Sunday, January 5, 2014

Monday, January 5, 1914. Increasing pay and productivity.

Ford Motors, through its owner Henry Ford, announced that it was going to pay its workers $5.00/day rather than $2.34/day, with the day being reduced to 8 hours from 9. This was for a six-day work week.

This was a significant event in industrial history in the US, and indeed the globe.  It increased workplace productivity by such an extent that Ford's net profits went from $30,000,000 to $60,000,000 in two years.

Military trials commenced in Strasbourg, Alsace, for Colonel Adolf von Reuter, commanding officer of the Prussian Infantry Regiment 99 in Saverne, Alsace, as well as Second Lieutenant Schadt, both of whom were accused of usurping civilian authority surrounding a protest on November 28, 1913.  The trial would only serve to increase German sympathy for the military action and while increasing Alsatian animosity toward Germany.

The region is, of course, part of France today.

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