy and also sank.

    4.  Shipping wise, the RMS Niagra docked in New Zeland brining the Spanish Flu with it.

    5.   Fire ignited by railroad sparks destroyed Cloquest Minnesota and resulted in the deaths of 453 people.

    6.  While there was no official talk of there being a Central Powers collapse, the British began to demobilize its forces in the Middle East in light of the Otttoman collapse there.
    6th Australian light-horse regiment leaving Jerusalem for demobilization camp. Oct. 12th, 1918.

    7.  Flu deaths were now undeniably rising.

    Blog Mirror: A Farewell to Sobriety: Drinking During the Great War

    A Farewell to Sobriety: Drinking During the Great War

    Thursday, October 11, 2018

    Apollo 7 launched, Coup in Panama. October 11, 1968

    Florida as viewed from Apollo 7.

    1.  It was the first of the Apollo missions to be manned.

    2.  Panama underwent a military coup.  It would remain controlled by its military for quite some time thereafter.  The democratically elected Arnulfo Arias had been in office twice before, in the 40s and 50s, but was in office for only eleven days on this occasion.

    Countdown on the Great War. October 11, 1918. The flu takes hold in Wyoming.

    Private Frank Sovicki, 338407, Company C, Fourth Infantry, of 318 East Central St., Shenandoah, PA., first Amer to escape from a German prison camp. Escaped to Switzerland, October 11, 1918.

    1.  Allied forces take Niis, Serbia.

    2.  The flu spreads in Wyoming:

    The state was now reporting 2,000 cases of the Spanish Flu.

    3.  The German Navy proposed converting merchant ships into aircraft carriers.

    While conceptually a perfectly valid idea, as the British, who had an aircraft carrier had already demonstrated, this was a rather odd idea for the German Navy, which had used its surface ships very little in the war, and which now was sitting on a revolutionary powder keg within its ranks, to suggest.  It indeed suggests a certain level of delusion.

    4.  Liberty loan campaigns were still going on in the US in spite of the risk of their spreading the flu. Indeed, such gatherings were contributing to it.

    4th Liberty Loan parade, St. Helena Training Station.  October 11, 1918.

    Movies In History: The Americans.

    The television drama The Americans is to spy thrillers what The Wild Bunch is to westerns. . . tense, morally problematic, violent and great.

    For those not familiar with it, and they are apparently few, The Americans was a FX Network television series that ran from 2013 to 2018.  It's available on Amazon Prime now so that a viewer can watch the entire series, although a viewer should beware. . .it's one that a person will almost certainly binge watch.

    The series follows two Soviet sleeper agents, "Philip and Elizabeth Jennings", inserted into the United States in the late 1960s, during the 1980s.  At this time the couple is well established as Washington D. C. suburbanites, posing as the husband and wife owner of a D. C. travel agency.  They have two children, Henry and Paige, with Paige being the older child of the two.  When the series starts off, neither of the children have any idea that their parents are Soviet spies, or that they're their parents are Russians.  In the first episode Stan Beeman, an FBI agent in counterintelligence, moves in by happenstance across the street.  All four characters appear in all 75 episodes of the series as their tale plays out.

    Now, almost any review of this series, nearly all of which, if not all of which, are positive contain massive plot spoilers.  I'm going to do that as well, but only after a sharp line below so you can tell where the plot spoilers start.  As our focus is generally on the historical nature, and its accuracy, of a cinematic or television portrayal, we'll start with that first.

    The Jennings, their pseudonym for their cover, are of course the main focus, along with the story of Stan Beeman, who works in counterintelligence and who unknowingly moves in across the street from somebody he's actually looking for.  But how accurate is this portrayal of sleeper agents?

    Well, that's somewhat difficult to know because. . .well they are spies. And I don't myself know a lot about late Cold War Soviet spies. What I can say is that the series is extremely violent and fairly graphic in other ways and that it accordingly exaggerates.

    The sleeper agents in this series are shown to get involved in situations that often result in bloody killings. And as part of their covers they routinely engage in sexual relationships with unknowing Americans who become attached to what they think is a single interested party.  Moreover, at the start of the series the Elizabeth character is shown to be not only a dedicated Communist but to have pretty much completely suspended her morality in service of the cause.  How accurate it that?

    Well, it's all clearly exaggerated, in part because most "sleeper agents" were just that, dormant.  But based on what we do know about Soviet spies, or perhaps what I should say is what I know, its exaggerated but not completely fictionalized.

    My knowledge of Soviet spies mostly comes from a series of books that deal with them in the pre World War Two era, the World War Two era, and the immediate post World War Two era.  And in that era the Soviets were in fact really good at both getting spies into foreign countries and giving them pretty good cover. Some did run businesses, sometimes with great success in fact.  Their personal conduct in fact was often shockingly libertine.   And they could be lethal, although not at the rivers of blood level that's depicted in the series.  So, in terms of their general depiction, its exaggerated, but now wholly made up.

    And we do know that the Russians in fact inserted couples into the United States, their cover thereby being better than singles who might be suspect. And we also know that at least in the case of post Soviet Russia, the children of sleeper agents might in fact be wholly ignorant of their parents' secret role. 

    So, the series makes drama by taking liberties, but it doesn't create the spycraft and its nature out of whole cloth.

    The ending of the series is tense and incredibly enigmatic.  We're left with a massive amount hanging in the air, but artfully.  Everyone has debated the fate of the characters, seemingly, including the actors who appeared on the show who can be found in interviews to speculate on the fate of various characters, most particularly Paige, a character who was extensively developed during the series.

    Usually we deal with a few things such as historiography and material history.  Generally, the show did these very well. Starting off in the Reagan era, which is in fact central to the plot, the drama did a good job of recreating the late Cold War situation and taking it forward.  In terms of material details, it also did very well getting the look and background of the early 1980s right.

    A word of warning.  Just the other day we published a note on the old Hays Production Code and this show definitely violates it in spades.   While its in context, there's a massive amount of sexual conduct and nudity in this show, enough to really be problematic.  It doesn't wreck the show, in my opinion, for a conscientious viewer, but it does cross a certain line.

    What the nation needs.

    The nation doesn't simply need what we have, it needs what we are.

    St. Edith Stein.

    Wednesday, October 10, 2018

    Painted Bricks: Blog Mirror: Pedri: An appetite for historical destruction

    Blog Mirror: Pedri: An appetite for historical destruction

    From the Tribune, an article about taking down old buildings:

    Pedri: An appetite for historical destruction

    Countdown on the Great War. October 10, 2018. Disaster at sea.

    U.S. field artillery, 155 mm gun of A Bttry, 324Bn, 158th Rgt.  October 10, 1918.

    1.  The RMS Leinster sunk in the Irish Sea by the UB-123 with the loss of over 500 lives including Canadian nurses.

    2.  British take Baalbek, Lebanon.

    Issues In the Wyoming Election. A Series. Issue No. 5. Dare we speak of demographics and Wyoming politics?

    Women casting votes, for the first time in the United States, in a national election.  Wyoming Territory.  Wyoming was the first state to grant women the full franchise.  Are Wyoming's women a political demographic today?  Well, in some sense they must be, but it doesn't seem to really reflect itself in the polls in a discernible fashion.

    I started this thread back in February.  And then I determined not to post it, because its' too easily misunderstood.

    Indeed, as I ponder putting it up (or not) it occurs to me that its way, way to easy to be misunderstood on so many levels.  For one thing, even mentioning demographic information opens a person up to charge of bias.  Simply noting a demographic trend isn't bias, but some folks sure see it that way.  This post certainly isn't intended to do that at all.

    Anyhow, I abandoned the thread, but then the primary election occurred, and along with it was the surprising late campaign surge of megabucks outsider Foster Friess, who ended up taking a selection of Wyoming counties. And that sort of raises this issue once again.  Even at that, tracking the declining days of World War One (which will see declining posts here afterwards, as the multiple daily posts will go away at that time, even if the blog doesn't), also put this on the shelf.  And the election grew really quiet.

    But it's heating up a little now.  At least I'm getting flyers in the mail once again.

    All this makes reading this a bit awkward, as some of it was written prior to the primary and it's now out of context.  I'll try to note that where it occurs.

    So I start once again with the original title of this thread, which is a question.

    Dare we speak of demographics and Wyoming politics?

    We don't.

    But perhaps we should.

    Or maybe its best we shouldn't, as its almost certain to be misunderstood. And frankly, its rather difficult to write cogently about.
    Much to my regret, we're entering the political season already and have, at this time, at least four serious candidates. . . well two serious candidates and Rex Ramell plus Taylor Haynes, contending for the Governorship. I wish they'd all have waited, but it seems the rush is on. (Note, written prior to the primary)
    And in that rush what we have so far is one conventional candidate, the Democratic candidate Mary Throne, and three candidates tacking for the extreme right.  One of those candidates, gadfly Idahoan veterinarian Rex Rammell is taking shots at another one for not being extreme enough, branding himself "Wyoming's Trump", by which he means Idaho's rejected Trump, presumably (go home Rex, you're annoying).  Only one Republican is in the middle, and he's largely in the middle by comparison.  He's otherwise be regarded as conservative, or at least he would have been up until recent years. (Note, written prior to the primary).
    But this brings up an interesting topic, given the initial extremism in the GOP camp (again, note that this was written prior to the primary).

    Wyoming has some interesting political demographics. . . but we pretend it doesn't.  We only hint at some of them. . . and we ignore others even if they exist.  We do this partially because our demographic situation does not match that of the larger country, and in part barbecue its easier to ignore them than discuss them.

    But perhaps it should acknowledge that it does.   Maybe we should take a look at them.

    And, in my revised version of this, perhaps there's some evidence that demographics are now playing a role in the election in a way that they didn't previously.  It would figure, after all, that they would, in a year which has been to date, pretty extreme.

    The Demographic Stage

    To start off with this, there's some interesting facts we have to acknowledge.  Indeed, savvy outsiders acknowledge them even if Wyomingites don't.  I've heard, for example, pretty good demographic analysis coming from airline passenger seats as people fly into town. . . but not by people who are really from here.

    No place is free from its own history.  Part of that history is the culture of the people who came into the state at some point, no matter when that might be.

    And that might explain, right now, why part of the extreme right of the GOP is fighting about has more to do with the Wyoming of 1857-58 and the Wyoming of 1889 to 1893 than it does with contemporary Wyoming, even if we don't recognize it.  And the failure to grasp that might explain why the GOP keeps falling on its face in this area.

    Okay, so what do I mean by all of this?

    The Dakota Territory in 1861, which included most of Wyoming, as had Nebraska Territory, and Idaho Territory. This map reveals more about contemporary Wyoming that we might otherwise suspect.  Wikipedia Creative Commons

    Well let's start off with who the people are who are here. Only about half of Wyoming's population, at any one time, is made up of people who were born here.  But not all people who have come in are the same by any means.  Of the people who moved here, quite a few of them are made up of sort of a regional population exchange. That is, about 50% of Wyomingites are natives.  50% are not.  But of the 50% who are not, a fairly high percentage of them are from North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, and Montana (I don't run into people from Idaho very often, but my guess is that on the western edge of the state you do).  Basically, that means that while a lot of Wyomingites aren't from Wyoming, they are from what had been part of one big territory in the 1860s, or neighboring territories, so they're actually in large part from an actual geographic region.

    That matters as while we are so acclimated to conceiving of our states as natural regions, they aren't in someways, while they are in others.  If we take the Rocky Mountain and Northern Plains region as a natural region, which it is geographically, culturally and historically, you get a different picture.  People born in Nebraska or North Dakota, for example, might not be Wyomingites in the "born here" sense, but we're all Northern Plainers.  Recently I've been working a lot in Colorado and have found, interestingly enough, that people who were born in Denver and grew up there, including professional people, sometimes go to great lengths to inform a person that they are natives, and not imports.  Indeed, we're all from a region that was once part of the same political entity to a large degree.

    Denver's Coors Stadium, September 28, 2018.  A lot of Wyomingites follow Denver sports fanatically, and a lot of Coloradans come up to Wyoming for recreation.  Makes sense. It's all part of the same greater region.

    Not that we're all exactly the same, that's not true of any demographic.

    But that does mean that we share an awful lot.

    And one of the things we share is that we're not New Yorkers, Texans or Californians.*

    Now that may sound rather peevish, but its true.  And that's why politicians that claim to be from "the West" can come into this region and say something downright offensive.  Indeed, that's why, particularly from natives, somebody like Foster Friess coming in and claiming to have grown up on a ranch is guaranteed to offend us.  And that' also why imports to the region, although we'll often elect them to office, very often have no real grasp on the local culture and views at all. They're not from here and they learn, instead, what they think Westerners want, which is probably more often than not what Texans want.  We're not Texans.  And we're not Midwesterners or Southerners either.

    Port Arthur Texas' public library. That's not our library and we're not in Port Arthur.  Some politicians last go around seemed not to realize that.

    And, as we'll see, issues that are important to rural Southerners or people from San Antonio, or whatever, aren't necessarily important to us.

    Okay, so who are we then?

    Well, taking a look again at Wyoming in general, Wyoming has basically been settled by about eight groups, or at least has eight demographic groups, it seems to me; those being:  1) Native Americans, 2) Homesteaders and Agriculturalist (who are divided strongly into two groups, ranchers and farmers, which are not the same), 2) Blue Collar Workers, 4) Entrepreneurs, 5) Mormon migrants, 6) Catholic migrants, 7) Government Employees and 8) Transients.

    Those Eight Groups

    Already I can see people's hackles going up.

    Now, starting off with all of this, I'll note that even in these categories not everyone share the same view by any means. But I think these categories are pretty supportable.  Others would omit some, others would add some.

    Okay, let's break this down a bit more.  After all, what do you mean by these categories, you may ask?

    One thing we can and should note, is that these groups are mixed.  That is, even if they are distinct groups, a person can be in more than one of them and almost everyone in the two religious categories I've noted is.  That is, you can be a Catholic blue collar worker, or a Mormon rancher.  A lot of blue collar workers here are transients and have no intention of staying whatsoever.  All that's pretty obvious, but it does complicate this story.

    So let's take a look at these groups a bit closer.

    Native Americans

    Well, the first one is pretty self evident.  Wyoming was occupied first by Native Americans. Simple enough.  The State, acknowledging this, notes on one of its websites:
    There is evidence of more than 12,000 years of prehistoric occupation in Wyoming. Among these groups were Clovis, 12,000 years ago, Folsom, 10,000 years ago, and Eden Valley, 8,000 years ago. The latter were the big game hunters of the Early period. Following these, and remaining until about 500 A.D., were many groups with a mixed hunting and gathering economy. These were followed by the predecessors of the historic Indians.

    On the crest of Medicine Mountain, 40 miles east of Lovell, Wyoming, is located the Medicine Wheel which has 28 spokes and a circumference of 245 feet. This was an ancient shrine built of stone by the hands of some forgotten tribe. A Crow chief has been reputed as saying, "It was built before the light came by people who had no iron." This prehistoric relic still remains one of Wyoming's unsolved puzzles.

    Southwest of Lusk, covering an area of 400 square miles, are the remains of prehistoric stone quarries known as the "Spanish Diggings." Here is mute evidence of strenuous labor performed by many prehistoric groups at different times. Quartzite, jasper and agate were mined. Artifacts of this Wyoming material have been found as far away as the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys.

    The historic Indians in Wyoming were nomadic tribes known as the Plains Indians. They were the Arapaho, Arikara, Bannock, Blackfeet, Cheyenne, Crow, Gros Ventre, Kiowa, Nez Perce, Sheep Eater, Sioux, Shoshone and Ute tribes.* Of all of these tribes, the Cheyenne and Sioux were the last of the Indians to be controlled and placed on reservations.
    Of those tribes, two, the Shoshone and Arapaho retain a major presence in Wyoming and share the Wind River Reservation.  The reservation is unique in that it was the only Western reservation in which the original occupants, the Shoshone, asked for it to be created, rather than  having it imposed on them.  The Arapaho's presence is also unique in that they asked to come on to it, albeit on a temporary basis that later became permanent.

    Now, when people speak of contemporary Indians in Wyoming, they usually stop at the Shoshone and Arapaho, but a person really can't and be accurate.  The Crow Reservation in Montanan borders Wyoming and members of the Crow tribe continue to have an influence in Wyoming today.  Southeastern Montana includes a Cheyenne reservation that is not without cultural influence in Wyoming and the major Pine Ridge Sioux Reservation in South Dakota has a major regional cultural influence.  So Native Americans, as a cultural and demographic influencer, are more significant than some might suppose.

    As a rule, the Democratic Party is strong among native peoples and perhaps for good reason.  One of the byproducts of the Reservation System was economic devastation and, therefore, whatever the original concepts may have been, and there were an entire string of them, the Federal Government has had an ongoing role on the Reservations that remains a necessary one.  The state has had very little role or has even been hostile to the Tribes from time to time.  This means that, generally Native Americans in Wyoming form one of the rare Democratic demographics in the state, but one that's significant enough that locally, in Fremont County, it matters.  Indeed, as we'll see, Fremont County used to be solidly Democratic due to another reason, but the Reservation was part of that.  The residents of the Reservation are concentrated enough that they usually reliably return a Democratic to Cheyenne from the Reservation and in a lot of elections can throw a significant number of votes towards Democratic candidates.  In a year like the current one, I'd guess that going into the general election Mary Throne and Gary Trauner are guaranteed to take a significant number of votes from the Reservation.  And the demographic on the Reservation is not small.

    And in the just held GOP primary, Mark Gordon came in first handily, with Friess behind him.  Hageman came in third, and Galeotos rounded out the bottom.  Pretty predictable results for that primary.

    Like a lot of demographic features of Wyoming's election map, this is pretty much ignored. But it's a real factor.  It will play out in the general election.  My guess is that Throne will do well in Fremont County, but that she won't take the county.  Likewise, I'd suspect the same for Trauner.  The county will send a Democrat to the legislature.

    The Gub'ment

    European Americans started coming in, in numbers that had to be acknowledge, in the 1840s.  The first presence was really military and transients, but even early on there were some agricultural interests showing up by the 1840s. That brings us the second group noted, Homesteaders and Agriculturalist as well as the last one, Government Employees.

    Let's start with the last, that being  the one that's so commonly picked on.

    Well, actually let's not.  Let's start with a group we fondly recall, but which we didn't list above.

    The very first Europeans, culturally, in Wyoming were trappers and the first of them were really Quebecois, culturally.

    French fur trapper and his Native American wife.  The French view of natives was considerably different than English Americans and they intermarried fairly readily.  In spite of the criticism they've taken in recent years, this was also true of the Spanish.  In both instances it likely reflects the influence of the Catholic Church which regarded the native inhabitants as equal in every fashion to Europeans.  In both the heavily French regions and the heavily Spanish regions this intermarriage gave rise to a new culture of people.  In the case of Wyoming, however, this early European influence, while leaving a rich historic legacy, didn't leave much of a population and is recalled today principally in geographic names.

    The next groups were trappers out of the United States, although they were often French in culture, and agents of the United States.  Indeed, the first significant governmental presence in Wyoming was military, although its not often recalled hat way. The Corps of Discovery, i.e., the expedition of Lewis and Clark, was a military mission.

    In our romantic concept of the state, we rarely think to acknowledge that Wyoming, like most of the Western states, but perhaps more than many of them, had heavy Federal influence in it as soon as it interested more European Americans than just fur trappers.  The first exploration was by the Army.  The first really significant settlements of any type were built by trappers, to be sure, as outposts and stores, but as soon as the Oregon Trail became well traveled in the 1840s, the Army started to move right in and in fact took over some of those establishments by purchase, something that continued on for a good twenty years or more.  Ft. Laramie had been Ft. William at first, until the Army bought it in the 1840s and greatly expanded it.  In Natrona County, Platte Bridge Station and Richard's Bridge had been civilian posts prior to being military ones.

    This isn't a history of the settlement of Wyoming, so I'll more or less stop there but to note that Governmental employees have been a really common feature of Wyoming demographics since the 1840s.  Soldiers, Airmen, even Sailors, and employees of various agencies have been with us all along.  I have one neighbor who works for the Federal government right now and one cousin, in my neighborhood, who does.  I basically did at one time when I was employed, off and on, as a full time National Guardsmen.

    And of course the government isn't just made up of the Federal Government, but the state and local governments as well.

    Something that Wyomingites don't seem to generally realize is that Wyoming has one of the highest ratios of government worker to private citizen in the United States.  It's much higher than any of our neighboring states.  We have a lot of government workers for the size of our state.  And not matter what we might like to think about that, that's not going to go away and a lot of it is necessary.

    Indeed, a lot of it is so necessary that one of the things that people who oppose the transfer of public lands to the state point out is that if that occurred it would practically bankrupt the state as so many additional task would be added to the existing ones.

    Does this have an impact in elections?  I think it does, but very subtly as a rule.  While conservative politicians in Wyoming like to decry the government, during actual elections people tend to turn a blind eye to a lot of it.  Most politicians won't come out for actively whacking education, for example, even though every teacher is a government employee.   While the Tea Party elements in the state will claim that the State should take over the Federal lands, nobody is going to claim that the State should take over highway funding.  Oh no they are not. Truth be known, Wyoming has a love hate relationship with the government essentially viewing it the way that university students do their parents. . .they want freedom. . . but they want the bucks as well and are quick to come home if things go wrong.

    Having said all of that, in the recent primary the Wyoming Education Association, a teachers union, unseated a Republican legislator in the primary.  Clearly, voters don't hate the government as much as Tea Partiers like to imagine they do.

    In the GOP primary, moreover, its notable that Gordon took 40% of the vote in the state's capitol, beating out, in that county, second place finisher Hageman prettily handily.  Hageman's votes were probably part and parcel of the almost the same thing, but in the form of anti government votes and native daughter votes as her law practice is headquartered there.  Gordon's easy win in Laramie County where people generally don't hate the government, and where the Federal government has some really significant facilities, is probably no accident.


    This, oddly enough, takes us to the agricultural group (which I'm also part of).

    Farming showed up in Wyoming before ranching did, due to an historical oddity.  Masons came up from New Mexico to work on the cement structures at Ft. Laramie and stayed on. They were New Mexican natives and farmers by trade, as well as masons, and after they were done working on the form they settled the nearby area known as Mexican Hills and went into what we'd now call "truck farming".  Cattle ranching appeared about two decades later.  Farming and ranching have had a strong influence ever since and was the dominant economic and political force, in various and sometimes internally conflicting manners, from organized territorial days at least up until World War One, at which time petroleum, also always present, became the dominant economic force.

    I'll break the history of this down just a bit more in a moment, but we can note here that even early on ranching was split between smaller homesteaders and larger interests, with some of those larger interests being funded from outside the state.  That gets us into the third and fourth groups. As ranching rose, it employed a fair number of men who did not own anything but were simply servants of their employers.  And we saw people who came in to exploit a business opportunity but were otherwise not necessarily drawn by the land.  When oil started to become a factor in the 1890s, and as mining came in as well, these two groups all increased.  Like labor and capital everywhere, their interests are not always aligned.

    Getting back to Agriculture, however, the interests of farmers and ranchers are not the same and that has always been the case.  And that had a big impact on the recent election.

    People tend to think of agriculture as one block, and at one time it actually was.  And when it was, it tended to have a pretty strong anti government bias.

    In the case of ranching, this dates back all the way to the 19th Century to some extent, but it really became focused with the passage of the Taylor Grazing Act in 1932.  That Taylor Grazing Act actually saved the ranchers from desperate Depression era homesteaders, but they resented it as it took away the public lands from any future acquisition.  Ironically, it saved the public lands for real ranchers from desperate homesteaders who were carving it up so quickly at the time, and wrecking it, that one Wyoming Supreme Court decision of the era actually failed to render an opinion on an land issue as it was impossible to tell the ownership of the land in a timely fashion.

    Be that as it may, the act was resented enormously by ranchers in the West who really basically felt that they owned the public land and a better course of action would have been for the Federal government just to give it to them.  This was really unrealistic and indeed had the Act not passed, many ranches would have been outright destroyed by desperate homesteaders of the period.  Certainly many were much reduced in size.  The irony of this is that ranchers of that period, indeed, the real ranchers of today, were very much the descendants of late 19th Century homesteaders themselves and mostly not of the "large ranchers" of the mid 19th Century.

    Indeed, one of the real peculiarities of all of this is that the entire story basically repeats itself to a large degree. Wyoming ranching really got started in the 1870s and by the late 1870s it was part of a boom in Western ranching that saw a lot of big money and foreign money interests come into the state.  That ultimately lead to a very pronounced conflict as small start ups, often cowboys from the larger ranches, took advantage of the Homestead Act to file claims on small units and start small ranches.  That lead to the Johnson County War of the 1890s, which the large ranchers were on the downside of, and ultimately the smaller ranchers prevailed.  For a variety of reasons, however, over the next fifty years the homesteads tended to consolidate leaving Wyoming with quite large ranches which are usually made up of numerous smaller former homesteads.

    Anyhow, recently the ranches have been under tremendous economic pressure in terms of land prices and it's been clear that ranchers, if they are real ranchers, can't afford to expand very easily. This has made it difficult for younger ranchers to stay in the business.  What that has also done, but it hadn't been noticed much, is to covert the younger ranching demographic into pro public lands folks.

    That's hugely significant as what that means is that the old drum beat about "taking back the public lands" doesn't find a sympathetic ear with younger ranchers and its starting not to with older ones.  Politicians don't seem to have noticed this much however and even those who track Wyoming politics don't seem to.  But that's what I'm hearing.

    Things are different for farmers however. Farmers, with rare exception, don't farm the public lands. Farmers own their own lands, and farm ground doesn't have the playground appeal to it that ranch land does.  I.e., people sitting out of state with a lot of money rarely decide that they want to use their surplus cash to become "Wyoming Farmers", so they aren't a threat to real Wyoming farmers. The opposite is true for ranchers.

    So ranchers have slowly come around to supporting the Federal government keeping the public lands. They know that if the state acquires them, the state will sell them. Farmers still see the Federal government, rightly or wrongly, as being in their way.

    This played out in the last election to a fairly significant degree.  If you look at the election map once again, you see that Gordon took all of the sagebrush, i.e., ranching counties, except for a patch in the southwest part of the state that went to Friess (more on that just below).  The only exception is Campbell County, but the dominant industry there by far is the extractive one (and more on that below).

    Hageman did well only in the farming belt of the state. That's it, plus Campbell County. And that makes sense.  In that region they're not depending on the Federal lands for anything. Where people do, she didn't sell well at all.

    Religious Demographics

    The first religious group, is somewhat obvious.  Mormons, members of the Latter Day Saints, first came into Wyoming as their religion migrated to the Salt Lake Valley.  But even in the migration period they simply did not just pass through.  During the thick of the migration they established posts of various kinds here an there to aid in their co-religious trek.  After the Salt Lake Valley was well established, moreover, they spread out into some neighboring regions, those being New Mexico (and even northern Mexico) and nearby Idaho at first, but back into Wyoming prior to World War One.

    Catholics I've already addressed a bit, but Catholicism, as already noted, has had a presence in the state dating back to the 1700s.  The presence became permanent in the 1840s with Indian conversions and the migration of Mexican, New Mexican and Irish migrants into the state.  By the late 1800s this also started to include Italian and Slavic migrants to mining regions, who were interestingly joined by Welsh migrants who worked in the same industries.  Irish immigrants became well represented in ranching both as ranchers and as ranch hands, with Irish cowboys, along with Mexican cowboys, being common enough types to have been reduced in later films to stock characters.  Less well known is that in the sheep industry the Irish dominated for a time as ranchers, and Irish sheepherders and Mexican sheepherders were so common as to nearly define the occupation.

    Neither Catholics nor Mormons were, however, ever a majority in Wyoming overall.  Distinctly different from each other in settlement, Catholics were a minority everywhere they went. Mormons, however, often formed a local majority where they settled and they still are in many of those locations.  Up until well into the 20th Century the "main line" Christian Protestant denominations were very influential in most localities with the Episcopal Church being the most socially predominant in many locations.  Strong anti Catholic bias was a major factor in much of Wyoming until the mid 20th Century which both mean that Catholic influence was somewhat arrested socially due to that and was certainly hindered economically, a factor that was increased by the fact that the Masons were a major institution at the time and Catholics are self precluded from joining the Masons and were always looked down upon in social circles in any event.  While Mormon settlement habits meant that they tended to often be a local majority where they settled somewhat abated the impact of prejudice they felt on a daily basis, it certainly cannot be claimed that bias did not exist in regards to them as well.  The point here is, however, that while Catholics and Mormons today form statistically and demographically significant minorities, for hte most part the larger Protestant bodies that once existed have declined significantly and no longer occupy the economic and demographic positions they once did.

    So what's this have to do with anything?

    Well, quite a lot.

    Now, most Wyomingites, we must note, are not Mormons and they are not Indians.  Indians make up about  2.5% of the Wyoming population.  Not much.  People with Indian heritage, however, make up about 5% of Wyoming's population, so all together we're looking at about 7.5% of the population.  Still not much.

    11.6% of Wyomingites are Mormon's, which would seem to be a fairly small percentage of the population but isn't in context.  The second largest are the Catholics, who are at 11.4%, or in other words they're statistically identical.**  Wyoming is, and always has been, an American anomaly, probably due to the highly transient nature of its population, in that only 41% of Wyomingites closely identify with a religion, and that's not a change that came about over time but one that has always been there.  Most Wyomingites are Christian in some fashion and of those who identify with a denomination the majority are various Protestant denominations but no other faith of any kind represents even up to 10% of the population.  The Episcopal Church, which used to be a national and regional powerhouse, has declined down to 1.3%, and that does reflect a nationwide trend.  Therefore, while a majority of Wyomingites are Protestant generally, of people who really identify with a single faith, the Mormon Church is the largest single faith followed very closely by the Catholic Church, both of which are growing although not for the same reason.  The Catholic Church likely actually has a higher percentage, probably fairly significantly higher, when illegal aliens are included.

    Okay, so how does this play out.

    In the last election, really for the first time by my recollection, we saw candidates attempt to emphasize their religious faith. But those doing that were not Mormons or Catholics, but it seemed like they were Evangelical Protestants.  At least that was the case with Freiss.  Hageman hinted at a Christian faith but never identified it.  Geleotos noted features of his platform which were suggested to be based in his faith, but he never made that faith, Greek Orthodox, apparent (and indeed a lot of people wound't have really known what that was if he had).  That means that those who were pitching towards a strong Christian base were basically pitching in the wrong place.

    Indeed, just prior to the election being held I saw a "Christians For Freiss" car in my neighborhood with Colorado plates. What's that do?  Probably not much.

    But, having said that, there is an interesting trend going on here that suggests that religious affiliation is playing a bit of a role for perhaps the first time. . . or at least for the first time since the issue of Prohibition was in play.***

    If we look back at the map, we see that Freiss did well in counties that have a large Mormon demographic.  It's hard not to notice actually. Why?  

    Here Freiss emphasis on his faith in such an open manner may have sold well.  The Latter Day Saints arose during that period of time called the Second Great Awakening and while the LDS church is highly distinct in its theology, it does share some views fairly strongly with Evangelical Christian churches that gained adherents in that period.  It's hard to describe, but there's a certain emphasis on a certain type of personal morality that is emphasized in the Mormon faith and often quite common among its members.  This is often noted by non Mormons and its in fact the basis of both admiration and criticism of them.  This is not to say that the personal fielty and sanctity of devout members of other faiths doesn't exist, but it can be different depending upon the faith and its certainly different among the Apostolic faiths and those closely based on them.

    An additional factor that may be at work here is that Mormons tend to emphasize civility in a way that others do not.  It tends to be a trait of the demographic.  And it's been noted taht as a demographic they react poorly to candidates that are not civil.  This is not to suggest that Gordon was not civil, but Friess was certainly highly civil, always being polite and courteous to the other candidates.  Hageman came across as highly uncivil.

    So while those counties are in the "sagebrush belt" that otherwise went to Gordon, they went for Friess.

    Before we move on from this topic, one small oddity that might be worth noting is that early on the "take the public lands" movement was fairly strong in these same counties. This seems to have completely passed in the same counties in the recent election however. Anyhow, the one candidate still running who is radically in that camp is Rex Rammell, who is a Mormon.  Rammell is going to pull hardly any votes anywhere in the state this fall, and most of those who do vote for him are going to be disgruntled Hageman voters, but it's worth noting for another reason. The real hotbed of the grab the Federal lands movement has been Utah.

    At least one Utah politician took a real pounding recently for holding those views, so they aren't universally popular there by any means. But they are strongest there.  What exactly is the source of that isn't clear to me, but I wonder if an element of it might be historical.  The Mormons, as a demographic, are sort of unique in being the only religion in the United States to come into direct conflict with the Federal government.  Catholics were very heavily persecuted in the first half of the country's  history and were outright persecuted in the Colonial era, but because of the diverstiy of the Catholic body of faithful, that's not really a terribly strong memory among Catholics. But the fact that the Federal government legislated against one tenant of the early Mormon faith and evne sent an armed expedition into the West to enforce Federal policies against them has not been forgotten.  Given this, I wonder if there isn't a slight residual distrust of the Federal government in certain ways that might be unique to the demographic.

    Anyhow, in the recent election, Freiss campaign sounded a lot like he was running for a seat from Alabama or something.  It didn't sell well in most places, but did in at least one, probably for a completely surprising reason.  And Friess, where he did do well, did not do well by a huge margin by any means. With a few more votes in those counties they would have gone for Gordon.

    Blue Collar Workers

    Wyomingites associate themselves with cowboys but there are a lot more blue collar workers in Wyoming that anything else, at least if we consider oilfield and other extractive industry workers blue collar.  I don't mean unskilled labor. Some of this labor is unskilled but not all of it is by any means.  A lot of it is pretty skilled.

    Anyhow, I note this as this makes Wyoming a real exception to the rule in the United States.  I hate the term "post modern", as I don't think it's possible to be "post modern", but the United States is "post industrial".

    The United States in which I was born was an industrial titan.  And the United States still has a lot of industry. But we aren't the globally dominating industrial entity we once were, for a vareity of reasons, including the fact that we intentionally exported industry, wisely or foolishly.  But Wyoming is an exception.

    All over the country there are a lot of industrial and blue collar jobs that go unfilled.  Mike Roe has made this a bit of a personal campaign.  But in Wyoming a lot of young people plan on going right into the oilfield (and up until recently mining) industries and remain there for their entire lives.  Whether or not this is a long term viable plan at this point may be another thing, but it's certainly been a feature of life in Wyoming forever.

    This means that unusually Wyoming has a large, blue collar, middle class.

    It also means that this middle class is tightly tied to the industry that provides jobs to it.

    This has certainly been a major feature of recent campaigns and this one was no exception. Candidates are absolutely loath to suggest that the economy and the industry is evolving, even though they are, such that the long term viability of this sector may be imperiled.  Harriet Hageman absolutely denied it.  

    This has an impact on election and it certainly has an impact on local political beliefs.  It's part of the reason the GOP is so strong here, as the GOP is seen as supporting the oil and gas and mining industries.  And in common conversation nearly anyone here has experienced the blend of economc and political beliefs that informs a lot of voters on everything in their world view.  

    But surprisingly it didn't have the impact that people presumed it might, which says a lot for the actual deeply held views of common people.  In the election, only Campbell Count and maybe Weston County seem have been influenced in this fashion, both of which featured strong polling for Hageman.  Campbell County in fact went for Hageman, where she barely beat out Friess.  Weston was the other way around.  Gordon came in third in both counties.

    That Friess did well in both counties is revealing as it might explain in part why he also pulled down enough votes to take the southwestern counties, which we've also discussed.  She also came in second in Lincoln and Uinta Counties.


    Wyoming has an enormous transient population, which is once again due to the oil and gas industry.  I don't state this to be insulting, it's simply a fact.

    Indeed, the airplane observer I noted above noted this, noting that the residents of the state practically fit into two camps, those from here and staying and those not from here and leaving.  That's not completely true, but it's at least partially true.

    Transients are interesting in that I think they provide part of the background noise to Wyoming elections and occasionally influence them.  Indeed, the recent hard right turn in the primaries is partially due to this, in my view.  

    A high percentage of the transient population comes out of Oklahoma and Texas. Folks from any region bring their political views with them, and they're no exception. Oklahoma and Texas have a certain brand of conservative voter that Wyoming generally does not, but when there's a lot of Texans and Oklahomans here, some register to vote and they begin to influence politics.

    Indeed, for long time or lifetime Wyoming residents some of the features of Wyoming politics of the last decade have been absolutely baffling and this may provide part of the explanation.  The whole Cindy Hill saga seemed to be imported from a very rural Oklahoma school district, for example, rather than something we thought up on our own, even though that's not true.  

    Be that as it may, the truth is that most of our transient population plans on returning home and a lot of them do. For that reason, I suspect that a lot of them don't vote and beyond that some probably vote back home where they are from.  So candidates pitching to them probably draw attention, but it's misleading.


    Wyoming has always, from day one, attracted a lot of people seeking to make their fortunes here and it still does.  This class makes up a demographic at any one time, including those who have made their money elsewhere and then retired here.

    The views of this group of people tend not to really match those of Wyomingites from the state or elsewhere except that they generally are highly pro business.  In the recent election Friess, who is a member of this class, did well in Park and Big Horn Counties, counties that feature a fair number of these voters.  Dave Dodson, who was running against John Barrasso, took Teton County, the only county he took, which also features a fair number of such voters and of which he is also a member of (Trauner out of Teton County is as well).

    In some elections members of this class have done highly well, in others not so much.  Galeotos styled his campaign pitching in a way towards their views, but obviously didn't do well, so in this election, their impact appears to have been marginal at best.

    What about ethic demographics?

    Any reader of this, if there is any, must be surely wondering about ethnic demographics by this point, as that's what is normally meant by a political demographic to some degree.  Oh sure, pollsters talk about the "Evangelical Vote" or the "Catholic Vote", etc., but what about the Hispanic Vote?

    Well, good question, but Wyoming is sort of oddly unique in this fashion as well.

    Now, to some extent we have discussed this already, in that we discussed religion in Wyoming's politics.  And some of that is ethnic in a way, even if we don't tend to think of it that way, as religions can be an ethnic identifier.  Indeed, in this instance that's what tends to separate, I think, the minority Catholic vote from the minority Mormon vote.  The Mormon vote is more solid as a block as Mormons are more of an identifiable ethnicity, in a loose sort of way, while Catholics are quite diverse even if they tend to descend more from some nationalities than others.****

    But do we have ethnic blocks here?

    Well, yes we certainly have one, and I've discussed that above.  The Native Americans in the state, who fit into two different ethnic groups by culture, as already noted.  They are in fact a distinct ethnic group and they tend to be largely Democratic.  We've discussed that group already. Are there any others?

    Well, surprisingly not really. . . or not yet.

    Part of this has to due with the Western culture which truly tends to act as a solvent.  In much of the United States there were strongly nationally demographic regions within states and within cities which preserved long after the initial immigrants arrived.  I"ve heard, as an example, a fellow who came from Rhode Island express amazement to find that in the West to say "I'm Italian", as in Italian American, meant almost nothing at all, if in fact nothing at all.  People will identify with a distant national origin, but it simply doesn't mean what it does in other regions.  To say, for example, "I'm Irish" doesn't mean that you are from an Irish family living in an Irish neighborhood that goes to an Irish church.  It more likely means you had an Irish ancestor or a collection of them. That's about it in 2018.

    The exceptions today would be, potentially, African Americans and Hispanic Americans, but even here what we'd expect to find we really don't.

    African Americans are an identifiable voting demographic in much of the US but not in Wyoming.  That's in part because the African American population here is small, but its also in part because the African American minority has been in the state as long as the European American minority.  Given this, there's an African American minority that's an Afro-Wyomingite minority and fits into the larger scene.

    Black politicians have been a feature of the state's politics since the 19th Century. Wyoming had integrated juries as early as the first decade of the century and its therefore no surprise that it'd have fairly integrated politics.  A 19th Century coroner in Natrona County was a black Civil War veteran. . . something that appears to have been very little noted at any one time.  Laramie County has had a couple of black legislators of the Byrd family who have been very prominent in politics.

    About the only time that African Americans really made an appearance as an identifiable political block was in Cheyenne about a century ago in reaction to newspaper reporting there, which was uniformly racist. They protested their treatment, justifiably.  If we extend that out a bit, the protests of the Black Fourteen at the University of Wyoming might provide another notable example.  But the examples are fairly concentrated.

    Indeed, as the flip side of that, the state's small African American demographic contributes to local races in an almost unnoticed fashion. The City of Casper, for example, has a black council member and its simply basically not noted.  It doesn't seem noteworthy, really.

    The other demographic group that we'd normally think of in this context is the Hispanic demographic, which is fairly large in the state and which has been in the state for a really long time.  Indeed, the current Hispanic population is the product of probably four different periods of immigration into the state.

    Hispanics are identifiable as a demographic group in a way that the state's African American population really isn't.  While they've had a presence in the state since the 1840s, they have tended to live in identifiable communities and retain certain cultural features that other resident groups have not.  This would seemingly make them a likely candidate to be an identifiable voting block, and maybe it very quietly is, but if it is, it's quiet.

    I can't think of a single instance of a candidate attempting to aim a message towards Hispanic voters. I'm sure there are Hispanic candidates in some local offices, indeed I can think of one in Casper and I can think of others in Casper who have held office in the past, but that really flies under the radar and it's never really mentioned.  I wonder if that will continue.  Hispanics here are not really all of one group, given their entry into the state's demographics over time, and the most recent group has had a vested interest in staying somewhat quiet. But I'd think that likely to change.

    So there you have it.

    But we don't speak much on it.

    And frankly, because of the state's small population, we really don't need to.  It'd serve more to divide than to unite.  But in an election year like this one, with a primary like we just had, it may have had an impact and politicians would have been wise to keep themselves informed on it, if they were aware of it at all.


    *Indeed, these are all groups that native Wyomingites hold in deep suspicion even though they don't realize it. To say that "I'm from California" is to brand the speaker with lasting contempt in certain circles.  People from Texas often get only barely more than that, and New Yorkers certainly do not.  There are real reasons for all of this even though it tends to mystify the speaker.

    *The state's list omits the Metis, but it shouldn't. The Metis, of course, aren't really Indians per se, but they are a very early Indian influenced group that formed its own distinct culture.  A mix of Indian peoples and the French in Canada, they formed a strong agrarian culture in the prairie regions of Canada that at one time rose up in armed rebellion.  During the 19th Century they ranged in hunting expeditions as far south as Wyoming and according to at least one very knowledgeable Canadian historian there's reason to believe that there some Metis in the Sioux camp at Little Big Horn when it was attacked by the 7th Cavalry in 1876.

    **Historically, Catholicism is the longest represented non animist religion in the state, as it was the religion of the French fur trappers.  This is something that tends to be discounted by historians in a way as the trappers were wild men and therefore the degree of their adherence to religion might be regarded as suspect, but it seems fairly clear that it was greater than might be supposed with at least some. That lack of understanding of that is something that probably comes about due to a general lack of knowledge on French fur trappers and their religion in general.  Anyhow, at some point after their arrival Catholic priests did arrive in the region and its usually noted that Pierre DeSmet, a Belgian priest, was the first of them.  I wonder, however, if that's correct as at least one glyph I've seen fairly clearly depicts what I think is a Catholic Mass.  Some individual Indians or bands of Indians were converts to Catholicism surprisingly early.

    These early Catholics can't be said to have left a huge permanent influence on the state, but later ones did in ways that are now somewhat forgotten. With the arrival of Hispanic immigrants starting in the 1840s, and then Irish ones in the 1860s, a more permanent establishment was created.

    ***Religion played more of a role in the repeat of prohibition and what followed than in enacting it.

    Contrary to what people imagine, Wyoming was all for prohibition and indeed it was Wyoming's votes that pushed it over the top.  But like the rest of the country it grew disenchanted with it quickly.  When it became obvious that it would be repealed, leaders of the Mormon community and the Catholic community became significant direct forces in crafting what was to follow. That is, they were directly consulted.

    The consultation was not in order to keep prohibition in place.  Nobody wanted to attempt that. Rather, it was to prevent the destructive unregulated saloon trade from coming back in. Wyoming's system of liquor regulation dates to that period and was designed with that in mind.

    ****Even if that is true, however, its tended to very much wane in some ways.  A person can claim to be an "Irish Catholic", for example, if they have Irish heritage and are Catholic, but chances aren't bad that they're not of 100% Irish extraction and moreover they're more likely to really be an American Catholic.  The exception here, as to many other things, may be members of the Hispanic demographic in Catholic churches who are largely of immediate Mexican extraction.