Friday, August 9, 2019

Oh no, it can't be that. . .

The Birth of A Nation, D. W. Griffith's 1915 cinematic piece of trash.  It came right as the second Klu Klux Klan was experiencing a nationwide revival.  The film can't be blamed for racial violence in the 1910s, but it certainly contributed to the rise of the KKK in that era and to an atmosphere that set the background for events like the Red Summer of 1919.

On the very day I published this:
Lex Anteinternet: Disaffection and Violence: I've written here repeatedly about the cause of American incidents of mass violence, noting in each that actually we live in the most...
The Tribune had an article with this headline:
No, there's still no link between video games and violence
Yeah, bull.

One of the strongest tendencies in American society is to believe that license, of any type, can't possibly be the source of excess, of any type.

It is, and it's demonstratively so, keeping in mind that the impact of things is collective for the most part, and very rarely individual.

Sure, it's absolutely the case that individual video games are not likely to inspire most of the viewers to act out violently.  But most of the viewers will be impacted, and some will be impacted enormously.  We've already conducted an experiment on this for a 70 year period and we know the answer.  

The test set was pornography.

We've dealt with this ad nauseum (or I'm sure that's how our limited audience probably feels in part) but that is in fact the test we've conducted and we know the results.

In 1953, as readers here know (and probably with they weren't reading about again) Playboy Magazine came out with its first edition.  By 1963 it was firmly established as the okay, unless you were in your early teens, American men's magazine, quite an accomplishment for a publication of a type that heretofore was sold in brown paper bags in the dingy part of towns.  By 1973 it was a major American publication, taken seriously and interviewing Presidential candidates.  By 1983 it was in trouble, but not because men had grown tired of naked over endowed women, but because it had been copied and its followers had taken its photographed prostitution further down the road.  Penthouse and Hustler were cutting into it, as they were more "graphic".  Now the magazine is in a great deal of trouble financially and its copiers are no longer in print at all, having moved to the Internet, but that too is significant. The Internet is a sea of pornography.

The way we'd probably like to remember Marilyn Monroe, if we could. We really can't, however, as she built her career on her figure in a more revealing way than still rather obvious here (with a nice Yaschaflex camera by the way).  From this earlier thread here.  Playboy's co-opting of her body, sold several years earlier to a calendar photographer when she was unknown and desperate, nearly ruined her career, which was saved only by Life magazine determining to beat Playboy to the punch and publishing it first.  Life's parry saved her from an immediate ruined career, but the overall publicity launched Playboy.  In the end, of course, she'd be only one of the lives effectively ruined by Playboy, although her own selling of her image in less graphic form, combined with an early tragic history, played a larger measure in that.

But during that time period its frankly the case that pornography crossed over into the mainstream.  In the 1950s, a film like Some Like It Hot was regarded as salacious. It features Marilyn Monroe, Playboy's first centerfold, but it doesn't feature any nudity at all.  Spring forward and you can nearly be guaranteed that any major movie featuring a young woman, no matter how gigantic her star status, and there's a really decent chance that the film will show her nude simply to do it. 

We know this had a big impact on a lot of thing, some of them being the most basic of all.  The spread of pornography helped fuel social change that helped increase the divorce rate and helped lead to the massive increase of "single mothers".  It resulted in the phenomenon of pornography addiction which, ironically, has in turn lead, according to respected sociologists, in a decrease in sex itself and a decrease in satisfactory male/female relationship. 

It also lead to violence.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s this was hotly debated, but it really isn't much now.  It's clear that early exposure on the part of some to Playboy and its fellow travelers lead to a permanently debased view of women to those victims.  Some just went on to lesser lives, but it's also clear that what it did to some is to fuel an increase for more and more "graphic" pornography and, in turn, to violent pornography to eventually acting out violently.  At least one serial killer has related this in his own case.  And its certainly well established that an addiction to pornography on the part of some leads them to other acts, the least of which might be hiring prostitutes to preform what they've been viewing in other media.

So our point about video games?

Arguments about video games have and are taking the exact same trajectory.  Early on Playboy argued that it was just good clean smutty fun.  It turned out not to be, to the enormous determent of women, causing massive sociological and even medical problems we haven't worked out way out yet.

Men and women au natural, but not in the way that Hugh Hefner and his fellow travelers would have it.

Now, sex is different than violence, sort of, in that it taps right into one of our most basic instincts and violence. . . . oh wait.

Actually, not so much. . . at least in the case of men.

Men are more violent than women. There's no doubt about it.  Modern social engineers may like to pretend that there's no psychological or biological difference, but there most definitely is.  Violence is frankly built into men, undoubtedly in a evolutionary biology sense, in a way that its not built into women.  Most men won't act inappropriately violent, of course, but that men seek recourse to violence in any setting in which violence can arise cannot be realistically doubted.  There's a deep seated, and as noted, basic biological reason for this.  Indeed, those who have studied it note that men have a different violence curve, if you will, being more likely to get suddenly made and violent, than women do, who generally rise slow in anger and who have anger very slowly retreat.  Indeed, men are often very baffled by the retained anger of the women they're close to, not experiencing it in the same way as women do at all.

It's no accident that the sort of crimes that have been focused on here recently such as in the thread above are committed by males.  I know of only one instance recently of the contrary.*  Women can and do commit violent acts, to be sure, but they tend to be of a different character.  A self defense argument, for that reason, for a woman in defense of the charge of First Degree Homicide is a lot more likely to be regarded as credible than it is for a man.  We see those form time to time in the form of the "I just couldn't take it anymore. . . .".  Doesn't work that well if a guy says it (and frankly it doesn't work very well as a defense for a woman either, and isn't a legally cognizable defense in and of itself anywhere).

A culture of justified violence, or a subculture of one, does have an impact on a society or some of its members.  That's why some governments, movements, or political parties, embrace it.

By the late 1920s and 1930s the propaganda associated with the KKK had been so successful that it was able to use its violent imagery openly for other purposes.  Oddly enough, the KKK was a strong proponent of Prohibition.  Why this is the case isn't clear to me, but an element of it may have been that beer was strongly associated with Catholic Irish, whom the KKK detested.

Indeed, that's why even now, in spite of the absolute horror it represents, the stirring imagines of some hideously evil causes are still visually attractive.  And if they are now, they were even more so when they were first released.

Common German portrayal of member of the SS.  The SS was a branch of the Nazi Party itself, like the SA, and while the means by which it acquired members varied, an element of it was trying to appeal to young men with very manly looking portrayals.  Indeed, the Nazis were very deeply into visual portrayals of all types, including uniforms, and were very effective at it. They were much less effective in terms of written propaganda, which was often disregarded, and quite ineffective in terms of music, with the Germans retaining a fondness for music that the Nazis didn't really approve of.

And indeed, this is the very nature of visual propaganda, to stir emotions.  If that can't be done legitimately, it can be done visually.

French poster of Che Guevera from the 1968 uprisings.  Guevera was a detestable butcher who deserves to be remembered in that fashion, but even now this iconic depiction is the way he's commonly remembered.

And doing this visually not only means doing int artistically in posters, something that would frankly appeal very little to most people today as you don't normally go somewhere in which posters are routinely encountered, but in terms of images.

North Vietnamese poster of the Vietnam War depicting an actual female combatant heroically circa 1972.  In reality by the end of the war the NVA was down to teenage troops and even had to take recaptured deserters back into service.  Only a tolerance for the utter destruction of any human life, including that of the North Vietnamese, allowed North Vietnam to prevail in the war.

The moving pictures ability to inspire and be used as propaganda has long been known.  Nazi cinematic propaganda was so effective that it won an Academy Award for cinematography prior to World War Two for the film Triumph Of The Will.  That a body that has never been sympathetic to fascists of any stripe, and which frankly prior to World War Two contained a number of barely closeted Communists, and which indeed was so left leaning that even highly Catholic film maker John Ford could release a pretty lefty The Grapes Of Wrath, really says something.

Which takes us to "Slam" Marshall.

I've dealt with S.L.A. Marshall before here.  He was the bulling U.S. Army historian who came up with the complete crock that soldiers in combat don't shoot their weapons (in reality, they shoot too much).  While Marshall's thesis was a dud, and he should be another recipient of the Defense Boobie Prize for Strategic Doltery award, it was widely accepted and the military, among other things, has invested in video game technology for years and years now.

The purpose of those games is combat environment desensitization and familiarization.  That's the purpose of a lot of military training.  To get you used to the really bad stuff.  It's why soldiers of every army spend a lot of time practicing war, in part.  Combat is distracting and the Army, every army, wants its soldiers to be able to do their jobs.  In the case of the U.S. military, video games have been part of that for quite some time.

So do video games have a link with violence?


Will video games make everyone who plays them violent?


Will they impact every player in some fashion?

Undoubtedly again.

The same is true, we'd note, of what we've otherwise noted here, and we can and should expand on that.  Viewing pornography doesn't turn everyone who views it into a rapist.  But it's part of the pathway for a lot of rapist (the correlation is in fact quite high).  Watching episodes of Friends won't lead everyone to think that they need to shack up with a girlfriend, but it will have that bar lowering impact on some, maybe most, who view it.**

Add to that, the impact of movies.

In the current era the rating system has been reduced to what is basically a joke.  In an era in which "basic cable" includes all the violent and pornographic fare that a person could possibly imagine, ratings effectively do nothing whatsoever.

As an example, the other day I was flipping through the movie lists on television, which I'll occasionally do to see if there's something I'm inclined to watch on.  There usually isn't, which sends me off to a book or perhaps this machine (which is another topic).  However, in this instance I saw a brief snippet for Red Sparrow, which in reading it portrayed the film as a late Cold War spy thriller. I like some films of this genera, so I hit it.

It isn't what I was expecting.  It certainly wasn't The Third Man and its not The Americans either.  It's basically a violent pornographic movie featuring Jennifer Lawrence, famous for The Hunger Games, which I haven't seen. Ostensibly with a theme somewhat related to that of The Americans, but involving Soviet agents trained to seduce their targets as it turns out, it's really just violence and sex and, for its young probably mostly male viewers, a chance to see Jennifer Lawrence naked.***  The accents are, by the way, horrifically bad.****  Anyhow, after about five minutes of this and it being plain that it isn't a spy thriller, but a porno flick, I turned it off and moved on.*****

But that's the point.  When the motion picture rating system came in during the 1960s, I'm pretty sure that this film would have been rated X.  And the blue content of the film doesn't serve a point, like the violence in the highly violent 1969 film The Wild Bunch does. That '69 Peckinpah film sought to strip away the good bad guy image of Western criminals that was so common in prior films and American culture, and shock the audience by showing us that we (again, probably mostly men) are attracted to the violence of those men because they are violent, not for some higher redeeming reason.  Now, with films like John Wick and the like, we don't make that pretension much, at least not in what we might regard as lower films.

As part of that, and as noted above, cinematic portrayals of American troops have reached the near Marvel hero movie of the week level. 

Portrayals, particularly American ones, of soldiers have usually portrayed them heroically, with some films made in the 1960s being a notable exception.  Any portrayal of war tends to glamorize it no matter what, and no matter what the intent, however.  Indeed, one Vietnam War era reporter noted in response to a question that it was impossible not to glamorize war, no matter how horrific it is.

Make no mistake about it, being in a war is not glamorous.  It's horrific.  People who experience war are about as negative about that experience as it is possible for a human being to be, and in ways that are completely impossible to explain.  Even being in the military, for a lot of people, is far from glamorous even if nothing actually occurs during their service.  But irrespective of that, it's impossible, for some deeply elemental reason, not to have portrayals of war come across as glamorizing it.

Even real attempts to avoid this generally fail.  Platoon, for example, is hardly a pro war film, but lots of young viewers watch it with fascination and it remains the most popular of the Vietnam War films.  How many movie viewers (again, almost certainly mostly male) have watched the 1st Cavalry helicopter assault scene of Apocalypse Now again and again.  Apocalypse Now may be an anti war film, and a critique of the Vietnam War, but its Robert Duvall's shallow minded Col. Kilgore who is reduced to a meme with "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" and "Charlie don't surf" being the catch lines that people (men, again) like to repeat.  And telling again, if you prefer Full Metal Jacket, the scenes that are likely to be remembered are R. Lee Emery's portrayal of a drill sergeant, which is very effectively and accurately done, and the line most recalled is likely to be the Vietnamese prostitutes "Me so horny. . . " line.^

Indeed, in regard to anti war movies, in my view, only two are really effective in that genera, that being one I've really criticized here from time to time, The Deer Hunter.  Whatever its faults, The Deer Hunter is a very effective anti war film if you can stand to sit through the entire thing, with its concluding scene being hugely tragic.  Perhaps Paths Of Glory might be another, the most unromanticized portrayal of World War One I've seen.  Not even All Quiet On The Western Front can compare. 

Lesser movies in recent years have really taken the American soldier as hero depiction the next miles.  The Baby Boom generations depictions of their fathers, having recovered from depicting them as dolts in the 60s, definitely took a turn in this directly with Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers, both of which are excellent and realistic and which certainly don't seek to glamorize war.  Those movies are first rate, but after that there are a lot of war films, particularly very recent ones, which are simply action pictures, think Fast and Furious, in military garb.  Twelve Strong and Lone Survivor, the last of which isn't bad, are examples of this.  The soldiers perform physical feats and combat feats which are frankly impossible, and they adhere to the strict American movie rule that all American soldiers are crack shots and all our opponents are horrible shots.

The point isn't that any one of these films causes violence.  Most people, and again these movies are watched a lot more by men than women, could sit through anyone of them and not be impacted.  But they do have impact, in concert what we've noticed above, for the marginalized.

And that's where any one item isn't the cause of anything, maybe, but the sum total of them are.  Sure, playing World of Improbable Heroism II all day won't turn most people into violent loners.  An entire day sat in front of photographs of nameless young prostitutes (which is almost certainly what most are) uploaded to the net won't turn a person into a rapist.  A steady diet on the television of violent super American military heroics or Jennifer Lawrence stripping in the name of Soviet glory won't make a person into a debased lone wolf either. . . well it probably actually will, but maybe not one who acts on it.

But put this all together, and then put it in front of young men who have nothing. . . no friends, no work, no girlfriends, no meaningful existence, no skills of any value. . . and sooner or later, you're going to get some very bad results.^^

Could society act on this?  Of course it could.

But will American society act on it?

Probably not.  Doing so would be hard.  It would require deep thinking.  It might likely mean restoring old standards, in full or in part, that we abandoned in the 1960s and all the responsibilities that went with them.  And it might mean banning, limiting  or curtailing things that most Americans make frequent access too, rather than just a few, such as violent and sex based entertainment and depictions.  It would mean asking a lot of hard questions about "progress", the nature of men and women, the illusion of perpetual growth and the illusion of limitless benefits of technology.

Yes, it would require a lot of deep thinking about really deep topics.

And deep thinking isn't what we're into.  We're into simple solutions and blaming the machine. And, frankly, at the end of the day, no matter what Americans say about "Me Too" this or that, or instilling values that uplift people, we'd generally rather see Jennifer Lawrence naked and violent and are willing to pay the price for that, as long as we personally aren't the ones paying.

Even though we are.


*It might be worth noting here that one woman who is commonly depicted as a cool killer likely really wasn't, that being Bonnie Parker.  Parker is a sad case and she obviously tolerated murder, but there's no real reason to believe that she ever committed one.

The only woman that I personally know, and only barely at that, who committed a homicide was a young woman that I vaguely knew who was repeatedly molested in the worst fashion by her father.  She ultimately committed what clearly amount to First Degree Murder but was never prosecuted. That's worth noting here, however, as its demonstrative of the anger curve noted above.

**Indeed just recently I heard, on NPR, an interview with a young man who was distressed that his adult life doesn't match that depicted in How I Met Your Mother.  I didn't watch that television drama, but what he noted, and what is obvious from even the short snippets of it I've seen, is that it depicts 20 somethings hanging out with a tight group of friend in bars.

There's really some truth to that, quite frankly.  Young people still do hang out at bars and much of young life remains as traditional as ever in regard to socialization.  Indeed, the bigger change has really been for older people, particularly middle age and older professional people, for whom casual socialization has massively declined.  But at the same time, something that has also altered is the economic demographics of that and how that works.

Dropped out of the picture pretty completely are those who aren't either students or those who aren't relatively well employed.  For those without a post high school education or who aren't fairly well employed, economic means for everything are pretty limited and people are quite isolated.  An additional aspect of that is that the economics of earlier eras simply forced people out of the house and into work, whether they lived in their parents homes or not, and as there wasn't all that much to do that wasn't labor related at home, home conditions also lent themselves to getting out of the house and into some sort of society.  It might be noted that even terrorist in the pre television days were rarely pure loners but were part of some sort of society.

***"Honey pot" type espionage traps by the Soviets were a real thing, to be sure, but the technique aspect of that is almost certainly less sophisticated and less debased than portrayed (to the extent I saw it) in Red Sparrow or, for that matter in The Americans. The Americans is very well done, but frankly in my view it pushed that aspect of the plot line a lot further than was justified.  At any rate, according to something I recent read, the recent Maria Butina episode may have involved this angle, apparently reluctantly on Butina's part.

****As in worse that Bullwinkle cartoon bad.

*****The degree to which things have really descended, cinematically, is well demonstrated by this film.  The 1960s film Barbarella nearly destroyed Jane Fonda's ability to be taken seriously as an actress and while Brigette Bardot was only ever partially taken seriously in the first place, her more revealing films of the period reduced her quickly to a character.  Lawrence's career, in contrast, will continue on without a blip in spite of having now appeared in this film.

^Note that in Full Metal Jacket, irrespective of its status as an anti war film, none of the important characters get killed, the American military wins, the Communist lose, and the tiny Vietnamese prostitutes are available at all times.  This is remarkable in regard to a war which we lost and the Communist won.  Only in The Deer Hunter do we lose, the Communist win, and the Vietnamese, including the prostitutes, are treated tragically with real human functions.

^^As noted above, this thread isn't on gun control at all, and I've barely touched on firearms here whatsoever.  That's because the factors noted above are the underlying cause of what we've been exhibiting here.

But here's where this links back in, in a weird sort of way.  The same sort of exaggerated glorification of the military and combat that's occurred in the last two decades has also occurred in regard to combat firearms.

Technologically, as we've noted here in depth before, firearms have changed very little for a very long time.  The basic technology that pertains to semi automatic firearms has existed it more or less present form for nearly a century.  The AR type weapon that seems to figure so prominently in the discussion in the media has existed since the early 1960s.  The AK type weapons that's also mentioned has existed since 1947.

We dealt with the rise of the status of the AR in a prior detailed thread.  The reason we note it again here is that the odd status that this old weapon has acquired in the popular imagination, including the imagination of the disaffected class we're speaking of here, contributes to part of the overall odd zeitgeist.

August 9, 1919. The Motor Transport Convoy reaches the Gem City of the Plains.

On this day in 1919, the 1919 Motor Transport Convoy went over Sherman Hill and on down into Laramie.

Sherman Hill is a legendary grade, so making the 57 miles in 11.5 hours is all the more impressive.

The entries noted that on this day, and the prior one, the weather was cool.

The prior day in Cheyenne the convoy had been feted with a rodeo and celebration.  To my surprise, this story does not seem to have regarded as anywhere near as important as I would have thought.  The arrival of the convoy was on the front page of both Cheyenne papers the day it occurred, but it didn't make the front page of the Laramie or Casper paper, both of which had wire service. The arrival of the convoy in Laramie didn't seem big news anywhere else and only made the cover of one of the two Laramie papers.

The convoy was headed to the Pacific coast, of course, and if things in the interior seemed a bit primitive. . . or not, things on the coast were definitely not.

Blog Mirror: Stop and Ride the Horses

Stop and Ride the Horses

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Seems about right. . .

Jeffrey Epstein may have taken "vast sums" from Victoria's Secret billionaire

It's August 8. . . International Cat Day.

August 8, 1919. Making Cheyenne.

The 1919 transcontinental Motor Transport Convoy entered Wyoming on this day in 1919.

The convoy east of Cheyenne.
Governor Carey was on the road as well, meeting the convoy at Hillsdale, a small Wyoming town that is now a shadow of its former self.  From there they proceeded on to Cheyenne, where Ft. D. A. Russell somewhat ironically provided a cavalry escort through Cheyenne and onto the post.

They were treated to a rodeo at Frontier Park and the town's businesses closed at 4:00 p.m. for the festivities.

Elsewhere, the Third Afghan War came to an end when the warring parties signed the Ango-Afghan Treaty of 1919. The war had been short and fought for limited purposes. The result was the establishment of the current Afghan border and the end of British subsidies to Afghanistan.

In the wreck of the Austrian Empire, the First Hungarian Republic dissolved.  As confusing as the names may be, it was replaced by the Hungarian Republic, a more conservative government.

Oh great

Hordes of Earth's toughest creatures may now be living on Moon


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Disaffection and Violence

Indeed, before I get into this further, I have to note the false nature of press reporting on this topic.

The media recently held a local event on the topic of press distrust.  In that local even the press pondered why it is so distrusted.  It considered  the topic of media biased and then found that it wasn't biased so that couldn't be it.

It is.

Here's an area where it is.  Reporting on this topic reports some astronomical number of "mass shootings'.  All violent deaths are tragedies, but as a sociological phenomenon they are not all the same.  Indeed, these two events last week aren't the same, maybe.  But it's clearly not the same if, for example, a drug dealer kills two or three others who are cheating on his distribution chain.** That's a tragedy in all sorts of ways, but it's not what we're talking about. When the press reports a huge number of "mass killings", however, that is what they're including.

There's a huge problem with that as it what it tends to do is obfuscate the nature of the problem or problems and, in this one, it focuses almost universally on the topic of gun control.  This post, we'll note, isn't on gun control, but as an example of what I'm referencing the New York Times ran an op ed analysis piece right after these two events and concluded that the only thing that was different in regard to the United States and most other nations was the lack of U.S. gun control.

That the US has less gun control than other western nations is true, but to suggest that the type of weapons that have been used in these events are wholly absent from other nations is false.***  That doesn't mean that the regulation of them is the same universally by any means, but it also means that you can buy, for example, a military style semi automatic rifle in some western European nations.

Again, this isn't an article on gun control so we'll leave that here.

My largest and most significant post on this topic is this one:

Peculiarized violence and American society. Looking at root causes, and not instrumentalities.

In this, I advance a thesis that I think is hugely significant and which I also feel is nearly universally ignored.   That conclusion, following a lengthy discussion, is here:

The Conclusion and what to do about it. 

What does seem to be the case is that we have a population we've really failed, but the failure is now so systemic that addressing the problem is massive in scope. But if we don't confront that now, the problem will grow worse and worse.  The difference between tolerance and acceptance needs to be reestablished, and the concept that a society must have standards does as well.  And that can't be foisted off on the school system.  And, while we now seem to accept that we've lost forever certain types of work, we must recognize that work, for some people, is much more than a career, but literally a life raft for them and us, giving their lives meaning.  Finally, while we're talking of banning things, we need to really look at violent entertainment.  Just as the argument will be advanced by those in favor of banning certain firearms that it doesn't matter that most of the owners of those arms will not misuse them, but that those who do, do so catastrophically, it is even more the case that some will be impacted by the glorious cartoon depiction of violence negatively.  And entertainment, at the end of the day, is just that.  There's little justification for highly glamorized sexualized violence aimed at teenage and twenty something males.

I still think that explains the root of what we're seeing in a major way.

What I also think we're seeing now, however, is the appearance of Horst Wessel.

Horst Wessel in his Nazi SA uniform, Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1978-043-14, Horst Wessel.  Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1978-043-14 / Heinrich Hoffmann / CC-BY-SA 3. CC BY-SA 3.0 File:Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1978-043-14, Horst Wessel.jpg.  Wikipedia Creative Commons.

Horst Wessel?

Yes, Horst Wessel.

Wessel was a German storm trooper in the Nazi Sturmabteilung (SA) who was murdered in 1930, prior to the Nazis obtaining full power in Germany.

He was a 23 year old Westphalian who fell into the Nazi Party.  He was the son of a Lutheran minister and came from a family of Lutheran ministers. Lutherans are a minority in Westphalia.  It's a Catholic region of Germany that was less than keen on being included in the German Empire in the first place.  It later proved to be the epicenter of the membership of the July 20 plot against Hitler.  That put Wessel into an odd demographic strongly associated with the conservative German monarchy in the region in which he lived.****

Wessel started off with career aspirations to be a lawyer, but at some point he dropped that pursuit and fell into what we might regard as disaffected dissolute living.  He hung out in bars and formed what might be regarded as a right wing gang.  By the early 1920s, prior to the rise of the Nazis, he was already associated with racist causes.  Going into the Nazi SA, which was basically its street fighting gang wing, was a natural path for him, by the time it came around.^  Indeed, it built on his disaffection and what he already believed.

In September 1929 Wessel met and took up with Erna Jänicke, a 23-year-old former prostitute.  She moved in with him that following November.  Wessel's apartment was ironically subleased to him by the widow of a Communist.  She tried to get Jänicke to leave, probably fearing prosecution for harboring a prostitute, but the couple wouldn't allow it.  She then went to friends of her late husband, who were naturally enough Communists, and they agreed to help her mostly because they were aware of Wessel's role in the SA.  They sent a gang to address the situation, and a member of that gang shot Wessel just about as soon as he opened the door to his apartment.

The Nazi's were given a golden opportunity with this, and Goebbels rapidly acted to propagandize Wessel as a martyr, stating:
A Christian Socialist! A man who calls out through his deeds: 'Come to me, I shall redeem you!' ... A divine element works in him. making him the man he is and causing him to act in this way and no other. One man must set an example and offer himself up as a sacrifice! Well, then, I am ready!
The whole martyr thing was baloney, of course.

Indeed, by that time, none of this reflected the reality of Wessel.  He wasn't a Christian anything, but a failed young man who had adopted a desperate racist ideology, abandoned his religion, and was living with a woman in a fashion contrary to Christian morality and whom had recently been a whore.

None of which precluded what amounted to a proto Nazi state funeral and the writing of the Nazi era fight song, The Horst Wessel song.

Now, what on earth could be the point here?

Wessel ended up a Nazi not because he was a deep thinking student.  It was because he wasn't.  He became a Nazi as he entered his early teens with one concept of the world and his place in it, and by 1918 that world was gone. Following that, his concept of how the world was supposed to be ordered was deeply at odds in comparison with the direction Germany was actually going even while, as the very same time, his personal conduct in terms of morality was hugely at odds with his own apparent beliefs and those he'd grown up with.  He was a lost hypocrite in a world that he couldn't recognize and that was getting more unrecognizable every day.  He's like a lot of Nazi figures that way.

And that likely explain some of what we see going on.

If Imperial Germany had kept on keeping on without interruption (something that's a complete historical impossibility) Wessel likely wouldn't have ended up at the business end of a pistol during an attempted armed eviction and he likely wouldn't have ended up sharing that apartment with a former prostitute.  He probably also wouldn't have become a lawyer like his father had hope for him.  Chances are that he'd have gone on to some sort of boring clerical job of slight privilege, being of the right demographic in an aristocratic country whose leadership favored the clerical class over the working class and Lutherans over everyone else.  He obviously had a brooding mind, but he obviously wasn't an intellectual heavy lifter either.  Had German society not taken a big diversion from the Protestant Imperial norm he was from, however, he likely would have turned out to be a middle class functionary, have married a Protestant girl, and had a conventional middle class German family, loyal to the Emperor and enjoying a bit of privilege simply because he was of the right demographic.

But by 1918, that didn't matter anymore.

The Empire was gone. The German working class went into revolution.

And that revolution yielded a Germany that, while recognizable to us now, in hindsight, was deeply distressing to many Germans at the time as well as being a state under tremendous stress.  Germany wasn't an ancient political state, it had only existed since the Franco Prussian War, but the Prussian Empire that ran it was, in relative terms.  Now the Imperial order was gone, along with its aristocratic, militarist, and Protestant political culture.  The social order was seemingly ruined as well, with Socialist politicians dismantling laws that had tightly controlled social conduct for decades in favor of a much more libertine society that expressed itself in the cities in a very strong and sudden way. . . think Babylon Berlin.  Average middle class Germans were shocked and conservative upper class Germans disgusted.

And the economy was ruined as well in a profound way.

Most Germans, in that atmosphere, carried on with their pre war views in a modified form. But not all did, and particularly those who were younger and perhaps would not have risen to great heights in the first place.  Men like Wessel, as well as Himmler and Goebbels found themselves without any frame of reference that they could see in daily life and they reached out to the political extremes which provided them with secular absolutes. They became Nazi and Communist street thugs, when they probably would have just been clerks or the like otherwise.  It's hard to imagine any of them being real successes in any sense in a normal Germany, if there had been one, or in an Imperial Germany, it had remained, or in a republican Germany, had it existed in normal times.

All of these figures reached about for somebody to blame while at the same time reaching back into a past that they idealized but they didn't live up to.  Wessel, as noted, came from a deeply religious Lutheran family.  Himmler and Goebels came from devout Catholic families. They all rejected the religion of their parents even while working towards a past that Germany never had.  It's no wonder that all of them looked all the way back to a German tribal past that they imagined as unyieldingly heroic.

None of them would have amounted to a hill of beans but for the turbulent times.  In that atmosphere, once again, the German Social Democratic Party claimed the allegiance of most Germans, and it actually became more conservative and middle of the road after coming to power in 1918.  Most conservative Germans joined other parties, most notably the CDP and the Centre Party, but more extremes gained voice.  And those voices were heard by the disaffected.  And those disaffected were willing to surrender themselves to violent ideologies.  This meant that real German problems were drowned out by extremists who used their disaffected adherents to advance their cause.

And that's what we need to be aware of.

I've noted it here on multiple occasions, but there's been something going on in the last several years that has expressed itself in the last two, maybe six, elections.  The problems that are expressing themselves in the election of populist candidates of the right and the left are real problems that nobody is paying attention to, and certain members of the disaffected are now really yielding to their darkest impulses, implicitly urged on by the extreme rhetoric of those who use the times for their own advantage.

Ironically, the members of the radical left and the radical right are largely the same in numerous ways and this is particularly so among their disaffected hard corps adherents.  This was true in the Germany of 1918-1945 as well.  Goebbels, for example, had been a Communist before becoming a Nazi, something that wasn't uncommon at all.  Many of those reaching out for a radical reformation of society now, or a radical reach back into an imaginary past, are the same people.

And if we're honest about it, we should be admit that we're in a period of technological transformation and uncharted social experimentation that are leaving a lot of people behind in a truly disturbing way.  I've addressed that very completely in the thread linked in above, but we've dropped those with marginal personalities who formerly occupied dignified work clean out of the workplace, leaving them to their parents' basement and to their brooding imaginations.  We've destroyed a social order in which they would likely have met and married somebody or at least have gotten along, and replaced real live human beings with "hookups" and, more likely, Internet pornography, thereby taking down all  the fences on their conduct that previously existed and leaving them only to the boundaries of their own misformed imaginations.  And we've oddly, at a the same time that we have fewer men in the military at any point since World War Two, and a lower percentage of American men in the service since, I'd guess, before World War One, completely glorified the Armed Forces and in fact glorified combat violence.  In doing that, we've oddly corrupted a "gun culture" that was highly directed towards subsistence hunting with an appreciation of military arms, to one focused on one as if combat is about to break out at any moment.  And we've undertaken more and more to not only frustrate traditionally male roles from being that, but have even demonized that the maleness of certain male roles and males themselves, with professional sports barely remaining the sole last exceptions.^^

And you also get an atmosphere when really serious issues about economics, technological transformation, science and immigration won't see the light of day.  Indeed, they've become mere points and counter points for populist politicians of the right and the left to throw one liners at each other about, fueling the disaffecteds' discontent.

Put that all together, and you get Horst Wessel.
In separate incidents over the past two weeks, gunmen have killed three persons and wounded 13 others in Gilroy, CA; killed at least 20 and wounded 26 others in El Paso TX; and killed at least nine and wounded 27 others in Dayton, OH. These are just the latest in a long pattern of mass shootings; shootings that have blood-stained the past two decades with no end in sight. 
Now begins the usual aftermath: expressions of shock; hand-wringing about senseless (or racist, or religious, or political) violence; bitter arguments about gun control; heated editorials, earnest (but brief) self-searching of the national soul, and eventually — we’re on to the next crisis. 
I buried some of the young Columbine victims 20 years ago. I sat with their families, watched them weep, listened to their anger, and saw the human wreckage that gun violence leaves behind. The experience taught me that assault rifles are not a birthright, and the Second Amendment is not a Golden Calf. I support thorough background checks and more restrictive access to guns for anyone seeking to purchase them. 

So I’ll say it again, 20 years later. Treating the symptoms in a culture of violence doesn’t work. We need to look deeper. Until we’re willing to do that, nothing fundamental will change.​
Archbishop Chaput.

**About 5% of all homicides in the United States are, fwiw, "gang" slayings.  

The vast majority of American homicides are, connected with other criminal activity.  A high percentage of murderers have committed other crimes prior to ever taking a life. Those killings that are not directly related to a criminal enterprise, tend to be "domestic" in nature, although even there prior criminal activity is common.

Hammers are significant murder weapons in the U.S., making up a high percentage of the instruments of homicide. Firearms are the most common murder weapon, but some types of firearms, including some "military style" weapons, are almost never used in homicides.

***It's also the one area of reporting in which the press feels free to separate out countries based on how "advanced" they are.  South and Central American nations, for instance, are excluded in reporting that's almost racist in this context.

****Westphalians were sufficiently opposed to inclusion into Prussia that the incorporation of the region into that monarchy was partially responsible for  wave of Westphalian immigration to the United States.

^Both the Nazis and the Communists had quasi militaristic street gangs that served their parties' interests violently.

^^But probably not for much longer.  Women's soccer did spectacularly well in the World Cup.  It should be celebrated in its own right, but the fact that a woman's team did well was instantly co opted by the political left for political purposes, aided by the fact that the leader of the team is very vocal in her views including on her gender views, and boosted by the Press.

She has a right to be all of that.  But I heard at least two press interviews of the coach which included her opinions on political and social matters in which the reporters all but begged her to criticize the current President.  Any American, indeed anyone really, has the right to criticize the President, but a sports figures opinions on politics are not terribly relevant to anything whatsoever.  None the less, I heard two interviews in which she was asked if she was going to run for office, which based simply being a soccer coach, is a really odd question.

August 7, 1919. Big Springs to Kimball, Nebraska. 86 miles in 11 hours.

On this day in 1919, the Motor Transport Convoy picked up speed and made 86 miles in a little over 11 hours.
Not that the day was without trouble.  The tarpaulin on a Liberty Truck caught on fire as it pulled into camp.

Lunch was had at Sydney Nebraska, now famous as the home of Cabelas.  When I was a university student at the University of Wyoming, we thought Sydney sufficiently close to Laramie to drive there, although it made for a really long day.  Looking it up now, it was 148 miles. . . further away than I'd bother to drive to look at a store today. The store at that time was the old Cabelas, in downtown Sydney, not the big one by the Interstate that people visit today.

After lunch, the convoy trekked on to Kimball, Nebraska.

Cheyenne was anticipating their arrival.

On the same day, in eastern Siberia, the U.S. Army and the Red Army came to blows when respective patrols made contact.  The Red Army unit attacked at Novo Litovoskaya with the result that the they sustained significant casualties while the Americans took none.  The action featured the bravery of Cpl. Frankenfield who overran a Russian position single handedly armed only with his M1911 pistol.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

August 6, 1919. The mess of the roads and the Mess Officer arrives. Ogallala to Big Springs, 22 miles in 6 hours.

On this day in 1919, the now much slowed Motor Transport Convoy made 22 miles in six hours.
Sand was again the problem.

One of the trucks mentioned in today's journal was a Riker. Riker's were heavy trucks made by Locomobile, a major manufacturer at the time.  Interestingly enough, the Riker company, which had been acquired by Locomobile, started off as an electric car company.  Early on, there were quite a few electric cars, although by this time gasoline engine vehicles had very much taken over.

Cpt. Guvine reported on this day as Mess Officer, probably arriving in Big Springs by Union Pacific train.  The Army diarist had earlier reported that a lack of a mess officer was causing morale problems.

Big Springs is a very small Nebraska town which is now on Nebraska State Highway 138.  The old Lincoln Highway tracked very close to the Platte throughout Nebraska, and the Union Pacific did as well. There were good reasons for this, as the region is dry and water, obviously, a necessity for everything.

Monday, August 5, 2019

August 5, 1919. Slogging through Nebraksa

Dessemona Oil Field, Texas.  August 5, 1919.  A  long way from Ogallala, but part of the oil age.

The Motor Transport Convoy left North Platte and slogged for 16.5 hours through quicksand and sand until they reached Ogallala.  Bridges were damaged and trucks had to be recovered.

Traveling was proving much more difficult now that the convoy was in the West.  And all this on something that was regarded as a "highway".

Ogallala is the county seat for Keith County, Nebraska, and is a small town.  It's also a fork in the road, being the spot where travelers can turn northwest towards Scottsbluff or keep on towards Cheyenne, or potentially Julesburg Colorado.  Interestingly at the time, the Lincoln highway ran north of the South Platte in this area, where it remains in use as U.S. Highway 30.  Interstate 80, the road that basically replaced it more or less along the same route, runs south of the South Platte.  The North and South Platte come together just east of North Platte, Nebraska, where the convoy started out on this day a century ago.

Blog Mirror: Michael Dreeben: A true public servant

Michael Dreeben: A true public servant

Blog Mirror: D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed: Of Mice and Cookies

D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed: Of Mice and Cookies

Sunday, August 4, 2019

A new aviation first.

Frankly Zapata, a French inventor, has crossed the English Channel with a jet powered hover board.

Pretty amazing, really.

August 4, 1919. The Motor Transport Convoy goes nowhere at all, Romanians take Budapest.

For its entire journey, the Motor Transport Convoy had taken Sunday off.  It didn't due that for Sunday, August 3.

That may be because its progress had been cut in half by muddy roads.  At any rate, things caught up with it on Monday, August 4, when it was forced to take the day off due to mechanical problems that had to be addressed.

A Cheyenne newspaper noted the convoy on the front page for the first time due to the delay.

Cheyenne reported the delay was due to the need of a gasket for a Model B Liberty truck, which it also noted as being nonexistent at Ft. D. A. Russel and, moreover, being a mystery. But the convoy's diary make sit plain that the cause of the delay was more than that.

An Army that was advancing was that of Romania's, which entered Budapest.

Romania Army, wearing French Adrian helmets, entering Budapest in 1919.

People like to cynically cite the phrase about World War One being the war to end war, and then cite to World War Two, but World War One's fighting didn't even stop on November 11, 1918, like people like to imagine.  All sorts of ancillary wars sprung up or kept on.

Romanian cavalry in Budapest.  Romanian cavalry was very good.

Romania and Hungary had gone to war on November 13, 1918, just two days after the Armistice on the Western front, and the war came to a conclusion on this day in 1919.  The war had really begun in earnest, however, after a period of armistice, in April when Romania determined to strike against the Communist Hungarian government of Kun, and he determined to strike first.  The preemptive strike was a failure and Kun's government became a failure, falling under opposition on August 2.  Romania had the backing of the Allies and occupied Hungary for a time, withdrawing in 1920.

On this day a Jersey cow by the name of Oxford Mesembryanthemum sold in the east for the price of $15,000, an absolutely phenomenal price in the money of the time.

Also making money was a film entitled, Easy To Make Money, which was released on this day in 1919.

Sunday Morning Scene: Churches of the West: St. Christopher's Catholic Church, Eden Wyoming

Churches of the West: St. Christopher's Catholic Church, Eden Wyoming:

St. Christopher's Catholic Church, Eden Wyoming

This is St. Christopher's Church in Eden, Wyoming.  This church is a mission church to the Catholic Churches in Rock Springs, Wyoming.

G. K. Chesterton's Cause for Sainthood will not be advanced. . .

at least for the time being.

Chesterton is somebody we quote here a lot.  Indeed, he might be the most quotable speaker and writer in the English language of all time.  He wrote in every genera and on every topic.

Of course, being a writer doesn't qualify a person to be considered for Sainthood, and that's not the reason he was.  Rather, his cause was open due to the requests of his modern fans (I hate to use that word in this context, but that's basically how to term it).

I always personally thought Chesterton's cause for canonization was a long shot, which doesn't mean he isn't a saint.  He's just not the kind of guy that we think of being canonized, which is perhaps the reason that the cause should have advanced further than it did.

I suppose that should take us first to the question of what is a "saint". The topic is misunderstood, particularly in this context.  A "saint", in this context, is somebody who is declared to have passed from this life to the next and be now in Heaven.

The term "saint" itself derives from the Latin "sanctus", simply meaning holy.  The Greek word that appears in the New Testament is "ἅγιος" (hagios) and has a broader use, sometimes confusing modern readers if they're aware of it, as it will be used to apply to all holy persons.  For example, it's used to refer to angles, which has carried through, in so far as I'm aware, only to St. Michael the Archangel in English.

Anyhow, the canonization of a person means that they've been officially declared by the Catholic Church to be in Heaven.  Not being canonized doesn't mean that a person isn't in Heaven, it means that there's no official declaration and therefore no official opinion.  

In the modern Catholic Church the process of canonization is a very detailed one involving rigorous study and a lengthy process.  This wasn't always the case.  In the Orthodox Churches this still isn't  the case and the process is much different.  Indeed, the one modern instance of where the Catholic process resembles the Orthodox is in the occasional instances in which an Orthodox Church comes back into communion with Rome, for which it has generally been the case that anyone declared to be a saint by that church is taken in as one by the Catholic Church.  In early times, the process was sufficiently loose that it often occurred simply by local acclimation, an element of the decision here oddly enough.

Chesterton was a convert to Catholicism and very openly Catholic.  Indeed, his conversion was so open that it was widely assumed that he was a Catholic before he was.  He was a close friend of fellow English Catholic writers J.R.R. Tolkein and Hilaire Beloc, neither of whom have been proposed for canonization, and was also a close friend of devout Anglican convert from atheism  C. S. Lewis.  Indeed, both Tolkein and Chesterton were instrumental in Lewis' conversion and they were both disappointed that he didn't become Catholic.

Chesterton was also a man out in the world who wrote prolifically and often satirically.  I think that alone makes him an unlikely candidate for canonization, not because he couldn't be a satirical saint, but because it doesn't fit the modern image of a saint very comfortably.  We just don't think of saints that way.  Maybe we should.  Some early saints were certainly pretty distinct characters, for example. St. Jerome kept a lion and was notoriously short tempered.  St. Nicholas, a bishop of the early church in real life, is alleged, probably falsely, to have punched Arias in the nose at the Council of Nicea.  Certainly a saint could be a pointed writer.

Chesterton also was a very large (i.e. fat) man and some people claimed that this disqualified him. That's pretty shocking really and I suspect only in this context could a person's weight be used against him.  You couldn't go around maintaining that people in any other category were barred from consideration for something because they're fat.  Indeed in recent years a couple of models have emerged who are fat, and that's been celebrated, although not without some controversy.

And he drank alcohol.  Chesterton, Tolkien, Lewis and Belloc used to gather at the same tavern regularly to have a few beers, which is what they drank.  That too is interesting as a claimed bar, however, as Catholics aren't prohibitionist by theology, quite the contrary and in earlier eras it would have be assumed that nearly any saint drank alcohol unless it was specifically noted to the contrary, as everyone did.  Monasteries brewed beer, for example, for eons, and of late they are returning to it.

These weren't the declared reasons, however.  The local Bishop for where Chesterton lived determined not to advance the cause further for these reasons:
I am very conscious of the devotion to GK Chesterton in many parts of the world and of his inspiring influence on so many people, and this makes it difficult to communicate the conclusion to which I have come, . . . That conclusion is that I am unable to promote the cause of GK Chesterton for three reasons. Firstly, and most importantly, there is no local cult. Secondly, I have been unable to tease out a pattern of personal spirituality. And, thirdly, even allowing for the context of G K Chesterton’s time, the issue of anti-Semitism is a real obstacle particularly at this time in the United Kingdom.”
None of which means that Chesterton isn't in Heaven, it just means he's not advancing the cause.

Of the reasons cited, the no local cult is probably correct.  A local "cult" in that context would mean a local devotion  Chesterton was English and England has not been a Catholic country in 500 years.  There probably isn't a notable devotion in the Bishop's diocese.  And that reason is probably a good one for him not to seek to advance a cause if he doesn't feel otherwise compelled to do so.  He noted that as his most significant reason.

The second reason strikes me as in error.  Chesterton clearly was outwardly and openly Catholic in a way that probably caused him to draw a lot of personal animosity in his home country.  Anti Catholicism is a definite thing in every non Catholic country, to include the United States, but it's very much a thing in the Protestant countries of Europe even now.  During his lifetime, it very much would have been a thing.  Nonetheless he was devout and was instrumental in bringing a lot of people into the Church. 

On the third item, antisemitism,  I don't know the answer to this.

I like Chesterton, but I haven't read everything he wrote.  Nobody but Chesterton has.  He wrote so much, it's impossible.  I've only read a snippet, however, and only own his book Orthodoxy.  His defenders claim this charge is false when taken out of context, for the most part. Some defenders will say no, this is incorrect and he was in fact antisemitic to some degree.  His detractors claim he was antisemitic.

The Bishop is actually saying that in the modern world he's not going to take on an action that's going to raise this issue where he doesn't have to. And he can't be blamed for that.  In other words, he doesn't want the Church accused of anti antisemitism because of Chesterton, irrespective of Chesterton's views, whatever they may be.  And has he's the bishop in an area where he still has to deal with anti Catholicism, I can understand his view.

Not everyone is.  His main backers in the U.S., a society dedicated to his memory, is upset, but polite, but has vowed to keep on keeping on, noting there are other routes to canonization (which there may be, but I don't know what they are, the role of the local Bishop is presumably critical).  But some aren't taking it well.  A Fr Benedict Kiely, who believes that Chesterton’s intercession personally helped his mother, came out in the English Catholic Herald with this:
Writing to Evelyn Waugh, Hilaire Belloc described the English Catholic hierarchy in the 1930s as ‘a fog of mediocrity’. The decision of the current Bishop of Northampton not to pursue the cause of GK Chesterton’s canonisation indicates the fog has yet to clear.
“The decision is a textbook example of the obeisance of the hapless hierarchy to the dominant PC culture.

Well, Chesterton was a figure of the 20th Century and it wouldn't be uncommon for a saint to be canonized decades and even centuries after his death.  His writings remain and the declaration that it won't be pursued doesn't mean that he isn't a saint.  As an towering intellectual figure, but with at least some views that trouble or should trouble, he remains with us.  We won't be hearing the last of his quotes, I'm sure, any time soon. Indeed, forgotten writings of his continue to surface fairly regularly.