Monday, January 13, 2014

Governor Hunt's World War Two Correspondence, Heart Mount Internment Camp

The American Heritage Center at the University of Wyoming has digitized Wyoming Governor Hunts papers, including correspondence he received or sent concerning the Internment Camp at Hear Mountain.

Included in these, is a surprising example of somebody writing to the Governor to inquire about receiving a "Japanese girl" for work at her ranch home.  She was willing to pay wages, but still, its not something I'd expect to have found anyone inquiring about.  A surprising thing to read.

The Big Picture: 74th U.S. Infantry 1918.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Holscher's Hub: Special Passenger Permit, Chinese Air Force

Holscher's Hub: Special Passenger Permit, Chinese Air Force: A Chinese Air Force (Nationalist China, i.e. Taiwan), issued to my father.

Watching the Morph. How the news gets spun by the right and left in the age of the unreliable Internet

Wyoming has a very large Indian Reservation, the Wind River Reservation, which is home to part of the Shoshone Tribe* and also home to the Arapaho Tribe. It's also the home to quite a few non Indians as well.

The Wind River Reservation has a fascinating history which includes sort of a smoldering dispute which has run for decades about the proper boundaries of the Reservation. This dispute is complicated, but what it basically surrounds is withdrawals of certain areas from the Reservation by Congress, so that these areas could be opened up for general homesteading outside of Tribal jurisdiction.  I'd note here, and it is very significant, that areas of Reservations could be, and were, opened up for settlement within Tribal boundaries.  Contrary to what is very evidently the general belief, you do not have to be an Indian to own land within a Reservation.  Indeed, the Wind River Reservation includes part of the Midvale Irrigation District, which is a very significant irrigation district which is mostly farmed by non Indian farmers who live within the Reservation. 

One of the areas that have long been disputed by the Tribes is the area around the city of Riverton. Riverton is the county seat of Fremont County, and it is located on lands that were opened up for homesteading in 1905 by the United States.  It's generally been nearly universally believed by all but the Tribes that this event took the area in and around Riverton outside the Reservation, with the Reservation bordering it.  Indeed, the general belief would be that, if you were driving West on the highway, you'd enter the Reservation just outside of Shoshoni, leave it again rapidly, enter the framing belt where Riverton is, and then cross the river back on to the Reservation, and then leave it again just before you entered Hudson.  Prior legal decisions support this view.

Recently, however, the Tribes petitioned the EPA for a status equivalent to that of a State in regards to regulating air quality. The EPA granted this petition, but in so doing it went one step further, for reasons I haven't looked into, and held that the1905 act opening up the land for homesteading did not withdraw the lands from the Reservation.

That decision is contrary to prior court rulings and it came as a surprise to everyone including, in my opinion, the Tribes, which haven't really fully reacted to it yet.  The Tribes are being careful to take this a bit slowly, as they aren't exactly sure what this would mean.  It does have real implications, as it would mean the transfer of some authority in Riverton to the Tribes, such as law enforcement, and potentially taxation. The town is ignoring the ruling, which is probably a solid legal approach to take, and the State of Wyoming is challenging it.  Ultimately the question will end up in Federal Court.

What this in no way means, however, is what is being reported on a right wing news oriented website (one I hadn't heard of before a person sent me the link to it). That site reported, amongst other things:
It appears that Obama’s habitual abuse of his executive action is beginning to rub off on the rest of his administration.  His EPA soldiers are now telling a town in Wyoming that they no longer have the right to live there. And what’s worse? They’re giving away that land that the residents rightfully bought to other people.
No, that's not accurate at all.  Not even close.

You don't have to be an Indian to live on an Indian reservation, and real property on the Reservation works the same way as it does everywhere else in Fremont County.  If you buy property, and anyone can, you record the deed in the County courthouse in Lander.  Riverton is still in Fremont County and still a town in Wyoming no matter what happens.  Just as Ft. Washakie, which has always been a Fremont County town in the Reservation, and Lander which has always been a Fremont County town outside of the Reservation, are.  

This is not to say that there wouldn't be a lot of legal implications to the boundary being reestablished. There certainly would be.  Most particularly questions regarding law enforcement, civil law, and the taxation, would be present. And there might, or might not, be somethings to work out regarding the schools, although I would note that there are Fremont County school districts which are part of the state system that are inside the Reservation.  For some reason, Fremont County has a lot of school districtions.

But what's so interesting here is how quickly this story morphed into a false one in some quarter, and a quarter that apparently had little if any connection with Wyoming.  Somebody must falsely believe that only Indians live on Indian Reservations, which is completely inaccurate.  Indeed, the Wind River Tribal Court doesn't even bother to determine if jurors it calls are enrolled Tribal members or not, and it calls Indians and non Indians in for jury service, just as the Ninth Judicial District calls in people from inside, and outside, of the Reservation for jury duty.

This sort of thing seems common in the Internet age.  Local stories, like the one about New Jersey's George Washington Bridge, get blown up out of proportion as if they are of national importance.  And a story like this, which is full of legal nuances, gets reported in some quarter as if the President has some vague relationship to it, and as if this means non Indians are about to be expelled from their homes. 

Odd how things become told as stories.


*  The Shoshone were a fairly large Tribe, in releative terms, in the 19th Century and were truly indiginous to the region, unlike the Sioux and Cheyenne which were displaced in the East and moved to the West, becoming Plains Indians in the process of adopting the horse.  For this reason, i.e., immigration, the Cheyenne and Sioux were regarded as invaders, as they really were invaders, by the tribes already present in the region, such as the Shoshone and Crow.

The Shoshone were a very widespread tribe and are known by other names, probably not surprisingly. The Bannock, for example, are Shoshone.  While regarded as a separate tribe, the Comanche are actually Shoshone as well, distinct culturally as they were the early adopters of the horse in the 18th Century, as opposed to the rest of the tribe which only adopted horses some years later.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Society of the Military Horse • View topic - The Centennial of World War One

Society of the Military Horse • View topic - The Centennial of World War One

Conversion of the Shoreham Hotel's furnace from oil, to coal. 1942

This interesting set of photographs purports to depict the conversion of Washington D. C.'s Shoreham Hotel's furnace from oil to coal in September, 1942.

I knew furnaces were converted from coal to oil, but I've never heard of oil to coal.  I didn't even realize that possible. A byproduct of World War Two shortages?

Not grasping the courts

I have noticed where a really old post here, the one about Sandra Sotomayor being interviewed by Oprah, has suddenly become one of the most popular posts on this blog.  I was surprised when that occurred, but by that I take it that people are searching her out as a topic.  Sotomayor that is.   You can't escape Oprah.  I'm confident that when the first human beings land on Mars that they'll be confronted by a television set running part 237,472 of the Oprah retirement special.

Anyhow, I'm sure that happened as Justice Sotomayor signed the order certifying the Constitutionality of the contraceptive provisions of the Affordable Health Care Act to the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Little Sisters of the Poor v. Seblius.  Sotomayor gets mentioned in that context as the news has reported that she issued a temporary order prohibiting the application of the AHCA to the Sisters.  The order, in its entirety, reads as follows:

IT IS ORDERED that respondents are temporarily enjoined from enforcing against applicants the contraceptive coverage requirements imposed by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 42 U. S. C. § 300gg-13(a)(4), and related regulations pending the receipt of a response and further order of the undersigned or of the Court. The response to the application is due Friday, January 3, 2014, by 10 a.m.
That's it.

So from this, we have people commenting, if they are political liberals, about how this must mean that Sotomayor is a secret conservative, and they've been betrayed, and at the same time we have those who are conservative expressing hope that maybe she's not as bad as they feared.

Well, whatever may be the case, you can't read anything into an order like this other than that this matter is going to the U.S. Supreme Court. That's it.  An interlocutory order of this type merely sees to preserve the status quo ante.

But, just like the occasional protestors outside of the U.S. Supreme Court, all the commentary shows how little of a grasp people have on what the Court does.  The Court is not a legislative body.

This isn't to say that it gets everything right.  That would be absurd.  It makes some titanic flops in errors of judgment on occasion.  And it does that most frequently when ideology creeps into its decisions. But, by and large, that happens less often than people like to imagine.

And it is true that the individual world outlooks of judges influence them, and it would be absurd to argue otherwise.  Who sits on the  Supreme Court really matters.  But when people get happy or angry over anyone Justice's acts, we should take pause. What a judge does often isn't what lay people believe them to be doing.  And quite often, whether they get things right or wrong, they're just trying to apply the law.  Here, Sotomayor, who has drawn this duty for a time, was applying the longstanding judicial rule of trying to preserve the status quo until the Court has a chance to rule. That's the only thing anyone can read into this, one way or another.

Which is exactly what she also did in Herbert v. Kitchen, the Utah polygamy case in which a Federal District Court (incorrectly I believe) struck down Utah's prohibition on polygamy.  This matter is going up to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. Sotomayor issued an order stating:
The application for stay presented to Justice Sotomayor and by her referred to the Court is granted. The permanent injunction issued by the United States District Court for the District of Utah, case No. 2:13-cv-217, on December 20, 2013, is stayed pending final disposition of the appeal by the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.
Here, I would note, I think the Administration acted shamefully by having Eric Holder, the Attorney General, rapidly announce that the Federal government is going to recognize the rushed 1,300 unions created in the interim between the Federal trial court's action and the Supreme Court's injunction on the topic of the homosexual marriages, thereby effectively indicating that the Administration is prepared to ignore any negative ruling that may ultimately arise months from now when the  Tench Circuit, and potentially the United States Supreme Court may rule.  Those on the political left may cheer that action, but by the same token it opens the door to future administration taking the old line of Jackson about the Cherokees, "the court made the law, now let them enforce it" come back, and that cuts both ways.  Respect for the law would have required that the Administration wait for the result like anyone else. And the Attorney  General, and a President who was a law professor, should know that.  Now the same groups will have no complaint if a future politically right Administration choose to ignore dist

Sunday, January 11, 1914. Sakurajima erupts

The Japanese stratovolcano had been dormant for a century.  It awakened with the most powerful volcanic eruption to occur in Japan in the 20th Century.

The volcano is the most active in Japan, and the 1914 eruptions connected what had been an island to the mainland.

Friday, January 10, 2014

The George Washington Bridge Scandal. . . . Yawn.

The press has been full of news about the scandal surrounding lane closures by the New Jersey Christie administration on the George Washington Bridge.  The story is that some Christie staffers, without his knowledge, arranged for closures to get at the mayor of Ft. Lee New Jersey, I think.

But that's not what I'm writing about.

One of the features of modern broadcasting is that local stories are now portrayed as national ones, particularly if those local stories come from large urban centers.  This is all the more true if the stories come from the New York City area, which is the headquarters of the major network's news branches.

Truth be known, most of the country has next to no concern whatsoever about stories in the NYC area, unless they are truly national in nature. This bridge story isn't.  While the press is busy talking about it, I suspect that once you hit the Midwest, people are yawning and going on to something else.  That is almost certainly the case here.

We get it that administration staffers shouldn't be doing stuff like this, but we don't know anything about the George Washington Bridge, and frankly we aren't really interested in it.  Is there nothing else going on?

And if this story deserves national attention, does the Cindy Hill hearings in Cheyenne deserve them?  I doubt New Yorkers are getting daily updates on that.



Fascinating broad discussion of separation of church and state on the always erudite and entertaining Catholic Stuff you Should Know.

Saturday, January 10, 1914. Villa takes Ojinaga.

After delaying his assault, as we reported on a couple of days ago, Villa led his troops into Ojinaga and captured it.  Half of the 4,000 men defending Federal force retreated into the United States.

The victory secured northern Mexico on the hands of the Villistas.

A military court in Strasbourg acquitted Colonel Adolf von Reuter and Second Lieutenant Schadt for illegally appropriating the civilian police to counter a demonstration.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Friday, January 9, 1914. Public Defenders.

Los Angeles County, California, opened the first Public Defenders Office.  An institution now, they really haven't been around that long.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Wednesday, January 6, 1914. Using the camera.

Villa in Ojinaga, a publicity still taken by Mutual Film Corporation photographer John Davidson Wheelan, January 1914.

Pancho Villa delayed an attack on Federal troops at Ojinaga until an American film crew was able to reach his lines.

The film footage would end up in The Life of General Villa, a lost film (sadly) produced by D. W. Griffith and directed by Raoul Walsh.

1914-2014: The Centennial of a huge disaster; World War One.

U.S. Cavalrymen, probably detailed as a transportation company, in World War One.  Contrary to the popular myth, every combatant fielded, and used, cavalry in World War One, although of the major combatants, the American Army fielded the least, in part due to international logistics concerns. Of the Allies, the Imperial Russians, and then the British, fielded the most cavalry.

2014 has arrived, and with it the passing of 100 years, starting in August, of the commencement of World War One.

I doubt that this will be noticed much in the United States.  For us World War One started in 1917, not 1914 and we're generally too self absorbed to note historical anniversaries unless they are simply unavoidable.  We did commemorate the Bicentennial of the American Revolution all around the country, as folks around in 1976 undoubtedly recall, but we let the bicentennial of the "Second American Revolution", the War of 1812, pass without a whimper for the most part, marked only by the dedication of a few historically minded, and by those who have a particular interest in that war.  Of course, as mentioned in our historical myth post, we started forgetting the War of 1812 by the Mexican War anyway, and have a semi-intentional historical amnesia about it even occurring (which is also true of the Mexican War, which we won but which we've been glad to forget).

My predication is that World War One won't be as forgotten as the War of 1812, but it's not going to get much attention here.  For us, World War Two is the big war of the 20th Century, and its the one we really remember.  Indeed, it's dominates our recollection of 20th Century wars.  The Great War was the Big One at first, but after September 1939 that quit being true for us, and it definitely ceased to be the big war on December 7, 1941.  And that's not surprising, really, given that for us World War Two was by far the bigger war, and it changed our relationship with the globe.  It's the war we look back on justifiably, and its the war we even believe had impacts that it really didn't completely have.  Indeed, its dominance is so much the case that it continues to be "the War" to the extent that it even now continues to crowd out, a bit, our memory of other 20th Century wars.  The Korean War was only really prominent in our minds during the war. Vietnam certainly became a major concern, and remains something we are in some ways haunted with, and by, but even during the Vietnam War, World War Two loomed large in our collective memories.  During the Vietnam War, while we were actively at war, we watched Combat! (1962-67), The Rat Patrol (1966-68), McHale's Navy (1962-1966), and Hogan's Heroes (1965-1971) on television.  At the movies, we went to see Patton (1970) and Kelly's Heroes (1970).  We never watched a series about World War One, and while there are a few movies about World War One, after 1945 they were very few indeed.

If I'm correct, and that the century anniversary of World War One is pretty much a near non event in the United States, that will be a shame.  The war shaped the entire century in ways as significant as World War Two, and while the second war is not a sequel to the first, as sometimes claimed, they do form a history together that we still are seeing play out, and which we still do not know even now what the result will be.  The First World War had the impact of destroying forever, the ancient regime in Europe, and indeed in some ways the world.  Numerous combatants went into the war with a strong traditional imperial, monarchical, aristocratic retaining power.  None of them would come out of it with that class intact.  Where democracy had not strongly taken root prior to the war, a vacuum was left that was filled by political extremes.  Had the war not occurred just when it did the fall of that class would have played out much differently, and the great political murderous political philosophies that made a blood bath of the middle of the century likely would have never have taken hold anywhere.

And the history of the era is simply interesting in its own right.  A fully modern era, much more recognizable to us looking back after a century than the War of 1812 or the Napoleonic Wars would have been looking back the same distance for the combatants of the Great War, the war still had one foot in the late 19th Century and, while we can hardly appreciate it now, one foot looking forward to the 21st.  We should recall it, particularly, perhaps, because the world of 1914 is more recognizable now than at any time since 1918, and therefore its lessons more applicable.

Stuart Acres, Marshall Michigan.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Why do these myths persist? | Ramblings of a teacher, Redskins fan, and scrapbooker

Why do these myths persist? | Ramblings of a teacher, Redskins fan, and scrapbooker

Mythconceptions in History #2 | Ramblings of a teacher, Redskins fan, and scrapbooker

Mythconceptions in History #2 | Ramblings of a teacher, Redskins fan, and scrapbooker

Mythconceptions of History | Ramblings of a teacher, Redskins fan, and scrapbooker

Mythconceptions of History | Ramblings of a teacher, Redskins fan, and scrapbooker

Monday, January 5, 1914. Increasing pay and productivity.

Ford Motors, through its owner Henry Ford, announced that it was going to pay its workers $5.00/day rather than $2.34/day, with the day being reduced to 8 hours from 9. This was for a six-day work week.

This was a significant event in industrial history in the US, and indeed the globe.  It increased workplace productivity by such an extent that Ford's net profits went from $30,000,000 to $60,000,000 in two years.

Military trials commenced in Strasbourg, Alsace, for Colonel Adolf von Reuter, commanding officer of the Prussian Infantry Regiment 99 in Saverne, Alsace, as well as Second Lieutenant Schadt, both of whom were accused of usurping civilian authority surrounding a protest on November 28, 1913.  The trial would only serve to increase German sympathy for the military action and while increasing Alsatian animosity toward Germany.

The region is, of course, part of France today.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Colorado, Marijuana and poor thinking.

As everyone no doubt knows, our neighbor to the south, Colorado, has legalized marijuana.

This is something I've wondered about, in terms of it being a wise move, for a long time.  I've concluded its a bad one.

I debated it, however, not because I think it'd be fun to use it.  I never have and I'm not going to. Rather, I've debated it because the United States sends so many people to jail for drug convictions.  In some ways, it's a national scandal.  So, it's hard not to consider the possibility of decriminalizing something that so many people use, as long as the conduct isn't harmful, or perhaps they're harming only themselves.  But, at the end of the day, marijuana doesn't meet that description.

The best debate on the ethical nature of marijuana use I've heard is found on the podcast Catholic Stuff You Should Know.  In their discussion of it, they distinguish marijuana from alcohol and tobacco on philosophical grounds, with the distinction being that marijuana is a drug ingested only for the high.  That is, in my mind, a huge difference between it and alcohol, to which its frequently compared. This is not to say that alcohol and tobacco cannot be destructive, they clearly can be, but they need not be.  A person can argue about tobacco, but it would be possible to use tobacco on a very limited basis, say the occasional cigar, and not end up addicted and not go out of your head.  Alcohol is clearly that way.  As destructive as alcohol is, the long human adaptation to it, going back so far that tolerance for the poison of alcohol (which is what it is) is written into most human beings genetic code.  Most consumers of alcohol do not become addicted to it, and most do not drink it to the point of becoming drunk every time they drink.  Indeed, some of the most frequent drinkers limit their ingestion and essentially use it as a type of food, reflecting what was likely the oldest use of it.  Marijuana is apparently completely different in this last point.

This makes it a public hazard, not just to the immediate user.  People are buying something just to get stoned. That would be the equivalent of buying something just to get drunk.  If there was a type of alcohol that got its consumers wasted over 50% of the time they ingested it, I'd be opposed to that too.  Indeed, so would society, which over the past twenty years went after brands that were basically marketed in that fashion.  Ironically, therefore, just after wiping out heavy duty malt liquors and cheap fortified wines, we're opening back up the intoxication products again.

And just after getting rid of Joe Camel, we're bringing back pot, weed, reefer, etc.  Colorado can pretend that this stuff isn't going to end up in the hands of kids, but it will.  There's no doubt about it.

And regarding kids, it's now been clinically proven that marijuana produces long term mental deficits in humans who use it as adolescents.  So, after a forty year period where we've made sure to get lead out of paint and have seen IQs rise as a result, we're going to work on depressing them again through a "recreational" drug.  Not very smart.

And we're also creating a whole new category of criminals, by "decriminalizing" marijuana.  It remains a controlled substance at the Federal level.  Having something legal and licensed at the state level and illegal and unenforced at the Federal level breeds contempt for the Federal law, in an era where contempt for it is already extraordinarily high.  Last year we saw an effort by Wyoming's legislature to take an end run around Federal firearms provisions.  It failed, but using the logic that seemingly applies here, why not?  If the Federal government gets to pick and choose the laws it enforces, which right now its particularly bad about doing (the new health care law, immigration law, and now drug law, are all areas the Federal government is selective about application of the law) why shouldn't states regard the Federal law as optional.

Which doesn't mean that the US will continue to act in this fashion.  It could change its mind overnight, with a new Administration, and we'd find all this conduct illegal once again in every sense, but with a lot of people now trapped due to having been mislead by selective enforcement of the law.

And it remains illegal in the states bordering Colorado, including Wyoming. We're already getting some stoned drivers up here, who get busted as a result, and that was as a result of Colorado's medical marijuana provisions, which provided a think excuse for its consumption (thin indeed, as synthetic THC is available for those who might really need the relief the active component of marijuana provides.

So, after decades of working on getting brain damaging chemicals out of public ingestion, and working on getting public intoxication down, Colorado, and soon Washington, are going to give it a boost.

Those who do not learn from history. . .

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Old Picture of the Day: Bear Hunters

Old Picture of the Day: Bear Hunters: Welcome to Hunter Gatherer Week here at OPOD. We will look at pictures from back in the day when men were really men. Back before poli...

Today In Wyoming's History: Navigation calendar now up.

Today In Wyoming's History: Navigation calendar now up.: We have now added a navigation calendar to this site, so that people looking for any one day may easily hit on that date in the calendar and...

Thursday, January 1, 1914. The Last Peaceful New Years of the 1910s.

It was the first day in a fateful year. One that would ultimately result in a war that would change the world forever.

Prohibition had not yet come to the U.S., so many people were probably slumbering off the effects of ringing in the New Year the night prior.  Catholics were headed to Mass for a Holy Day of Obligation. Businesses were closed in the Christian world for the day.  

It would be the last New Year many of them would spend in peace for many years.

Not all were in peace right then.  Pancho Villa's forces, under the command of Gen. Torbio Ortega Ramierez, attacked Federal troops occupying Ojinaga, a town on the U.S. border.  It forced the Federal troops into cover, but artillery kept the Villista's from storming the town.

Ojinaga was founded around 1200 by Pueblo Indians.

Northern Nigeria and Southern Nigeria were amalgamated by the British.

The St. Petersburg–Tampa Airboat Line started services between St. Petersburg and Tampa, Florida.  By doing so, they became the first airline to provide regularly scheduled flights.

The Naval Wing of the Royal Flying Corps was given the responsibility for the operation of British military airships.

Wealth. Andrew Carnegie

We accept and welcome . . . as conditions to which we must accommodate ourselves great inequality of environment, the concentration of business—industrial and commercial—in the hands of a few, and the law of competition between these as being not only beneficial but essential for the future progress of the race. Having accepted these, it follows that there must be great scope for the exercise of special ability in the merchant and in the manufacturer who has to conduct affairs upon a great scale. That this talent for organization and management is rare among men is proved by the fact that it invariably secures for its possessor enormous rewards, no matter where or under what laws or conditions. The experienced in affairs always rate the man whose services can be obtained as a partner as not only the first consideration but such as to render the question of his capital scarcely worth considering, for such men soon create capital; while, without the special talent required, capital soon takes wings.

Such men become interested in firms or corporations using millions; and estimating only simple interest to be made upon the capital invested, it is inevitable that their income must exceed their expenditures and that they must accumulate wealth. Nor is there any middle ground which such men can occupy, because the great manufacturing or commercial concern which does not earn at least interest upon its capital soon becomes bankrupt. It must either go forward or fall behind: to stand still is impossible. It is a condition essential for its successful operation that it should be thus far profitable, and even that, in addition to interest on capital, it should make profit. It is a law, as certain as any of the others named, that men possessed of this peculiar talent for affairs, under the free play of economic forces, must, of necessity, soon be in receipt of more revenue than can be judiciously expended upon themselves; and this law is as beneficial for the race as the others.

Objections to the foundations upon which society is based are not in order because the condition of the race is better with these than it has been with any others which have been tried. Of the effect of any new substitutes proposed, we cannot be sure. The socialist or anarchist who seeks to overturn present conditions is to be regarded as attacking the foundation upon which civilization itself rests, for civilization took its start from the day that the capable, industrious workman said to his incompetent and lazy fellow, “If thou dost not sow, thou shalt not reap,” and thus ended primitive Communism by separating the drones from the bees. One who studies this subject will soon be brought face to face with the conclusion that upon the sacredness of property civilization itself depends—the right of the laborer to his $100 in the savings bank, and equally the legal right of the millionaire to his millions.

To those who propose to substitute Communism for this intense individualism the answer, therefore, is: The race has tried that. All progress from that barbarous day to the present time has resulted from its displacement. Not evil, but good, has come to the race from the accumulation of wealth by those who have the ability and energy that produce it. But even if we admit for a moment that it might be better for the race to discard its present foundation, individualism—that it is a nobler ideal that man should labor, not for himself alone but in and for a brotherhood of his fellows and share with them all in common, realizing Swedenborg’s idea of heaven, where, as he says, the angels derive their happiness, not from laboring for self but for each other—even admit all this, and a sufficient answer is: This is not evolution, but revolution.

It necessitates the changing of human nature itself—a work of aeons, even if it were good to change it, which we cannot know. It is not practicable in our day or in our age. Even if desirable theoretically, it belongs to another and long-succeeding sociological stratum. Our duty is with what is practicable now; with the next step possible in our day and generation. It is criminal to waste our energies in endeavoring to uproot, when all we can profitably or possibly accomplish is to bend the universal tree of humanity a little in the direction most favorable to the production of good fruit under existing circumstances.

We might as well urge the destruction of the highest existing type of man because he failed to reach our ideal as to favor the destruction of individualism, private property, the law of accumulation of wealth, and the law of competition; for these are the highest results of human experience, the soil in which society so far has produced the best fruit. Unequally or unjustly, perhaps, as these laws sometimes operate, and imperfect as they appear to the idealist, they are, nevertheless, like the highest type of man, the best and most valuable of all that humanity has yet accomplished.

We start, then, with a condition of affairs under which the best interests of the race are promoted, but which inevitably gives wealth to the few. Thus far, accepting conditions as they exist, the situation can be surveyed and pronounced good. The question then arises—and, if the foregoing be correct, it is the only question with which we have to deal—What is the proper mode of administering wealth after the laws upon which civilization is founded have thrown it into the hands of the few? And it is of this great question that I believe I offer the true solution. It will be understood that fortunes are here spoken of, not moderate sums saved by many years of effort, the returns from which are required for the comfortable maintenance and education of families. This is not wealth but only competence, which it should be the aim of all to acquire.

There are but three modes in which surplus wealth can be disposed of. It can be left to the families of the decedents; or it can be bequeathed for public purposes; or, finally, it can be administered during their lives by its possessors. Under the first and second modes most of the wealth of the world that has reached the few has hitherto been applied. Let us in turn consider each of these modes.

The first is the most injudicious. In monarchical countries, the estates and the greatest portion of the wealth are left to the first son that the vanity of the parent may be gratified by the thought that his name and title are to descend to succeeding generations unimpaired. The condition of this class in Europe today teaches the futility of such hopes or ambitions. The successors have become impoverished through their follies or from the fall in the value of land. Even in Great Britain the strict law of entail has been found inadequate to maintain the status of an hereditary class. Its soil is rapidly passing into the hands of the stranger. Under republican institutions the division of property among the children is much fairer, but the question which forces itself upon thoughtful men in all lands is: Why should men leave great fortunes to their children? If this is done from affection, is it not misguided affection? Observation teaches that, generally speaking, it is not well for the children that they should be so burdened. Neither is it well for the state. Beyond providing for the wife and daughters moderate sources of income, and very moderate allowances indeed, if any, for the sons, men may well hesitate, for it is no longer questionable that great sums bequeathed oftener work more for the injury than for the good of the recipients. Wise men will soon conclude that, for the best interests of the members of their families and of the state, such bequests are an improper use of their means.

It is not suggested that men who have failed to educate their sons to earn a livelihood shall cast them adrift in poverty. If any man has seen fit to rear his sons with a view to their living idle lives, or, what is highly commendable, has instilled in them the sentiment that they are in a position to labor for public ends without reference to pecuniary considerations, then, of course, the duty of the parent is to see that such are provided for in moderation. There are instances of millionaires' sons unspoiled by wealth, who, being rich, still perform great services in the community. Such are the very salt of the earth, as valuable as, unfortunately, they are rare; still it is not the exception but the rule that men must regard, and, looking at the usual result of enormous sums conferred upon legatees, the thoughtful man must shortly say, “I would as soon leave to my son a curse as the almighty dollar,” and admit to himself that it is not the welfare of the children but family pride which inspires these enormous legacies.

As to the second mode, that of leaving wealth at death for public uses, it may be said that this is only a means for the disposal of wealth, provided a man is content to wait until he is dead before it becomes of much good in the world. Knowledge of the results of legacies bequeathed is not calculated to inspire the brightest hopes of much posthumous good being accomplished. The cases are not few in which the real object sought by the testator is not attained, nor are they few in which his real wishes are thwarted. In many cases the bequests are so used as to become only monuments of his folly.
It is well to remember that it requires the exercise of not less ability than that which acquired the wealth to use it so as to be really beneficial to the community. Besides this, it may fairly be said that no man is to be extolled for doing what he cannot help doing, nor is he to be thanked by the community to which he only leaves wealth at death. Men who leave vast sums in this way may fairly be thought men who would not have left it at all had they been able to take it with them. The memories of such cannot be held in grateful remembrance, for there is no grace in their gifts. It is not to be wondered at that such bequests seem so generally to lack the blessing.

The growing disposition to tax more and more heavily large estates left at death is a cheering indication of the growth of a salutary change in public opinion. The state of Pennsylvania now takes—subject to some exceptions—one-tenth of the property left by its citizens. The budget presented in the British Parliament the other day proposes to increase the death duties; and, most significant of all, the new tax is to be a graduated one. Of all forms of taxation, this seems the wisest. Men who continue hoarding great sums all their lives, the proper use of which for public ends would work good to the community, should be made to feel that the community, in the form of the state, cannot thus be deprived of its proper share. By taxing estates heavily at death the state marks its condemnation of the selfish millionaire’s unworthy life.

It is desirable that nations should go much further in this direction. Indeed, it is difficult to set bounds to the share of a rich man’s estate which should go at his death to the public through the agency of the state, and by all means such taxes should be graduated, beginning at nothing upon moderate sums to dependents and increasing rapidly as the amounts swell, until, of the millionaire’s hoard as of Shylock’s, at least——-The other half comes to the privy coffer of the state.

This policy would work powerfully to induce the rich man to attend to the administration of wealth during his life, which is the end that society should always have in view, as being that by far most fruitful for the people. Nor need it be feared that this policy would sap the root of enterprise and render men less anxious to accumulate, for to the class whose ambition it is to leave great fortunes and be talked about after their death, it will attract even more attention, and, indeed, be a somewhat nobler ambition to have enormous sums paid over to the state from their fortunes.

There remains, then, only one mode of using great fortunes; but in this we have the true antidote for the temporary unequal distribution of wealth, the reconciliation of the rich and the poor—a reign of harmony—another ideal, differing, indeed, from that of the Communist in requiring only the further evolution of existing conditions, not the total overthrow of our civilization. It is founded upon the present most intense individualism, and the race is prepared to put it in practice by degrees whenever it pleases. Under its sway we shall have an ideal state in which the surplus wealth of the few will become, in the best sense, the property of the many, because administered for the common good; and this wealth, passing through the hands of the few, can be made a much more potent force for the elevation of our race than if it had been distributed in small sums to the people themselves. Even the poorest can be made to see this and to agree that great sums gathered by some of their fellow citizens and spent for public purposes, from which the masses reap the principal benefit, are more valuable to them than if scattered among them through the course of many years in trifling amounts.

Poor and restricted are our opportunities in this life; narrow our horizon; our best work most imperfect; but rich men should be thankful for one inestimable boon. They have it in their power during their lives to busy themselves in organizing benefactions from which the masses of their fellows will derive lasting advantage, and thus dignify their own lives. The highest life is probably to be reached, not by such imitation of the life of Christ as Count Tolstoi gives us but, while animated by Christ’s spirit, by recognizing the changed conditions of this age and adopting modes of expressing this spirit suitable to the changed conditions under which we live; still laboring for the good of our fellows, which was the essence of his life and teaching, but laboring in a different manner.

This, then, is held to be the duty of the man of wealth: first, to set an example of modest, unostentatious living, shunning display or extravagance; to provide moderately for the legitimate wants of those dependent upon him; and after doing so to consider all surplus revenues which come to him simply as trust funds which he is called upon to administer, and strictly bound as a matter of duty to administer in the manner which, in his judgment, is best calculated to produce the most beneficial results for the community—the man of wealth thus becoming the mere agent and trustee for his poorer brethren, bringing to their service his superior wisdom, experience, and ability to administer, doing for them better than they would or could do for themselves. . . .

In bestowing charity, the main consideration should be to help those who will help themselves; to provide part of the means by which those who desire to improve may do so; to give those who desire to rise the aids by which they may rise; to assist, but rarely or never to do all. Neither the individual nor the race is improved by almsgiving. Those worthy of assistance, except in rare cases, seldom require assistance. The really valuable men of the race never do, except in cases of accident or sudden change. Everyone has, of course, cases of individuals brought to his own knowledge where temporary assistance can do genuine good, and these he will not overlook. But the amount which can be wisely given by the individual for individuals is necessarily limited by his lack of knowledge of the circumstances connected with each. He is the only true reformer who is as careful and as anxious not to aid the unworthy as he is to aid the worthy, and, perhaps, even more so, for in almsgiving more injury is probably done by rewarding vice than by relieving virtue. . . .
Thus is the problem of rich and poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; entrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself. The best minds will thus have reached a stage in the development of the race in which it is clearly seen that there is no mode of disposing of surplus wealth creditable to thoughtful and earnest men into whose hands it flows save by using it year by year for the general good.

This day already dawns. But a little while, and although, without incurring the pity of their fellows, men may die sharers in great business enterprises from which their capital cannot be or has not been withdrawn, and is left chiefly at death for public uses, yet the man who dies leaving behind him millions of available wealth, which was his to administer during life, will pass away “unwept, unhonored, and unsung,” no matter to what uses he leaves the dross which he cannot take with him. Of such as these the public verdict will then be: “The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced.”

Such, in my opinion, is the true gospel concerning wealth, obedience to which is destined some day to solve the problem of the rich and the poor, and to bring "Peace on earth, among men goodwill."