Thursday, January 1, 2015

Friday, January 1, 1915. Mexican land reform.

A Mexican land reform program was announced by the Carranza administration which promised to distribute land to those most in need.  In reality Carranza was reluctant to implement land reform and therefore it was done haltingly at best during his administration, in spite of the topic being a major cause of the Mexican Revolution.

The Panama–California Exposition officially opened in San Diego in spite of World War One going on in Europe, Africa and to some degree in Asia.  President Wilson opened the event by pushing a telegraph button in Washington, D.C. that turned on the power and lights at the park.

The exposition celebrated the opening of the Panama Canal, which of course has been much in the news recently.

The bizarre and misnamed Battle of Broken Hill took place in New South Wales, Australia, when Muslims Mullah Abdullah and Gool Badsha Mahomed took shots at a passing train in aid of what they believed to be a jihad ordered by the Ottoman sultan.  The attacked killed several passengers and provoked a military and police response which killed the two perpetrators.

The HMS Formidable was sunk by a German U-boat U-24 off of Dorset.

Last edition:

Monday, December 28, 1914. Ottoman advance slows.

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